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6 votes
2 answers

Transaction logged at geth node, but unable to locate Transaction entry on Ropsten

When sending new transactions one at a time (meaning separated by 1 or several minutes in time) they are correctly broadcasted and mined. But when sending several of them one after another (spearated ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What's wrong with this Golang code for transaction signing? Invalid v,r,s error?

So I'm learning more about Ethereum, and I wrote this gist in Go to start interacting with geth nodes and publishing transactions to the network. I'm getting an error that says: panic: invalid ...
thanos's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Invalid sender error on private chain

I created a transaction in Go, signed it with a EIP155Signer signer, but when I try to publish the transaction through the Go client to the private blockchain, I get the error Invalid sender. Any idea ...
thanos's user avatar
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Transactions not processed (Ethereum Network in Azure)

I have the following setup: In Azure I have virtual network and within the virtual network a full node (TX0) and a mining node (MN0). They have each other added as static peers. The virtual network ...
quervernetzt's user avatar
2 votes
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How to setup the account manager type to sign transactions in Go?

TL;DR: I've setup a private Ethereum node, and I want to send a signed transaction to it. By reading the docs I know that there's an account Manager type which can access a Wallet type which has a ...
thanos's user avatar
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How to get signature parameters from a transaction?

In my application I have to manually verify certain transaction signatures on the ethereum blockchain. Atm I am running geth and parity nodes and query transaction information via the rpc interface ...
tintin's user avatar
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How to do a testnet transaction on Android with Geth 1.5.9?

I'm trying to build a DApp on Android with Geth 1.5.9. After some research and coding I managed to find the information to install/run a geth node and also create some accounts with Android Studio. ...
Tom's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Transaction Confirmations in the transactions log

I setup a private net where only 4 nodes are connected. But when I am doing transactions and checking my transactions log. I am getting hundreds of confirmations. Who can see my private Ethereum ...
Antrikash Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

getTransaction() returning null

On sending a number of concurrent transactions to geth running a private network with a small number of mining peers , i notice that transaction hashes are generated for each of those transaction , ...
amitKumar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Contract is being mined but not successfully

struct list{ string typo; // name of dataset address head; } mapping (string => list) _list; struct node{ address add; address next; } mapping (string =>...
Shirish Patel's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Transaction receipt has contractAddress as null

I see that my transaction is mined. I am trying to store some data into a struct. The mining is successful, however, in the transaction receipt i see that the contract address is null. Is that an ...
user3525552's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Customize the structure of a transaction

I'm still a newbie with ethereum and I want to know if it is possible to customize the structure of a transaction in order to add extra fields like a message or an integer or anything else. If the ...
Everblack's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

what arguments does the sendTransaction function take?

I have set up my private blockchain using geth and am using web3 to call different methods. I have successfully created new accounts from the web browser and can view all addresses and the balances. ...
user6152's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Creating a new contract via sendRawTransaction() dropped

I have setup a private test network with geth 1.5.7 and am trying to create a new contract from my node.js app via sendRawTransaction(). I see the transaction created and txpool shows it as queued, ...
Chris Hafey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

web3.eth.filter({fromBlock:0, toBlock: 'latest', address: account}) not working?

My goal here is to list all transaction from an given account, without any success yet. I wonder why I always have an empty result when I'm using this web3.eth.filter. I know there is a valid ...
FrenchieiSverige's user avatar
1 vote
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sendTransaction() method locks running of my app

There is how I launch Geth node: geth --fast --rpc --ipcapi= "admin,eth,personal" --rpcapi= "eth,web3,personal" with following test-only unlocking account: geth --exec 'personal.unlockAccount(eth....
Ilya Loskutov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Contract transaction was sent to a 'null' address

I have attempted to deploy a contract through geth, my understanding was that a null value could be given when creating the transaction to deploy the contract. After mining the transaction I ...
Samuel Barnes's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How does manage multiple addresses?

Coinbase generate a new btc or eth address after every deposit. But how does it send funds from these addresses to another address. In case of btc, a transaction can have multiple from addresses. But ...
Narayan Prusty's user avatar
1 vote
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how to see all old commited transactions of a node in geth

I created a ethereum node using geth and I made certain number of transactions. All the transactions are mined and showing the correct balance. How can I see all my old transactions? Also I did ...
userven's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why contract's function that is deploy inside Solidity browser does not deployed inside geth?

I have my private Ethereum Network. Inside Solidity Browser: From Web3 Provider I have connected to my local ethereum node. I have pressed create button and successfully deployed my contract. Now I ...
alper's user avatar
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Speed up transaction processing in a private chain [duplicate]

Given a private chain where all transactions are sent with the same amount of gas and gasprice, is it possible to speed up transaction processing by lowering the complexity of a block? Or by any ...
BennyM's user avatar
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Transaction null even after getting mined

I am invoking a smartContract method to issue coin(cryptocurrency example). When I invoke the method the transaction is getting submitted and mined. refer the below transaction logs. But after that ...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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3 answers

{'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} when sending transaction on geth JSON-RPC

I am trying to send a transaction using Go Ethereum 1.4.18-stable JSON-RPC and I am getting the following error: {'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} This is a single transaction on ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a distinguishing characteristic of a 'contract creation' transaction?

Look at this transaction: In geth's console, if I enter: eth.getTransaction('0x37c4...') It returns ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I receive ETH at Mist sent from other wallet

I want to receive ETH in my Mist account to test ETH transfer. But it doesn't work well so far. I tried to send ETH to my Mist account from other bitcoin and ETH transfer service. but I cannot receive ...
Kaoru Masuyama's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

return (bytes32,bytes32) , returns actual transaction address instead of the real data

I have attached my contract, which works fine on populus and compiles on geth. It is a simple source code: Test() function appends data into my linkedlist that is defined in my library. And get() ...
alper's user avatar
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37 votes
8 answers

Insufficient funds for gas * price + value

Sending Address has over 1 Eth in current Balance. Using the Geth console, I can send many transactions of any amount less than .033 eth.sendTransaction({to:'...
John Heeter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My transactions are kind of stuck!

