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How can a Smart Contract pull an amount of Ether equal to its own balance from an External Account?

I'm writing a 2 Player Game. Rules: Player 1 must place a bet (and send some ether to the contract). Then, Player 2 must match the bet placed by Player 1, and send the same exact amount of ether to ...
antoniopgs's user avatar
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tracing new address on new wallet in Ethereum [closed]

I am just wondering how the new addresses are anonymous in Ethereum. Suppose that I have a wallet A including many addresses on it. Then I have a new wallet, say wallet B, and opening new address on ...
user229519's user avatar
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How might you identify eth addresses with the same owner?

Given an ethereum address, how might you identify (or make a good guess) as to which other ethereum addresses belong to the same owner? Note: I'd come across some content that somewhat answers this ...
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