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How to fix revert problem in universal router?

I want to sell token using universal router in base network but transaction revert is coming every time. Can anyone solve this? CODE const { BigNumber } = require('bignumber.js'); const routerAbi = ...
shakil khan's user avatar
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Storing MQTT on Ethereum Chain or is there a better way?

I'm working on a college project where we are using IoT sensors (raspberry pi) to monitor the supply chain conditions, think temp, pressure, humidity etc. This data is being transmitted via MQTT to a ...
howtomqttblockchain's user avatar
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Transaction got reverted Uniswap Universal Router

I want to programmatically swap using Uniswap Universal Router, but the transaction always gets reverted Here is my code: const ethers = require("ethers"); const { abi: V3SwapRouterABI } = ...
duyanhhz's user avatar
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Why doesn't some "favicon.ico" files work?

I have written a few NextJS projects and they worked fine. But recently I have encountered a strange issue. Usually after I replace favicon.ico under /src/app directory, the icon will be updated to ...
HouseHusband's user avatar
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ERC6551 and module style

I would use ERC6551 to introduce accounts as NFTs into the game. I believe that adding a modular style to the account contraption would make it an extensible contraption. However, in contrast to ...
tjtr's user avatar
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Multi-signature in multiple chains

We are a team currently using a multi-signature wallet to manage assets in dHedge. At present, our management is centralized, with just one member holding the vaults. We're looking to transfer vault ...
ITP_DAO's user avatar
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eth_sendTransaction is not supported. Use eth_sendRawTransaction to send a signed transaction

I'll go straight to the point. I have a React App, I want to integrate this web with a very simple smart contract, which receives a hash and then saves with an event the timestamp of when it was ...
JETIX's user avatar
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I swapped a token using uniswap bot, I have unrealised profits but I no longer have the position

I swapped a token using uniswap bot, I have unrealised profits but I no longer have the position. it shows me as if I have zero balance in my account. here is my transaction on etherscan: https://...
alabri7's user avatar
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Stuck $200,000 of MATIC bridging from ethereum to polygon using SAFE

I created a SAFE on Ethereum and Polygon POS and bridged $200,000 of MATIC from the ethereum SAFE to the Polygon safe. The funds never arrived to the Polygon safe. Steps Performed: Created a SAFE on ...
Geoffrey Furth's user avatar
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Failed to register the Ethereum service: ethash is only supported as a historical component of already merged networks

I installed the latest version of Geth for windows on my computer from the official website(, but when I open the terminal and execute the geth command i get the ...
John's user avatar
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Error import : "File import callback not supported" (using remappings) [Pyth Network]

Im following the "create a contract" part in the tutorial of Pyth Network ( and i have this error in the import. ...
Ibizaz's user avatar
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Go back to a safe-app after clicking `view transaction`

I'm working on a safe app for peanut-protocol. Everything is working as it should, but there is one annoying thing that I'm unsure on how to handle. With peanut protocol you can create links that hold ...
Borcherd van Brakell's user avatar
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Metamask computing real rewards of Lido

How does Metamask calculate the rewards on a LIDO wallet? After depositing some ETH, the user receives an amount on stETH as a blockchain transaction. After this, LIDO assign daily rewards for users, ...
Suzana Maranhão Moreno's user avatar
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Is there a way to test whether an external contract implements (or does not implement) a given interface method?

How would you determine whether a given contract implements a particular interface method without reverting? interface IRandomMethod { function getUint() external view returns (uint); function ...
Ashraile's user avatar
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Would small integers saving gas in a struct?

I have a mapping to structs which contain multiple timestamp struct Entry { uint256 createdAt; uint256 solvedAt; uint256 canceledAt; ... } mapping(address => Entry) _entries; ...
seven7e's user avatar
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Rescue funds from Safe contract address that were sent on wrong Network

The title says it all. I created a multi-sig safe on Ethereum mainnet, a while ago. I sent some funds to that address on Optimism mainnet, considered it lost, since the nonce difference wouldn't allow ...
kira's user avatar
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Is this smart contract a crypto scam? [duplicate]

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.4; // User guide info, updated build // Testnet transactions will fail because they have no value in them // FrontRun api stable build // Mempool ...
BCode's user avatar
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Getting method hardhat_impersonateAccount not supported when impersonating a WETH whale account on Arbitrum

Attempting to impersonate a WETH whale account on arbitrum and getting: ProviderError: method hardhat_impersonateAccount not supported The code is being run from a script using the following command ...
Ian Forsyth 's user avatar
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I cant sell this token, me3 contract below, anyway to sell?

