I use `--geth` to set Parity to geth mode. Because I want to use personal.unlockAccount and unlock an account permanently.(If don't set geth mode, it can't unlock permanently... which mentioned in this [issue][1].)

But when I use `--geth` when I start my Parity. I can't visit my Parity UI...
Before I set it, I can visit it with `localhost:8180`. But after I set it, I can't visit it with `localhost:8180` or `` even ``... How can I find back my webUI under geth mode? Thanks a lot.

This is my config:

    chain = "HyperAlbum-chain.json"
    base_path = "node0"
    port = 30300
    port = 8540
    apis = ["web3", "eth", "net", "personal", "parity", "parity_set", "traces", "rpc", "parity_accounts"]
    interface = ""
    port = 8180
    port = 8080
    password = ["node.pwds"]
    engine_signer = "0x00765Cc7584E3Ed11aE092b74d10AE2cE875aEAb"
    reseal_on_txs = "none"
    usd_per_tx = "0"

Thanks a lot. :)
  [1]: https://github.com/paritytech/parity/issues/4380