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Questions tagged [uncle-blocks]

An uncle block is a validated block that got a silver rather than gold medal, because another miner propagated a competing block more rapidly, and therefore won the “race” to become the next confirmed block on the blockchain. Uncle blocks get a fraction of the full block reward.

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If blockhash changes, did block become uncle?

if I first get the block hash of a block at height A. Later on I get the block hash of the block at height A again, if the block hashes differ, does that mean the first block became uncle? Example ...
Filipe Aleixo's user avatar
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Cannot get uncle block in my code but it exists in Etherscan

I'm following this very cool article on how to calculate rewards for a ETH miner and I'm stuck on the uncle rewards. In the example they calculate the rewards on the ETH block with id 15349734, click ...
Jacob's user avatar
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If a miner does not include an uncle block (and thus forgoes a nephew reward), does the uncle miner still get a uncle reward?

From the Alchemy docs Uncle and nephew block rewards: The final part of our block reward calculation is to add additional rewards for mining an Uncle block (uncle reward) or including it in the ...
Geert-Jan's user avatar
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Are uncle/ommer blocks still possible after the merge?

Uncle blocks were produced before the merge when two miners found a solution at the same time and following blocks were appended to only one of them. So my question is, are uncle/ommer blocks still ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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Ommer block forgery

What happens when two miners (PoW era) find the exact same solution to mining an identical block, and broadcast the solutions at the same time? I'm wondering if a miner could forge uncles this way in ...
Radu Simionescu's user avatar
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Ethereum yellow paper is-sibling property

I'm reading the yellow paper and having some problems understanding equation 169 from here - also below: s(U,H) = (P(H) = P(U) ∧ H != U ∧ U !∈ B(H)_U) I can understand the first two conditions: The ...
Bula's user avatar
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What are the expected changes to the uncle/ommer mechanics and rate on PoS?

Our application UX is potentially sensitive to the uncle/ommer rate. I have been trying to understand the impact of PoS change on this phenomenon, but have not found any recent information that ...
gregk's user avatar
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How Uncles (Ommers) Hash include in headers?

I'm confused with the definition of uncle block. I read every articles and they say basically uncle block is a block that valid but lose the race to main blockchain. All the blocks' hashes that lose ...
fahadh4ilyas's user avatar
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Can uncle blocks be avoided by adding a lock to transaction instance once a miner picks it up?

In case of the uncle blocks, to wait until a longest branch is built and to discard the uncles while still rewarding the miners because they spent their computational resources to help secure the ...
JSDEV's user avatar
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Why is Ethereum Uncle rate so low?

In Ethereum 1.0, the block creation time is only about 12-15 seconds. So, we may expect that there will be many uncles. But, practically, the uncle rate is very small. Why is the uncle rate is low?
Corentin's user avatar
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How common are orphaned blocks on Ethereum?

How often do orphaned blocks happen on Ethereum? I have read about the 3000 orphaned chain of block on Ethereum Classic, what has been the longest orphaned chain on Ethereum?
Barney Chambers's user avatar
2 votes
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How can you get an uncle block reward and a block reward for the same block?

Looking at This block received both an uncle block reward and a block reward but I don't understand why. I thought an uncle block was a block produced at the same ...
Astro's user avatar
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How do I compute the uncle block reward issued for a lock?

I have a bot that tracks the supply of Ethereum. I'm looking to figure out how to compute X where X is the amount of ETH issued to the miner for that block. I believe, after EIP-1559, X = 2 + Y where ...
stoooops's user avatar
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Programatically determine confirmation of transaction

Assume I request a transaction A from a Ethereum Node (let's say Infura for simplicity) by using getTransactionByHash shortly after the transaction was processed by the network (currentBlockNumber = A....
Bernd Strehl's user avatar
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can I trust transactions in blocks with just 1 block confirmation?

In my application, I am using events/logs to capture and display information. So, to decrease the response time, I am returning the result as soon as the block is mined and not waiting for 5-6 block ...
krritik's user avatar
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when uncle block info is recorded into blockchain irreversibly?

