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How is slashing in ethereum actually implemented?

In ethtereum, if a validator missbehaves, their funds are confiscated/slashed. But how is that actually implemented? Do the other validators vote and if theres a majority, some validator looses his ...
user2741831's user avatar
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How does the RANDAO mechanism prevent DoS attacks in the beacon chain?

I was reading through an explainer on the Beacon Chain at, which mentioned that block proposers are selected via the RANDAO mechanism. This raised a question about the network's resilience ...
artxur's user avatar
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Who is going to detect whether validators conduct misbehaviors?

If validators act dishonestly, who is going to find that out?
your_chinesemom's user avatar
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1 answer

Hard forks after the merge: Can validators continue on both chains?

When Ethereum decides to do an upgrade after the merge, do validators have to pick which chain they're going to support i.e. if they sign blocks / attest on both chains after a hardfork has occurred ...
Philogy's user avatar
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Why will on average 64 signing privileges be assigned each block in Slasher algorithm?

In this post about Slasher algorithm:, it says: At block K+1000, an address A with balance B gains a “signing ...
foo's user avatar
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