Questions tagged [synchronization]

Syntonization is the process where your node / client (geth, Ethereum Wallet, etc) receives the most up to date data from the Ethereum blockchain.

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Spoofing of totalDifficulty variable

Péter Szilágyi, in his talk in Taipei, claims that totalDifficulty can be spoofed: How is that possible? Can the variable only be ...
user3223162's user avatar
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Total number of state entries

I am syncing my ethereum blockchain using the default syncmode. I want to know how many total state entries are there because currently the highest block is 6544578 and the number of pulled states i.e....
mzaidi's user avatar
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Syncing events on Database - Dealing with blockchain reorganization

My Dapp relies on live events synchronization on a centralized database. There is always a server side script polling the blockchain for new events, parsing then and do the corresponding operations on ...
pan1994's user avatar
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Syncing on Ropsten taking too long

I am running geth on a debian system and on testnet ropsten. However I notice it's not always fully synchronized. Is this due to the network, the program, or the machine itself? It's always about ...
mocode10's user avatar
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Transaction rolled back and re-mined later?

A few hours ago, I was testing my dapp on ropsten and something strange happened. I sent a transaction (A), to the blockchain, it got mined and my server synced it. Then 30 minutes later, I sent ...
pan1994's user avatar
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Synchronisation failed, dropping peer; err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"; message loop

I have clique private proof-of-authority chain. I have updated all signer nodes' (currently I have 3 signer nodes) geth version to minimum Version: 1.8.16-stable. Also I have updated the other node ...
alper's user avatar
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Retrieving transaction hash in all blocks after fast sync

I have set up an ethereum node using fast syncmode. I want to retrieve all the transaction hashes and the recipient between a range of blocks, let's say 0 - 13000. Will I be able to retrieve the ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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How can I upgrade my GETH?

I have an application which is talking to my Smart Contract through GETH RPC. In order to do so, I need to run my own node and sync it with mainnet. The problem start when I need to upgrade my GETH. ...
s k's user avatar
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GETH gets out of sync from time to time

GETH tooks 6 days to sync, after that it will get out of sync from time to time. (PC is running with SSD, never shutdown, and network availability is 100% with 500mbps connection). May I know how ...
s k's user avatar
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RPC connection to ETH Mainnet

Currently I am using GETH, but it is getting like 4~5 days trying to sync without success! May I know any other ETH client which can provides RPC connection and able to sync with the mainnet fast?!?
s k's user avatar
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Official data about synchronization time

Are there in the literature or from the Ethereum community/foundation any official benchmark about geth (or any other client, e.g. parity) initial synchronization time (with both fast and normal sync)?...
Briomkez's user avatar
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Can someone share your geth export file with me?

I need to setup an archival node ASAP but the download takes around 1-2 block per second. With this speed it will finish in 2 months (if it doesn't stall, but it does, I have to restart it manually ...
Julius99's user avatar
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What portions of the block are validated in Geth's --fast and Parity's --warp mode?

When I am syncing an Ethereum node using Geth's --fast mode and Parity's --warp mode, what portions of the block are being validated as they are being downloaded? I understand that --fast and --warp ...
Julian Martinez's user avatar
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download Ethereum blockchain

the blockchain now has 6,170,500 blocks. To speed up the download I'm using the method at Is this the fastest method? Does anyone know another faster ...
romanoing's user avatar
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When syncing, the current block is 6154852 and eth.blockNumber shows 0 [duplicate]

I used geth to sync the blocks in mainnet, but the sync last for a long time. eth.syncing shows the current block is 6154852, near the highest block. But eth.blockNumber shows 0. Why does this ...
Foreso's user avatar
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Private Ethereum blockchain does not sync last 65 block

I've successfully create a private Ethereum network, I've two machines on the same local network, the first one is where I've created the chain, the second should be a new peer that should sync with ...
Philip's user avatar
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Parity - what --tracing and --pruning options use to get all blocks fastest way

I need download all blocks to be able to get all history transactions to create some statistics like mean Ether amount etc. Is it necessery to use --pruning archive and use ~ 1TB od disk? Or default ...
Mateusz Zaborski's user avatar
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archive mode very slow

I've a node that I'm trying to sync with: --syncomode "full" --gcmode "archive" in order to address this needing Get a balance of an address at a certain block Unfortunately things became soo slow ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
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"being full node" vs."being sync" : Are they the same?

