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Questions tagged [proxy-contracts]

Contracts creating a transaction or call on behalf of another account

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1 vote
0 answers

Does a proxy contract need to declare state variables?

There is no variable declaration in the proxy contract. Does the returned data from the delegate call auto-generate the variables for the proxy contract? contract Logic { uint256 varA; ...
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1 answer

Truffle testing proxy contracts and delegation

I have a proxy contract ( Openzeppelin proxy ) and a custom Logic contract. the logic contract has a method function asd() public pure returns(uint256){ return 5; } since the proxy has a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Understanding ERC1967Proxy internals

I have a logic contract (Box.sol) that can store/retrieve a value and I want to interact with it via a ERC1967Proxy Problem: after updating once the box value directly, retrieving the value via the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Finding the address of the proxied to address of a proxy

This smart contract ( is a proxy. You can tell this by clicking on 'Read as Proxy'. However, when one looks at the 'Read ...
2 votes
1 answer

Struct on delegatecall

Is it possible to pass a struct as an argument to delegatecall ? I have this function that calls delegatecall and takes a struct (a 0x quote) as an argument which is later used on the function ...
2 votes
3 answers

Ethereum Solidity Contracts w/ Fiat Money

Is there anyway to fix a price for a ERC20 token? It seems like a major problem with blockchain and crypto is all of the volatility, which is why I am hesitant to use it for applications even though ...
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1 answer

Staking Contracts

Is there an ERC token which can provide staking functions? I have a use case where as a crypto trader I desire to create tokens for issuance in a pool. The members of the pool will purchase the tokens ...
0 votes
1 answer

Failed to call delegatecall()

I'm trying to set up a simple Proxy contract with delegatecall but it keeps failing, and I don't know where the problem might be. Proxy.sol //SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity ^0.7.6; ...
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0 answers

Forwarding signed transactions as if they were sent by key owners

Can a contract act as a postal worker for a human user / key owner? The idea is the key owner would sign two transactions. The first transaction is for any call to any address. The second transaction ...
4 votes
2 answers

will I change the ABI when using a Proxy pattern?

I would like to ask you a question about the Proxy Patterns. Suppose I published an erc20 token contract(version1) and also I am using Proxy contract. If I change or add a new function the this logic ...
2 votes
1 answer

How does a Proxy contract communicate with the underlying Implementation?

When a user interacts with a proxy contract, they send a transaction signed by themselves to that proxy. My question is, how is that transaction communicated to the underlying implementation contract? ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I use a proxy contract with ethers.js?

I'm trying to test a contract via a proxy, but I don't know how to create an instance of a the contract proxy to call the delegate functions. I'm using typescript, ethers.js with hardhat The contract ...
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1 answer

web3.js Proxy Contract Error Handling

I have been working on error handling recently using the event emitter. If I call a function directly from a contract (using contract.methods.myMethod().send{from: Ganache supplied account}) with an ...
3 votes
0 answers

Failed to decode output: Error: data out-of-bounds (length=0, offset=32, code=BUFFER_OVERRUN, version=abi/5.0.7)

When I try to call some of the unset getters through Proxy, I get this error in Remix Failed to decode output: Error: data out-of-bounds (length=0, offset=32, code=BUFFER_OVERRUN, version=abi/5.0.7) ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to make Solidity Contracts Upgradable with a mapping and state variables?

While making a contract upgradable, I am facing issues with the approach where we split up the code implementation and storage. As of this approach, I have created storage slots for every state ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get address of an upgradeable smart contract in another smart contract

I have the following two contracts contract MyNFT is ERC721Upgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable { function initialize() initializer public { __ERC721_init_unchained("My NFT", "MNF"...
3 votes
0 answers

Something wrong with contract ABI and decoding input data using

I'm trying to decode some input data for this contract 0x24b22b031ae1b5a6b09f9a0fd33613a40e0d70e6, from this tx 0x30e2451138e443bcf69f59858df52eff647710dfa244d9b0e84c79504bb72fa5 (though the problem ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I create an index of other contracts and their methods?

I want to create a proxy / router contract that stores addresses of other contracts function names of other contracts functionality and accepted parameters in these contracts. ID for each contract ...
1 vote
1 answer

Calling onlyowner functions using owner's private key

I need to call a function with onlyOwner modifier in my smart contract via web3.js. I want a user of my site to be able to send their information to a white list, but it sends the transaction from ...
2 votes
1 answer

Preserve msg.sender but not storage

In this particular scheme, we pass the address of the Attacker contract in By using delegatecall, we maintain the msg.sender field, but we are not using the storage of Storage but Attacker'...
0 votes
1 answer

Deploy basic proxy with arguments contains a code to deploy a basic proxy. This code misses a way to pass data to the proxied contract to init it. ...
1 vote
1 answer

When upgrading contracts can you change the logic inside functions?

I am trying to wrap my head around all this and am looking for someone to help clarify. Lets say I have the following: contract Test { public c = 3; function A(uint a) returns(uint){ ...
1 vote
1 answer

Different proxy code to upgrade smart contract and reentrancy attacks

I am trying to upgrade smart contract in ethereum. I found that proxy pattern can help me with this. In the openzeppelin docs, I should add the following code in fallback function in my contract: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Easiest way to call an implementation function from a proxy contract in Remix

I have the following code in my project: pragma solidity ^0.6.10; // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed import "
2 votes
0 answers

How i can calculate deterministic address from contract clone (create2) [duplicate]

Is there any way to calculate the deterministic address of a contract cloned by a Factory through create2? I have this contract Factory contract ForwarderFactory { function cloneForwarder(address ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to deploy kyber network proxy locally and test with truffle?

