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Questions tagged [time]

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54 votes
6 answers

Time-dependent tests with Hardhat?

For Ganache, there are several solutions. What about Hardhat? They implemented their own local blockchain, Hardhat Network, which is different to Ganache.
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is there any library to estimate timestamp of future block?

I am in need of a library that estimates a date or some sort of timestamp when fed with a future block number (on mainnet or any major testnet). For instance,
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

In truffle5, how to manipulate time with evm_increaseTime?

I am using truffle 5 and ganache-cli. I've imported increaseTime as import increaseTime from './helper/increaseTime'; and the increaseTime.js file is like this export default function increaseTime(...
Kronos's user avatar
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