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Alchemy API: How to get transaction history including failed and pending transactions for a specific wallet address?

In React I'm building a transaction history screen to list succeeded, failed and pending Polygon transactions. Using alchemy_getAssetTransfers I can retrieve the transaction history for a specific ...
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hacking by sending transaction to self

So I was coding like normal and accidentally pushed the .env file which contains my wallet private key onto a public GitHub repo. It looks like there are bots watching the commits and someone operated ...
Stephen Fong's user avatar
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If crypto deposit and withdrawal limits are unknown, will excess ETH deposit be lost? [closed]

Binance, a centralized exchange, doesn't publish its daily crypto deposit and withdrawal limits for unverified accounts in its FAQ. If I deposit a large amount of ETH to my Binance account's Ether ...
user610620's user avatar
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I accidentally sent the same transaction twice because it was pending

I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a pickle. I sent some ether to another one of my wallets. The gas price was too low and it was pending for hours. I read online that if you send the same ...
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