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Is it possible to schedule a transaction to execute after a certain amount of time in ethereum? [duplicate]

Is it possible to schedule a transaction to execute after a certain amount of time in ethereum? For example, I have a dapp where after two weeks I want to call a getRefund function on the smart ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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How do I send multiple transactions as one transaction?

Say I need a user to approve a contract with an erc20 token balance and then the contract can execute it's function after. Typically, I would have to do an approve transaction with a nonce of 1 and ...
Dylan Kerler's user avatar
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Execution of sending transaction never ends [UPDATED]

I send a transaction with web3 1.0.0 from a script like: async function sending(deployed_contract) { await deployed_contract.methods.mymethod(1).send({from: account}) .on('...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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How to sign a transaction automatically? [duplicate]

An api will call the smart contract function. It should sign the transaction on its own instead of human intervention. I think raw transaction can work here. Are there any other options? Any help is ...
Shubham Chadokar's user avatar
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Dapp: Ask mist to sign a transaction

As I see it dapps can only be used from webbrowsers (apart from the outdated secret open source release of the mist browser or whatever that was called). That leaves the question how to send ...
MaVo159's user avatar
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sendTransaction from iPhone app

How do I call sendTransaction from within an iPhone app? I was thinking of running a web to Geth proxy where the iPhone app would call the Api exposed by the proxy which in turn calls my self hosted ...
Anderson Tess's user avatar