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MetaMask not showing ERC-20 amount in Transaction - Only showing ETH gas fee

Im experimenting with sending my custom ERC-20 token with MetaMask to my contract. Im using react.js for a simple front end. I press a button which creates a transaction from my metamask account for a ...
Kane Lawless's user avatar
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transferFrom is not displaying DAI amount on MetaMask verification popup

I am using web3.min_1.36.js to send DAI to a contract. I already called "approve", so transferFrom is working correctly without error. However, the Metamask verification popup does not display the ...
Tester's user avatar
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How to use erc20 transfer in another contract in remix ethereum using metamask?

I read a lot of documentation in here and another web pages, I have a question and I so tried to solved but nothing works for me. I am using this example. It works fine with truffle, but I don't ...
Kypanz's user avatar
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When I tap buy button in market how does wallet check my allowance instantly?

On CrytpoKitties, when I tap the buy button in a market, MetaMask comes up and shows if I can buy or not based on allowance instantly. How is this possible? Is it making query? Is it included in kitty'...
lagoiz's user avatar
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