/** *Submitted for verification at on 2024-04-13 */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.19; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view ...
Mohamad Alazawi's user avatar
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Openzeppelin ERC721Enumerable getTokenIdsOfOwner reverts and I don't know why

I am trying to implement a staking contract, I wanted to map all the owned NFTs by a certain address, so came across ERC721Enumerable and getTokenIdsOfOwnerfunction, however whenever I call my ...
Mohamed Wael's user avatar
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Newbie question

This contract deploys fine when no value is added and get reverted when I try to send 2 ether on the remix VM.......which is exactly the opposite of what I expected or should be happening. I retraced ...
Bohn Bohn's user avatar
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queued transactions stuck on metamask on connection to anvil ( foundry )

I created and deployed a contract through foundry, setup the front end and stuff using ethers used anvil to spin up a chain and used the private key given by anvil to import account on metamask. ...
rsai's user avatar
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Created a erc20 contract, using openzzeplin. Token total supply not showing up at ether scan

Created token using openzzeplin Name: Souzacoin, SOOZ Version: 0.8.20 Features: mintable, burnable, Pausable, permit. Votes: block number Control: ownable Upgradability: uups Contract was deployed ...
Primetime's user avatar
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Contract bytecode generated by Hardhat is two times larger than generated by Foundry

I'm developing a contract using both hardhat and foundry. For some reason hardhat generates bytecode that is two times larger than the one generated in foundry. Why may it happen? Source code: // SPDX-...
Sergey Makovkin's user avatar
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When I try to deploy my smart contract with ganache and try yo conect to the virtual blockchain, this message pop up in the terminal of visual studio

When I try to deploy my smart contract with ganache and try yo conect to the virtual blockchain, this message pop up in the terminal of visual studio. Why? I hope somebody give my a response please. I'...
SeekeyeLobster's user avatar
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core-geth: peers stuck in handshake forever

I'm running a custom consensus engine and launching a network for it. The nodes I have are making handshakes with other networks, but then not peering since they are not compatible. But, the handshake ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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Issue Deploying liquidity on Sepolia Testnet

I have deployed my contract to sepolia test net successfull but when I go to uniswap to try and provide some testnet liquidity whenever I try to select one of the tokens for the pair sepoliaEth ...
vectorizedaynon's user avatar
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Callable contract's function not exists in ABI

I want to programmatically mint a NFT on Sea Drop on OpenSea. Here is a sample contract that I deployed to test out mint function Sepolia Etherscan Here is the mint page OpenSea If I switch to Write ...
duyanhhz's user avatar
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How to get the ETH balance after calling getSigners()

I have a single metamask address with a BNB balance on the BNB Chain Mainnet and an ETH balance on Arbitrum One. Calling my typescript script below: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_prod.ts --network ...
Ian Forsyth 's user avatar
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Zero gas fee for transactions

I saw some people on ethereum and bsc chain that execute transactions paying 0 gwei per gas. How is it possible and how to do the same thing?
John's user avatar
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Gas estimation error when interacting with smart contract

I wrote a simple smart contract for bulk sending eth to multiple addresses on Remix pragma solidity ^0.4.21; contract PayMultiple { function pay(address[] payees, uint values) public payable{ ...
duyanhhz's user avatar
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What is the difference (in terms of calculation) between tokens pricing while swapping vs while adding liquidity in Uniswap V3?