When we try to be sync using Parity or geth, Does it mean that we are trying to be a full node ? And is it correct to say that: being sync = being a full node = keeping the entire blockchain ?
Questioner's user avatar
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can't read past event logs

const event = contractInst.Transfer({},{fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'}); events.get(function (error, result) { if (!error) { console.log(result); } }); The get ...
MarcS82's user avatar
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Multi node replication

In a multi node network, if one node is down (and a majority of nodes are up and running) for a period of time - say its down at block 100 block and rejoins when the network is at block 200. Q1: ...
basilji's user avatar
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Basic Blockchain Implementation: how is the blockchain on a given node "synced" with that on another node?

Here's my understanding of the execution flow of blockchain: Consider two nodes, node1 and node2. Let's say there are 10 users on node1. They're making transactions, but none of these are actually ...
nz_21's user avatar
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Why does the mainnet download take a long time? How can I improve this? [duplicate]

We have been working on integrating a ETH node to our e-wallet to enable ether transactions. We completely build the platform by connecting to a private Ethereum network. Now everything is ready to ...
Brian Perera's user avatar
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Is it possible to create batches of transactions without using smart contracts?

Scenario: Suppose that I have to make three transactions simultaneously to Alice, Bob and Claudia. Now the condition is if any one transaction fails the other two must also not go through. Query: Is ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Parity create testing transactions and blocks

For test purposes, I would like to make test blocks including test transactions against main net. For example I would like to make a transaction that sends one ether from 0x1234567... to 0x99999999......
William Entriken's user avatar
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Syncmode = full, and still getting "missing trie node"

I'm running on Rinkeby testnet with this command (I resynced the whole blockchain with this): ./geth --rinkeby --syncmode full --rpc --rpcapi "web3,db,eth,net,personal" --datadir /.../ and after the ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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How do I tell if initial geth sync is done in 'light' mode on testnet

I just installed geth on Windows 10. Then I did the initial sync in light mode on testnet, and my status is as shown on the screenshot below. I have two questions (related): How do I tell if the ...
Indominus's user avatar
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slow syncing Ethereum blockchain

I used VM in Azure(1TB SSD, 16GB RAM,Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v3 @ 2.40GHz). Install geth.exe Run geth --fast --datadir F:\Ethereum in cmd blockchain still downloading it's almost more than 5 ...
nadeera v's user avatar
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Geth Mismatch of the highestBlock while syncing

While syncing on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine on ropsten yesterday the highestBlock matched the current highestBlock > eth.syncing { currentBlock: 2587196, **highestBlock: 3528808**, knownStates: ...
codestruggle's user avatar
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Parity: with 'warp' sync enabled by default, is there still any advantage in using fast pruning?

From Parity Ethereum Documentation: Warp Sync is an extension to the Ethereum Wire protocol, which involves sending snapshots over the network to get the full state at a given block extremely ...
goodvibration's user avatar
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Can Raiden Network transfers occur offline?

Since Raiden is off-chain, could I theoretically set up some channels among a group of local parties and conduct transactions offline via NFC, bluetooth, wifidirect, etc.? Since it's off chain and ...
John Murphy's user avatar
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How my node is sync with highest block number of block-chain in which block number transaction have done of some ether? [closed]

I am new to Ethereum block-chain.One question in my mind. I connect geth node to test network with "--fast and --cache=2048" parameters.So my node is sync is after 8 hours.And I successfully deploy ...
Anupam Jain's user avatar
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Alternative of geth Ethereum Node

I am new to Ethereum block-chain.I am trying to syncing ethereum node in testnet(Rinkeby).I am using HDD for syncing geth ethereum node.I know it very slow to syncing. So,Is it any alternative of ...
Anupam Jain's user avatar
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How to find the sync status of your geth node via RPC?