I am trying to deploy a proxy from Kyber Network for local development. So far I have pulled down the workshop repo and I have successfully deployed all the contracts successfully. I have the ...
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1 answer

Proxy calls are all reverting in test suite despite implementation being set and initialised

I am currently writing an upgradable contract using the unstructured data proxy model and an ERC20 token implementation (similar to USDC). This means the traditional approach of sending a transaction ...
0 votes
1 answer

Call Result Returning Wrong from Proxy Contract [closed]

I published my proxy (AdminUpgradeabilityProxy) and logic contract to Ropsten Test network. But my call result is returning wrong value through the my proxy contract. For example I call to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Verifying Proxy contracts on EtherScan

How one can verify a proxy contract, like OpenZeppelin Upgrade Proxy, on EtherScan?
1 vote
1 answer

Dynamic Delegate Proxy contract

I'm familiar with proxy contracts in solidity using the 'delegatecall' to separate out the proxy contract from the logic contract. Is there a simple way to choose the logic contract based on an ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do Proxy Upgraded Logic Contracts Share Data

I have been looking at how to make my contracts upgradeable and looking through the Zeppelin docs and source code to try to wrap my head around this. One thing I cannot work out is: How do new logic ...
0 votes
1 answer

Upgradable contract proxy pattern: Get the invoked method name in the fallback function

I have a proxy smart contract and I would like to get the name of the called method in the fallback function. Is there a way? For example, if I call the function getName() (stored in the logic ...
1 vote
1 answer

Help me Understand the flow of this smart contract

I have 2 smart contract, below is the implementatin of them : 1) import "./MaintainableUpgradeabilityProxy.sol"; function _createProxy(address implementation, address serviceRegistry) internal ...
0 votes
0 answers

VM Exception on variable assignment

I'm encountering a problem related to the gas (I guess). Please note that I'm using the proxy pattern for upgradeable smart contracts: CODE EXAMPLE HERE - Explanation from Openzeppelin I'm trying to ...
2 votes
1 answer

getting error nonce too low , but nonce is proper stuck since one day

I am working with web3.js since sometime now , but now i am stuck with nonce too low error , the nonce is proper also i have checked private key and other addresses , they also seem to proper , ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unstructured storage proxies. Variables not being overwritten?

When using delegate call I was under the impression that storage slots declared in the proxy will be overwritten by the implementation. Unstructured storage implementations declare bytes32 variables ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do you pause a Proxy-Logic pattern?

Suppose we have a Proxy contract that forwards to call to a Logic contract by using delegatecall. If we pause the Proxy, users will still be able to directly interact with the Logic contract. While ...
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1 answer

Zepplin Proxy Code Pattern

I am trying to understand the Zepplin proxy code pattern so i deployed two contracts using remix Token.sol (logic contract - basic ERC20 contract) AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.sol (From zepplin) https://...
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1 answer

How "factory" codes are used in proxy contracts?

What is this factory_ exactly in the following piece of code? constructor(DSProxyFactory factory_) public { factory = factory_; }
2 votes
0 answers

Proxy contract DELEGATECALL to pass a DYNAMIC array to a function in the target contract

I'm trying to get a Proxy contract to correctly do a delegatecall to a function in another 'target' contract. The problem is, that I need to pass a dynamic array as the parameter to this function. Q: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Proxy Contract Not Updating Store Data

I want to setup a proxy contract that my users can interact with. The proxy contract is a store contract with stores the user's age for now. When I call writeData to update my age, I expect it to call ...
9 votes
1 answer

Difference between "specific" and "generic" proxy functions and how/when to use them

Hello I am trying to build a proxy contract and I've seen two approaches: 1- "Specific" proxy function, where the proxy function can only call a specific function of the other contract. Ex: (taken ...
2 votes
1 answer

Truffle react with Proxy Contract of OpenZeppelin

Is it possible to create a react app with truffle framework using the Proxy Contract of OpenZeppelin for upgradable contract? What I understood is that one should send a transaction at Proxy ...
1 vote
1 answer

Creating new proxy using Zeppelin OS always use the same amount of gas

I'm building upgradeable infrastructure for the project and noticed that creation of proxy using Zeppelin OS always uses the same amount of gas. How I understand, during the setting implementation ...
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0 answers

ZeppelinOS: zos push --network mainnet returns nonce too low

Im trying to deploy a set of contracts. These are the steps I've followed (the same steps work fine in infura v3 ropsten): zos add Result: { "name": "0.1.0", "version": "0.1.3", "contracts"...
5 votes
1 answer

Modify Struct on Upgradeable Smart Contracts

I have reviewed some techniques around Upgradeable smart contracts from starting point(Elena Dimitrova's Eternal Storage) to zeppelinOS's Unstructured Storage pattern. As I understood from posts that ...
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1 answer

Upradeable proxy library throws on any function, how to connect proxy and maincontract

I'm trying to implement a proxy library through the techniques researched by openZeppelin using proxies. I have 4 contracts 1. Library with logic 2. Library containing the interface for the logic ...
1 vote
1 answer

On the unstructured storage upgrade pattern, why do we have to follow the structure of the previous contract?

ZeppelinOS has adopted the unstructured storage proxy pattern to upgrade contracts. In the blog post that introduces this pattern, they say: "The only thing you will have to care about is that ...
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1 answer

What happens with the balance of a contract after it is upgraded using ZeppelinOS?

ZeppelinOS implements upgradeability of smart contracts through the use of a proxy and unstructured storage. If the contract holds some ether, what happens with that ether after it is upgraded?
4 votes
1 answer

Calling a function on an existing contract

I'm trying to create a very simple proxy contract that forwards my transaction/call and nothing else. So User A > transaction to P(roxy)C > Call to Contract (msg.sender = user A) i've tried two ...