I have sent this transaction to testnet through json-rpc with my geth node using eth_sendTransaction method and the following parameters: "from": "0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d", "to": "...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

How to explore all transactions for a given account?

After beeing able to check account balances, I am looking for a method to list all transactions for a given Ethereum account through json-rpc protocol. I haven't found any method suitable for that on ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

not able to mine transactions generated on remote node

i have connected two nodes locally on my private testnet using admin.addPeer() I0829 16:33:25.280649 eth/downloader/downloader.go:320] Block synchronisation started I0829 16:33:27.187839 core/...
Aditi's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I use Internet to carry out transactions that I do from geth console?

I have read RPC communications from Internet can be forwarded to geth console. But I have no hint on How? How can I use rpc port to carry out transactions over Internet that I performed using geth ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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Including contract-driven transactions in historical transaction script results

The goal is to create a .csv file of all ethereum transactions essentially a large table with these columns blocknumber, timestamp, fromaddress, toaddress, value I wrote this script to run in the ...
Paul's user avatar
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how can we get ledger way of Debits/Credits happened on blockchain

i am using geth and want to have a list of all the transactions (debits/credits) happened on my privatenet. like the way ledger is being used. is there any way to do this? and how to get all the ...
Priyanka D L's user avatar
5 votes
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Testnet tx reappears after 90 blocks

At some point, the local Geth node reported tx 2e7a57c55a7cb28d0e233d7745210dba93c09f14c5df4e879db1a530a79a842a in the block 1369316 on testnet. It then disappeared from the chain at some point during ...
randomguy's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Optimal way of waiting for transactions to be mined in geth

I'm currently checking if a transaction has been mined using the following function (using web3.js): function waitForTx(tx_hash) { var result = null; // This is not really efficient ...
Sebi's user avatar
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How does (current block number - block number of a given transaction) gives the confirmation count?

I found a discussion here How do I get the number of confirmations on a transaction in geth or any other tool? that give the solution as: web3.eth.blockNumber-web3.eth.getTransaction(<txhash>)....
devsubhro's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How to conditionally send ethers to another account post-hard-fork to protect yourself from replay attacks

The DAO contract was attacked on 17th June 2016 where the attacker drained about USD 50 million worth of ethers using a recursive call vulnerability in The DAO contract code. The attacker drained ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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In simple ether transfer type transaction, does the balance of the sending address gets debited instantly?

As per What’s the role of the EVM in a plain ether transfer between Externally Owned Accounts?, one would expect that the sending account will get debited right after the transfer call. Yet, that does ...
devsubhro's user avatar
4 votes
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Transaction receipts, blocks and confirmations

In Bitcoin, there is a best practice to wait between three to six block confirmations before accepting an transaction. This is to avoid double spending. Are there similar rules of thumb in Ethereum? ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
4 votes
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How to send transactions to a private network?

I have set up a private blockchain on a local network. I have a node running on an Android smartphone and another on Windows 7, I use Geth on both. I send Ether with the method eth.sendTransaction() ...
guillv's user avatar
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What are those multiple transactions in the transaction pool?

I am running geth. Via txpool.content.pending I am looking at the transactions that my node currently sees. It gives me a bunch of transactions by their transaction hash (I think), in the below ...
SCBuergel's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why are these transactions not broadcast in my private network?

There are 3 nodes in my development environment. I use eth.sendTransaction to post some transactions ,and it seems that the transactions are not broadcast to other nodes. JSON-RPC Request is : {"...
Panda's user avatar
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Mist unable to send transactions?

I tried to send a small amount to a second account using mist however the transaction disappeared from my transaction list, and nothing showed up in my account. I believe the small amount was still ...
zman's user avatar
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What does TheDAO counter-attack by spamming actually do? (suggested by Stephan Tual)

TheDAO is currently under attack and a counter-attack by spam has been suggested by Stephan Tual What does this code ...
SCBuergel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Listing transactions in a private blockchain?

In a private blockchain, is it possible to list the transactions based on from and to parameters in a transaction. Is it possible to check the latest transaction from or to an address? Also, is it ...
galahad's user avatar
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Can I run Geth connected to public network without syncing and do a smart contract function transaction and expect it to mine?

Is there a way to run Geth connected to public Blockchain without syncing and still expect my smart contract function transaction to be mined ?? as following answer Can I run Geth without syncing? ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
5 votes
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Why do I see some random transactions to "The DAO" in my mist client?

I am curious to know, why I do see some random transactions of "The DAO" in my mist client within my "last transactions" section. I have actually two of them yet: Is it because I watch my Tokens?
swiesend's user avatar
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what is the use of the payload field in the ethereum transaction reciept?

as seen in the following transaction reciept: what is the payload field and what is the use? how to ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
6 votes
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Should correct transaction nonce be one less than account transaction count?

I am trying to solve the 'Why am i getting “removed tx from pool: low tx nonce or out of funds”?' problem on my private test net. I seem to have enough funds however the rejected transaction nonce ...
Jack Thorp's user avatar
7 votes
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Sent ether from wallet to bittrex, 12 hours later no balance on bittrex [closed]

So I made an account on bittrex and I created a hex address so I could transfer over my ether, I went into my wallet and sent 0.1 ether to bittrex, 12 hours later my bittrex account still shows a 0 ...
Toastslave's user avatar

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