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1 answer

Wait for incoming ethereum transactions and credit them after n confirmations

I'm trying to create a website where users can deposit ethereum. For my server I'm using node.js and express.js. I looked into web3.js but the docs are unclear to me and I don't know which functions ...
gggggggggg's user avatar
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Transaction on Uniswap -- how to find out what pair is being swapped (via web3.js)?

Given a transaction on Uniswap, how to find out what pair is being swapped, and the amount of it? Namely, via web3.js/ethers.js Is there relevant and sufficient information in the fields of a ...
Johny's user avatar
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How to send a replacement transaction with a higher gas price?

I am sending a transaction with sendSignedTransaction : const tx = new Tx({ ... "gasPrice": web3.utils.toHex(41 * 1e9), ... } await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(serializedTx) ....
Bob5421's user avatar
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How to get ethereum gasPrice from a transaction hash?

I need to get the gasUsed and gasPrice so that I can calculate the correct amount of gas required for a transaction. I can get the gasUsed using: var accountOneReceipt = await contractInstance....
remedcu's user avatar
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Invalid JSON RPC Response with web3.eth.filter

I'm trying to retrieve all pending transactions by using web3.eth.filter given an address, but i always receive "Invalid JSON RPC Response "" ". Web3 version is 0.20.6. I'm using rinkeby testnet. ...
alle.manfredi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where can I find my pending transactions?

I wanted to know where I can find the current pending transaction for an account which isnt committed. Is it even possible? How can I get transaction hashes for transactions which are pending? Any API ...
Sankalp Sharma's user avatar
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Contract state and variable changes in pending transactions

I have a simple contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract Festival { address owner; uint8 max; address[] entered; function Festival(uint8 _max) { max = _max; owner ...
Muchacho's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Optimal way of waiting for transactions to be mined in geth

I'm currently checking if a transaction has been mined using the following function (using web3.js): function waitForTx(tx_hash) { var result = null; // This is not really efficient ...
Sebi's user avatar
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