NOTE: this question has been marked as a duplicate of another question which is trying to get the status using CONSOLE. We are trying to get the status using the RPC API, which is different. In ...
John Little's user avatar
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How to increase stored block states from 128 to 10 000 in Geth?

AFAIK Geth preserves states for the last 128 blocks by default. I would like to keep states for, say 10000 blocks (not turning myself into archive node). Is it possible?
Red Wojak's user avatar
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What geth sync mode to use for a blockchain-explorer-like analysis

I want to do analysis of the ethereum blockchain in a manner similar to what blockchain explorer sites do to answer a few more general questions. I will need info on all addresses and transaction ...
Robert Mah's user avatar
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Should I wait for sync to be 'finished' in 'syncmode=light' before I could check account balance OR transact using the account? [duplicate]

NOTE: I'm aware of another question, but, it's related to 'fast' syncmode, and mine is of 'light' syncmode. I'm running light node client for rinkeby using command: geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi ...
RafiAlhamd's user avatar
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Getting Errors while syncing of blocks (Ropsten network)

Today the block sync with Ropsten network on my machine is giving me following error :- ERROR[06-05|06:59:12] ########## BAD BLOCK ######### Chain config: {ChainID: 3 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> ...
Webdev's user avatar
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How can I maximize the probability that my ETH nodes stay synchronized with mainnet for as long as possible?

I run three full ETH nodes, one on my local, home network, and two in the cloud. All three make use of geth. My "local" node, is always in sync with mainnet, i.e. always showing the same last block ...
abattia's user avatar
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Why is that the 'blocks count' is always in multiples of 192?

I'm running light node client for rinkeby using command: geth --rinkeby --syncmode=light --rpc --rpcapi personal,db,net,eth,web3 The terminal runs continuously and I don't quit it when I close the ...
RafiAlhamd's user avatar
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How do I deploy a contract when my blockchain isn't syncing?

I would like to deploy a smart contract using truffle but I got problems while syncing the etherum blockchain. There are always blocks left and the syncing process is never finished. I don't want to ...
MarcS82's user avatar
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What happens when transaction is sent from smart contract?

If during smart contract execution it decides to send a transaction, then transaction would be created, validated and broadcasted to the network from all the nodes executing this smart contract. ...
Joe's user avatar
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How metamask works

I want to understand how MetaMask works. When a user connects to the main network using MetaMask, there are a few possibilities I can think of: MetaMask creates a dedicated full node (seems ...
Ujjwal Pandey's user avatar
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How are blocks validated in a private blockchain?

I am running a private blockchain with 4 nodes, and when i'm creating my Dapp, i have specified for the web3 address only one node ( IP:port, RPC) So, my questions are: How are the others nodes ...
Koceila lounici's user avatar
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Can not sync to ropsten

I have trouble syncing to Ropsten. I have just upgraded geth version to 1.8.7, then i run the command to remove the old chain: geth --testnet removedb. Then the command: geth --testnet --syncmode "...
kathi's user avatar
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Do you have to download all 'Imported new state entries' before syncing with the highest block?

I'm new to Geth... I'm performing a fast sync using the following command: geth --syncmode "fast" --cache 4096 I had been downloading block data until about 1000 blocks from the highestBlock. Then ...
29A's user avatar
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How to synchronise Ganache-CLI accounts with Ganache-UI?

When I launch ganache-cli for Port 7545, it will create 10 accounts by default. ganache-cli -p 7545 However, when I then open the Ganache-Desktop-App, it will show different accounts and the ...
delete's user avatar
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Parity sync time April 2018 - many days normal?

I am trying to set up an Ethereum node. I have tried with both geth and Parity and they both seem to be taking several days. I am on a high-end system with fiber internet, so I am wondering if this is ...
Dagrada's user avatar
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How to add an enode with Ubuntu and Parity UI?

I have a problem of parity syncing and some one suggest me to use an enode as follows : enode://...
Questioner's user avatar
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Web3 empty response when geth not synced

I am running my own geth node and doing some test transactions. When making a transaction trough web3 I get an response of transaction information. But sometimes it happens that my node is not fully ...
Tadej Vengust's user avatar

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