I want to confirm that what time is proper for checking there is uncle block or not. I know that eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber returns # of uncle blocks at a block number. (max is 2) But when ...
obanadingyo's user avatar
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Detect orphant or uncle block

At a specificed time, I got a block from physical node with number 10074305 and it returned hash 0xdd30541695c4e574839d2356a01ff19e68c8c90c180b8955623c5e0b4b7e864a (#0), then after a period time, this ...
mmo2112's user avatar
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How do i get the actual transaction receipt if initial receipt was for an uncle?

Say I make some transaction with web3 which is picked up and validated by two miners A and B. A produced what turned out to be an uncle block and B contributed to the main-chain. If web3 gave me the ...
Conviley's user avatar
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Does Ethereum use the longest chain rule like bitcoin? [duplicate]

I can't seem to find a straight answer to this question. I know that Uncles are rewarded, but are they used to help secure the network? Or does Ethereum use the longest chain rule like Bitcoin?
Beez's user avatar
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how to calculate Ethereum inflation per each block?

I've run Ethereum node so I can access blockchain info via rpc api provided from the node. What I want to do is calculate Ether inflation per each block. For that, I've read many documents and I want ...
obanadingyo's user avatar
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How can Ethereum sustain short block creation times if the uncle transactions are not counted?

Lower block times are clearly desirable. Why does not Bitcoin reduce block creation times to 15 seconds just like Ethereum in this case? Because it would lead to too many forks. The main problem with ...
MHT's user avatar
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Is there any way to extract transactions in uncles?

As stated in the wiki: Note: An uncle doesn't contain individual transactions. I would still like to extract transactions from uncle blocks. Is there any method available for doing so?
user3223162's user avatar
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Does the ETH blockchain have fundamentally more branching than BTC?

Intuitively speaking, ETH seemed to have simply increased the average block generation rate from one every 10 min in BTC to 1 every 15 seconds. There doesn't seem to be any other protection against ...
reedvoid's user avatar
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How to update the balance of a wallet user when there are two competing chains?

I am building a wallet, and I have a question about uncle blocks. Let’s say our user sends a transaction, but there are two competing blockchains. If they both include her transaction, no problem. We ...
sflow's user avatar
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About uncle block and event

Say one smart contract trigers an event after one transaction. if this transaction was recorded in one uncle block, then there will be one event, and after confirmed by main block , will there be ...
UncleJ's user avatar
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what happens to the transactions inside an uncle block And what if a contract creation end up in an uncle block [duplicate]

Can anyone suggest what happens to the transactions inside an uncle block ? And what if a contract creation end up in an uncle block. The whitepaper(ethereum) does not give any information whether ...
Abhijeet Samanta's user avatar
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"Uncle Chain" Rewards

I'm trying to understand What happens in case another block is mined over an uncle block (giving us an uncle chain) - is the first uncle still rewarded or only the latter? The blue blocks are the ...
Bob's user avatar
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How to check uncle block when listening to new block?

I was reading the fantastic book and found this example to listen to new blocks from Ethereum. Could I ask in this case, how is uncle blocks handled? To put it in another ...
noooooooob's user avatar
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Transactions in uncle block are lost

as the source code shows below: transactions in orphaned/uncle block are deleted from local db, but there're some posts say those txs would be put back to tx pool and would be packed later. So which ...
Jason's user avatar
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Are uncle blocks unnecessary overhead on blockchain?

I have been learning about ethereum but now am stuck with conflicting thoughts about block times and stale blocks. Here is what I understood, please correct me if I am wrong. Block time for bitcoin - ...
Aseem Upadhyay's user avatar
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A doubt about forks and mining

Suppose I'm mining a block, and I still don't find the nonce. Suddenly I receive the mined block from another node. But when I try to validate it, I find it's not right. So I discard it. What happens ...
Federico Caccia's user avatar
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Detecting whether a transaction was cancelled (because a block is orphaned)

I'm writing a system where some transactions have to be automatically detected, and wait for 30 blocks to ensure they're confirmed. What I do is that I read all new blocks, and find the transactions ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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Can I check for transactions in an Uncle Block?

