Questions tagged [pyethereum]

Ethereum's core Python library implementation

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14 votes
1 answer

Whats the difference between pyethapp and pyethereum?

This one: and this one: I have pyethapp running (the ipython console). What then is pyethereum?
TMOTTM's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to connect an Android App user to ethereum network?

I'm working on developing a decentralized application which requires every user of the Android app to have separate account containing his ether balance information and other user-specific information....
Satwik's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Fastest way to send transactions

I'm currently performing my Ethereum logic using pyethereum and then sending transactions via a remote node using It's not fast enough for my needs. What can I do to ensure my ...
LampShade's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I change the gas price or the gas limit when testing with pyethereum?

I've got some code that's ultimately destined to run on a private network. I'm testing it with the lovely pyethereum, doing things like: from ethereum import tester as t class testMyContract(...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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Verifying personal.sign signature with pyethereum

I'm trying to verify a signed message from Metamask with pyethereum. I can not seem to recover the correct address from the signature. Lack of documentation isn't helping matters. On the client ...
Mike Shultz's user avatar
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6 votes
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pyethapp dependence secp256k1 install failed on OS X

Was trying to install pyethapp since want to work with ETH from python. But cant install secp256k1 dependence no matter what I tried. I'm using OS X 10.11.4 and Python 2.7.10 (tried 3.5.1 as well) ...
yanik's user avatar
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How to apply on v3 .json/transfor v3 .json to .v1

I'm trying to get running via Python on one of my .json files that were created by Ethereum-wallet for Mac. It seems that my .json file is v3 and the only works for v1 ...
Dev's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Generating accounts with pyethereum is insanely slow

I'm trying to debug an app that at some point needs to create a password protected account. When I reach that point in my code using pycharm's debugger it takes forever to generate an account ...
Sebi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Are there any implementations of smart contracts in Python?

I want to implement some smart contracts and I am strongest in python.
iivri  andre's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Calling specific functions within a contract using pyethereum

I've been going through this tutorial and got to the part where the contract is being sent to the block chain: pyethtool applytx $genesis $tx which should give the output: {“result”: “...
Sebi's user avatar
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(Python) eth_getFilterChanges --> data --> how to decode?

Edit: solved, scroll down. How to decode filter results? A contract is emitting this Event event Send(address from, address to, uint value) With ethjsonrpc and its eth_getFilterChanges I am ...
akrueger's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do you want to use different implementations of EVM?

Currently there are many implementations of EVM (Java, C++, Python, Go, etc). For example: I will be using Solidity to write DApp on the top of EVM-Java and EVM-Python, why would I want to use EVM-...
0xgoku's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

pyethapp ImportError: cannot import name blocks

I installed pyethapp using pip install -c constraints.txt pyethapp. The constraints.txt file has one line, pyelliptic==1.5.7, to prevent the install error mentioned in this thread. The install ...
audiomason's user avatar
5 votes
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Running an external command upon transaction confirmation

I was wondering if it were possible to launch an external command (system call) when a transaction sent by a node is confirmed? For example if node A runs pyethapp (in the context of a private ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Error creating Transaction with pyethereum: Can only serialize integers [closed]

I'm following the instructions found here to create an offline Transaction. When executing, the following line, I get "Can only serialize integers" exception raised by rlp. I did import pdb; ...
J smith's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How open local ethereum chain (leveldb) using PyEthereum package?

I got local private blockchain in: /Users/User/EthereumTestNet/geth/chaindata How i can connect to it, to get chain data by ethereum.pow.chain.get_block(hash)? I know that to look at chain data i ...
Gudsaf's user avatar
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1 answer

Storing data in the blockchain inside a transaction

This question is related to this one and this one. I'm trying to store data in the blockchain inside the transaction data field: The second question offers a solution using a contract but is it ...
Sebi's user avatar
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What Sequence Occurs 'Under the Hood' When an Ethereum Contract Function is Called?