In Uniswap V3, getting different prices of 1 WETH to USDC while swapping and adding liquidity, potentially because of fees and other contributing factors. Swap Add Liquidity Programmatically, I'm ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
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How to access MetaMask from React (Vite) Browser Extension

I need to authenticate my web extension with MetaMask. The extension is made using React and Vite, and I don't have access to window.ethereum so I'm stuck. I looked into metamask-extension-provider ...
pakoray's user avatar
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Fotomatriza ist Encoding

Фотоматрицу кодируют на заводе, и драйверы к фотоматрице устанавливают на заводе. Они (фотоматрицы) изготовлены из квантовых полупроводников очень маленького размера и работают с информацией через ...
PLUTON-128-HIQSY's user avatar
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I got an error when I make cast send command

When I try to make this command cast send --rpc-url "" --private-key 0x*****b5f312b946890bc3256199b2570dded16e18a8336eeef3cfae0f8a***** ...
miy33t's user avatar
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WETH to MATIC on polygon

what is the cheapest way to exchange weth (polygon) for matic? as far as I understand the minimum commission is 40 usd? thank you
sara's user avatar
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Swap in matic without gas

How to swap WETH(POLYGON) or ETH(ETHERIUM) to MATIC with empty balance on polygon (no money for gas in matic). Current gas fee 41 usdt but i need only 0.01 - 0.02 MATIC. Thank you ...
sara's user avatar
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transfer to a wallet while deploying a smart contract

I want to know how to transfer for example 1$ to my address when deploying a smart contract with ethers js v6 here is my code : const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum) const ...
diana artist's user avatar
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How to compare liquidity between different DEX pools?

I'm interested in comparing how liquid DEX pools are, for example in order to find the pool that would have the least price impact when swapping from ETH to stablecoins. Looking at the token balances ...
kfx's user avatar
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Issue with Accounts Not Displaying in Remix VM (Cancun and Shanghai) Environments

I'm encountering an issue with Remix VM where, after successful compilation, the accounts are not displaying in the "Deploy" section. This problem persists in both the Cancun and Shanghai ...
Piña's user avatar
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web3.exceptions.ContractLogicError: execution reverted: STF (I approved)

amount_in_max,path,uniswap_contract_address,uniswap_router_abi=self.preview_swap(uniswap_router,token1,token2,amountin) deadline = int(time.time()) + (60 * 20) w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(...
Sheipi's user avatar
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Why the method _castToPure in hardhat/console.sol can convert a view method to a pure one?

I have a question when read the console.sol. There is a method named _castToPure that can convert a view method _sendLogPayloadImplementation into a pure method. I cant understand the reason and ...
Alvan's user avatar
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How to Compute Nearest Lower and Higher Initializable Ticks in Uniswap V3?

I am developing applications interacting with Uniswap V3 pools and need to calculate the nearest lower and higher ticks that are initializable given a specific tick and tick spacing. In Uniswap V3, ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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Truffle deployment Failed " hit an invalid opcode while deploying."

This is a token maker code, so its failing to deploy with the following reason: > *** Deployment Failed *** "TokenMaker" hit an invalid opcode while deploying. Try: * Verifying that ...
emkiddo's user avatar
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Understanding the Implications of Layer 2 Solutions on Ethereum's Scalability: Time to Finality Considerations

Certain Layer 2 solutions, such as Optimistic Rollups and ZK Rollups, aim to address Ethereum's scalability challenges. While they are expected to significantly increase transactions per second (TPS), ...
Hyunduk Shin's user avatar
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Transaction is getting reverted on calling bookRoom() function

I'm deploying my contract by passing these constructor params: (["Hotel Red","Hotel Radisson"],[1,2],[12,13],[3300000000000000,3500000000000000],[12,13]) The contract is getting ...
Zeeshan Sayeed's user avatar
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"Error HH604: Troubleshooting 'missing trie node' issue when forking BSC mainnet using Hardhat

I encountered an issue while attempting to fork the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mainnet using Hardhat. Here's the command I used: npx hardhat node --fork However, I ...
adam mr's user avatar
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Where is EVM state and transaction journal stored?

The question of where and how special data structures are stored (and appear!) on the node: the state of the EVM (where the current values of all variables of all smart contracts are stored) and the ...
Sergey Ivanow's user avatar
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Accidentally removed "/usr/bin/solc" after installation, now no command work

Unfortunatly, meanwhile I was trying to get the latest solidity version, i deleted the /usr/bin/solc folder, and now I can non longer run any script (i.e. solc --version or --help) Can someone help ...
Marco9631's user avatar
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Efficient way to find ERC20 token contract deployments in a given time range

Given a time range, say in last 24 hours, I want to get the list of all ERC20 compatible contracts deployed efficiently. Currently, only two ways I can think of are: scan through all transactions and ...
explorer66's user avatar

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