I am writing a script which will crawl through all the transactions in each block one by one, and identify deposits made to a specific address. My question is, should I be checking for transactions ...
varun's user avatar
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What precisely classifies an off-chain block as a fork?

I am looking for validation (or invalidation) of my assumption of what strictly counts as a fork in Ethereum. If you start filters to multiple ETH nodes at the same time, you will very often see 2 or ...
ay-uk's user avatar
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Is a block number unique or does it change if the block becomes uncle? Does the transaction hash include a block hash as input?

Is a block number unique or do I need to save block hash to identify a block? Does transaction hash include a block hash as input?
jeff's user avatar
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What are sha3Uncles and why are they mostly same for all blocks [duplicate]

I was looking at sha3Uncles in my chain and found it to be constant throughout. After looking at the example response to JSON RPC requests, I found the same value: ...
Ayushya's user avatar
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How to make sure the transaction is not included in uncle block

If a transaction is included in the uncle block, neither the sender would be deducted nor the receiver would gain, is that right? Most clients or platforms use 12 confirmations, how would this ...
xuanzhui's user avatar
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Ethereum mempool transaction of Uncle and Fork nodes

In the Bitcoin network when a fork happens, the block transactions from the shortest chain are reinserted again into the mempool. In Ethereum instead we have Uncle blocks and Fork blocks. What ...
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6 votes
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Are uncle blocks included in blockchain

When miners M1 and M2 compete to mine block B and miner M2 mines it just after miner M1, his mined block is called ommer/uncle/orphaned. I read that these blocks (untill sixth generation) can be ...
albert's user avatar
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Uncle blocks and their Relationship to Chain Size

How much do uncle blocks affect the overall chain size? Is the amount of added security they provide for the chain comparable to how much extra data they add to the chain? If, for some reason, all ...
Lev Knoblock's user avatar
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In what cases if any, does a transaction get lost from the network forever?

Is it possible for a transaction that was included in the pending pool across multiple nodes, to become lost from the network forever (i.e. get dropped by all nodes)? If yes, in what cases is that ...
Dcompoze's user avatar
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I mined an uncle. When do i get paid?

There doesn't seem to be an answer to this question anywhere. Geth shows I mined an uncle. There's all kinds of discussions about what/where/and how uncles exist, but when does the miner get paid?
steve's user avatar
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Competing Trx in an uncle

How does Ethereum handle the integration of an uncle Block? Because, as far as I understand, there could be the possibility that an uncle contains a transaction, which compets with a transaction from ...
Fabian Vogt's user avatar
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Uncle timestamp validity

Regarding acceptance/rejection of uncle blocks, what are acceptable block timestamps for an uncle block? Say: block123_timestamp = Y uncle123_timestamp = X Where X < Y. Is uncle123 a valid uncle, ...
Alex's user avatar
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May last block on watch only client become stale?

Let we have an ethereum node which is for a watch purposes only (it doesn't create any transactions, just updates it's replica of the whole chain). To get notifications about top blocks in the chain ...
Ilya Serbis's user avatar
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How to get an uncle number using uncle hash?

Let's say, we have following block: It has two uncles: 0xa9e3fe7090c12fd6db3cec305d21437b0c968188becafc099f4324964015d27a ...
Ivan Ursul's user avatar
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Different uncles reward [duplicate]

I'd like to understand how uncles reward is calculated. We have two calculated blocks, both of them have 2 uncles, ...
Ivan Ursul's user avatar
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Difference between uncle block and forked blocks

For example and, what difference between them?
DeV1doR's user avatar
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Are there still uncles with proof-of-stake?

As I understand, with PoS the selected validator is determined within predictable time windows. Does this mean that uncles will be gone for PoS?
Randomblue's user avatar
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How many Uncles (Ommer) can be included and how is the reward distributed

how many uncles can one block include? I think I read somewhere that you can only include maximum 2 uncles, is that true? If a block includes 2 uncles or more, how is the reward distributed between ...
Sepultura's user avatar
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