Questions tagged [visual-studio-code]

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21 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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from where do we give the gas fees while deploying from vscode on a testnet?

just a quick question I was following the patrick collins course on solidity with javascript and in it, we deployed a contract created on vscode using hardhat deploy on a testnet rinkeby But since ...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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2 answers

NodeJs & Web3 having problem with VS Code IntelliSense (autocomplete)

I'm having issue with autocomplete of Web3 module members in the VS Code. As can be noticed on the screen below web3.eth. not proposing any member of the module. web3 module has been installed over ...
mattaspen's user avatar
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Ethereum remix vs code extension not working

I installed ethereum remix extension on vs code today. It isn't working. When I click on remix logo on left side, two sections - Remix and Remix Plugins starts loading and after a minute, loading ...
Brihat Sharma's user avatar
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No module named 'ethereum'

I'm trying to write a python code that uses the ethereum module. When I use visual stuidio code pip install ethereum to install the module I get the following error ERROR: Could not build wheels for ...
DC_Scooby's user avatar
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Hardhat not installing in VSCode on Windows 10

I wanted to install Hardhat in VSCode but it's not installing. I first ran "npm init" then I ran the command "npm install --save-dev hardhat" and I keep getting this error message ...
Ololade's user avatar
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Smart contract in VS Code not connecting to Ethereum Test Network

Language: Solidity I wrote a smart contract in VS Code editor and wanted to test it with a MetaMask Ethereum Test Network. However, I keep getting chainId address mismatch because the contract keeps ...
Ololade's user avatar
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How do I make sure I have enough gas for my transaction to go through. I get a value error whenever I try to deploy a contract in brownie

I am following Patrick Alphas tutorial using brownie . I have a fund_and_withdrawl script that has been compiled . With that, I am trying to deploy a fundme contract on a ...
Light Samus's user avatar
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Is there a tool in VScode to predict optimal amount of gas price?

On MetaMask, it shows you the optimal (estimated) gas price (and you can even tweak it). Is there a similar tool for VSCode (Visual studio code) as well? Below is the screenshot of MetaMask:
MehmedB's user avatar
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Brownie "No Module named"Users"" error

I keep on getting this error, following the Freecodecamp solidity tutorial. Brownie seems to be fine when making the accounts and adding private key like seen in video, and ganache-cli is installed ...
Unreal._.N1K's user avatar
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What I have to do to write and copile solidity on VS code

I am new and I want to start build code in VS code. So I added solidity (by Joun Blanco) to my VS and I need something else? (i mean node and npm) I am sorry for stiupid question but I do not found ...
FryOne's user avatar
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i got "Expected '(' but got identifier"

function addAdmin(address _adminAddress) public onlyAdmin { require(msg.sender == administrateur || isAdmin(msg.sender), "Vous devez être l'administrateur ou un administrateur pour appeler ...
manal's user avatar
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How to unistall foundry in wsl?

I got "segmentation fault" error when I tried to run "forge init" in vscode .So I want to uninstall foundry and reinstall it. But how can I unistall foundry in wsl
kumar's user avatar
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Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit. I cannot see which gas limit it refers

I am trying to deploy a SimpleStorage solidity contract using javascript on WSL studio and Ganache. The terminal talks about gas fees though neither my solidity code nor my javascript code talks about ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Solidity Visual Developer

Can someone let me know for what are those frames around the variables used for and how to turn them off. I assume I added them after installing Solidity Visual Developer plugin for VSC. There are ...
Dakata's user avatar
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Error: could not detect network (event="noNetwork", code=NETWORK_ERROR, version=providers/5.7.2)

const fs = require("fs-extra"); async function main() { // const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( "" ); const ...
Suraj Sahoo's user avatar
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pip install web3 error

Below is my detailed query: When i try to import web3, solcx, & dotenv, it gives me an error saying: Import "web3" could not be resolved Import "solcx" could not be resolved ...
Ashvin Kumar's user avatar
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Cannot add JSDOC comments in .sol file in VS Code. Any help?

I have been trying to use JSDOC comments in my smart contract files (as many contracts already have), but my VS Code seems to be not picking up the structure using the usual commant of /** */ Although,...
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
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solc_version not working on VS Code (Mac OSX)

I tried running the code below and gave me the error message (bottom of post). with open("./SimpleStorage.sol", "r") as file: simple_storage_file = print(...
j-ananto's user avatar
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Truffle : Source code in build/contracts/HelloWorld.json doesn't change after first migrate

build/contracts/HelloWorld.json line 890: "source": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\npragma solidity 0.8.7;\r\n\r\ncontract HelloWorld{\r\n function hello() public pure returns(...
Омар Меджидов's user avatar
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Truffle Install // npm WARN and Vulnerabilities -- How i solve that issues?

I want to start working with Solidity in my Visual Studio Code so i installed Visuall Studio Code first, then nodejs and npm and in the end i try to install Truffles. -I work on Window 10 OS -Nodejs ...
wolfbooy's user avatar
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Please help with Parsing Expected ',' but got ';'

I have looked far and wide for a solution and have read solidity documentation. Please help me find the parsing error in the code. Thanks in advance. var KiwiCoinSale = artifacts.require('KiwiCoinSale'...
Julian Martinez's user avatar