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2 answers

How can I fix a problem with transferring ERC721 by approved contract?

Hey everyone I'm new to NFT development and developing an ERC721 token for property ownership and marketplace. I implemented two functions to enable a user to put their token on sale for another user ...
emtothed's user avatar
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ERC721 - Undefined amount on TransferFrom

I've got a standard ERC721 - OpenZeppelin wizard generated contract deployed on Goerli network. I've minted a token and I'm trying to transfer said token to another wallet using the transferFrom and ...
mdlapla's user avatar
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can't get ERC721 transferFrom() to work

I'm using pragma solidity 0.8.15; and hardhat. Trying to send an ERC721 using transferFrom(), from an EOA to a contract. I did approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) first. But the transfer is still not ...
em_mutable's user avatar
6 votes
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Why ERC721 does not have direct transfer function?

I was researching the ERC721 standard on Openzeppelin and I have noticed that there is not public or external "transfer" function. I see internal "_transfer" function, that is ...
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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What is the difference between safeTransferFrom() and transferFrom() functions in openzapplin ERC721 token contract?

I feel there is no need to have safeTransferFrom , the basic tasks can be doable with transferFrom(). Could you please let me know whether can I go ahead with removing safeTransferFrom() function ...
Ashok Sandhyala's user avatar
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How to approve() a ERC721 token to an unknown address which buys the token at some later point?

I am building an NFT marketplace where the user actions are as follows. Address A uploads an image to create an NFT. This action calls smart contract functions createToken() to create ERC721 token ...
Anil Dharni's user avatar
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Is there a reason why the ERC20/ERC721 `safeTransferFrom` requires a `from` address? Why not just `safeTransferTo` directly?

I can understand that the from address in the safeTransferFrom function could be used by an approved operator. But I also wonder why not have another function for actual owners called just ...
xenon's user avatar
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Procedure of transferring the ERC721 tokens in return for money between different accounts

I am using ERC721 in my script and have declared a method for transferring the tokens In return for a desired amount of money from the buyer. However, after sending the money by the buyer the ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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ERC721 TransferFrom problem - How can the buyer calls Transfer from function in order to buy a ERC-721 token?

Recently I am working on a NFT marketplace and I had difficulties in implementing safeTransferFrom function. At this stage I use _transfer function to allow the buyer calling the function directly so ...
Oscar948's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why does ERC721 have transferFrom and safeTransferFrom?

ERC721 has both safeTransferFrom and transferFrom, where safeTransferFrom throws if the receiving contract's onERC721Received method doesn't return a specific magic number. This is to ensure a ...
BlakeMScurr's user avatar
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ERC721 testing transferFrom()

How can I test (truffle test or development console) the following: await nft.transferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[1], 1); await nft.transferFrom(accounts[1], accounts[0],1); The second line throws ...
user66732's user avatar
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Cann't send token with looping function

Sorry, I'm a newbie on ERC721 token. Please help. I have deployed ERC721 contract in the localhost testnet. I use looping function for mint token and it works. But when I use looping function for ...
Kadafi's user avatar
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