It seems when a single function is called, the Ethereum Virtual Machine: Does 'pre-call checks' for exceptions/errors. Computes the amount of gas needed, checks that the accounts involved exist. ...
Ask P's user avatar
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Scraping ethereum blockchain in human readable format (csv)

I wanted to scrape the whole ethereum blockchain in csv format. For this I reverse engineered and extended this code by vitalik:
Ankit Chiplunkar's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use the hashimoto light algorithm in pyethash?

I have a problem with using the hashimoto light algorithm in pyethash. I am using pyethash version 23.1 and comparing the results with (ethashjs 0.0.7). Using the same inputs the result ...
Donavan Theodor's user avatar
3 votes
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RLP encoding of 0

According to the docs here, For a single byte whose value is in the [0x00, 0x7f] range, that byte is its own RLP encoding I ran the following using pyrlp (similar to the code in pyethereum here):...
bozzle's user avatar
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3 answers

How to sync pyethapp (python ethereum client) with the mainnet?

I just installed pyethapp. However, I'm unable to sync the blockchain. Here is what I get when I run the client: 0 ✓ user@host ~ $ pyethapp run Failed to import scrypt. This is not a fatal error but ...
q9f's user avatar
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populus OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

When trying: $populus compile Get: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory Tried: Tried to install missing dependencies as described here and installed solidity compiler as well - same ...
takeshi's user avatar
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How to send a transaction to with

I am having trouble interacting with using I am able to create a few functions that were working, like get_eth_balance() below. But to send transactions like send_eth(), I just ...
ForTheWin88's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to generate a raw transaction with data using Pyethereum

How do you use Pyethereum to generate a raw tx to send to the blockchain? I can do it successfully with a transaction with no data, but when I am attempting to use data, it does not function properly. ...
blockchaindotsol's user avatar
3 votes
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TestRPC - Pythereum - No handlers could be found for logger "jsonrpc.manager"

I am trying to get the standard init tests to work but I am getting the subject error. could you please help me to resolve this. Thanks, TestRPC/0.8.7/linux2/python2.7.12 Available Accounts ...
Gunner's user avatar
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1 answer

serializing byte array for transaction data

I've upgraded from python 2 to python 3 and some code that used to work is now broken. I can't seem to fix it. Any suggestions? Worked in python 2 # Convert hex string to byte array hex_string = ...
Holly Rosenberg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can a raw transaction be generated with pyethereum library?

Is it possible to generate a raw transaction using pyethereum library taking inputs wallet json, password, along with transaction parameters? My attempt below, I get the hex, when inputting hex into ...
ablxpp's user avatar
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0 answers

Send JSON RPC request in BATCH

Is there any way i can send rpc request in batch way using pyethapp? If exists, whether it can help to increase the request efficiency? Thanks a lot.
rong jialei's user avatar
3 votes
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Effectively debugging pyethapp

I have also asked the technical details of pyethapp's use of gevents here. I'm trying to run a transaction step by step in a debugger and see how it is being signed and added to the blockchain. I am ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Pyethapp Build error: No files/directories in ..pip-build-gpzcs1\leveldb\pip-egg-info (fr om PKG-INFO)

I'm new to ethereum & do not have any ethereum clients 'installed'. I'm trying to install pyethapp in a clean virtualenv following the github tutorial, but it produces the following error. ...
durnobo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is pyethereum?

I have seen a definition here saying: "This is the Python core library of the Ethereum project" So what is it's use? To develop dapps using python on the ethereum network?
YulePale's user avatar
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any detailed documents about ethjsonrpc

I want to develop a Python based client that can make use of the Ethereum network, a possible way to do it is using ethjsonrpc module, but is there any detailed documents about ethjsonrpc?
Wang's user avatar
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How to initiate ethereum transaction in HD wallets using python?

I've managed to generate HD wallet for ethereum where I have Master Key, xpriv, xpub (156 in lengh) keys but for signing a transaction I need private key of address(64 Characters). How could we ...
the_cyber_lord's user avatar
2 votes
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Pyethapp stuck on waiting for bootstrap

I am trying to build a distributed application using pyethapp.But I am facing difficulty in setting up pyethapp.
Chandan Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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Sharing live chaindata across processes

I'm running a node with geth, and would like to operate on the live chaindata using pyethereum. Is there a clever way to get around the lock imposed by LevelDB? Thanks!
Max Gillett's user avatar
2 votes
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pyethrecover v3 need help

I have lost my mist wallet password (1 year ago) i tried pyethrecover but... no error , no luck... i guess because i have mist .089 keysotre file... so i tried this one: How to apply ...
bpnoharvey's user avatar
2 votes
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pretty_compile in pyethereum

I am learning Serpent with pyethereum in Spyder (so I have a running log of what I have tried and learned), but I am stuck in translating standard features of Serpent (such as pretty_compile) from ...
rastapavel's user avatar
2 votes
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Debugging pyethapp

I'm having some trouble debugging pyethapp. I have also asked a question here. I get an error in file at line 38 (as of version pyethapp 1.2.2/linux2/py2.7.9): @inputhook_manager....
Sebi's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I generate a wallet in python?

Im trying to write a python script that can generate a new wallet for that user, but I need to be able to keep the private key. I followed this : Stack overflow answer And got these results: import ...
Ron Serruya's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to get Transaction Action Etherscan

I'm trying to get Transaction Action information from Etherscan Apis by using a transaction hash without success. Here is what I want to extract (Swap 1 Ether For 2 Yf-DAI) with the API. I have ...
dennohpeter's user avatar
1 vote
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Extract v, r and s from signature for use with pyethereum.transaction library

Given an unsigned transaction, constructed using pythereum.transaction, and a signature, created by signing the transaction's hash with a private key, how do I extract the v, r, s values from the ...
matthew's user avatar
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The official library for work with ethereum payments

I looking for way to generate ether wallet (priv-pub pair), handle incoming transaction to that wallet and make/push to network transaction from it. How to do that via go-ethereum or pyethereum (full ...
Vassily's user avatar
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ecrecover not giving back the adress of the sender

I am trying to understand how eliptic curve work and when i try to get the sender of this transaction: ( ...
haxerl's user avatar
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Connect pyethapp to testrpc - Is there an equivalent to `geth attach` in pyethapp?

I have an instance of testrpc running: testrpc -a 1000 when using geth, I'd do this: geth attach rpc:http://localhost:8545 to link to it. I have pyethapp installed and would like to do something ...
Lee's user avatar
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Which testnet? Which Linux client?

I have been watching Ethereum for a couple years, have had that Mist thing installed, I lost $40 in The DAO. The time has come around again for me to pay attention and I want to do a testnet. I have ...
Ray's user avatar
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web3.js how to perform POST requests?

After reading the documentation here and here I tried running the balance checker script from here. I've modified the path to the source files and my code looks like (I've downloaded all javascript ...
Sebi's user avatar
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pytest error: ImportError: cannot import name state_transition

I am struggling to set up pyethereum on an old ThinkPad T500 running Ubuntu 16.04 and Python 2.7.11+, following installation instructions here and here. When I test the installation with: pyethereum/...
rastapavel's user avatar
1 vote
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How to parse internal transactions in order to find the transactions values

I would like to parse the transactions with the following transaction hash: 0xcad1183ecf7f278713858d92c06f00934f79a75eb5c852352a3ac35de07e151c More specifically, I'm interested to find out that 5 + ...
Quantum's user avatar
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Creating a dapps [duplicate]

I'd like to create an ethereum based dapp and coin, looking trough the code for some popular projects I could see they mostly use python but I couldn't find any solidity code. Is this normal? How is ...
Eliahu Horwitz's user avatar