Questions tagged [nodes]

A node is a machine which is running an Ethereum client. It synchronises the blockchain with other nodes in the network, so that they all have the same definitive copy. A node is needed to send and receive ether and to executive DApps.

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How do I list the running nodes with geth?

Is there a way to list the all nodes on my computer with geth command line, and maybe even see some status for them? (I'm new to go-ethereum, apologies if this is a noob question, but I cannot quite ...
Crocodile's user avatar
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Different synchronization types

What are the different synchronization types for an Ethereum node? Which of them are client-specific (Geth, Parity)?
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
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Peers not syncing on PoA private network

I've got a private network with two PoA geth nodes, with each node running on a separate machine. One node has been running for some time (in instamine mode) and has mined 6909 blocks. I've just setup ...
Matthieu Merlyn's user avatar
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Is there any concern for the significant number of nodes being hosted on AWS/ cloud providers?

Just curious if there is any downside that many nodes are being hosted on cloud providers? For example Infura, which supports many nodes and provides a large portion of connections to Ethereum nodes, ...
Nicholas Porter's user avatar
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Geth losing transactions

I have a couple of applications running on an Ethereum Blockchain hosted on a VM. For some reason, every now and then, I find my VM rebooted... so my blockchain is turned off... There's no problem ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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How to run geth for ropsten and mainnet in a same server?

Is it possible to run geth for ropsten and mainnet in a same server if I changed all the port for Ropsten node trying not to conflict the ports used in mainnet? For example, geth --rpcport 8546 --...
Kronos's user avatar
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Does a string message increase the gas usage of a `require` statement?

In solc 0.4.22 onward, it is possible to provide a string message containing details about the error that will be passed back to the caller (in require, assert and revert statements). Does the gas ...
goodvibration's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the username / node ID in an enode URL?

Looking at and I can see that the enode URL includes some information ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
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How to mine a Empty Block or reject transaction?

How Can a miner can mine a empty block,reject honest transactions to be added into block ; does it mean we could tweak the miner client , if yes could someone tell how it is done and what are the ...
Akki's user avatar
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What's the difference between the Parity-Ethereum and the Parity client?

If you open you can see that the second most prevalent Ethereum client is Parity-Ethereum followed by Parity. What is the difference between these two client types?
Cryt1c's user avatar
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Why is my geth node stuck on block 7130891?

My geth mainnet node (version 1.8.21) has stopped on block 7130891. Interestingly, eth.syncing returns false and eth.blockNumber constantly returns 7130891. It was working up until ~24 hours ago. ...
python_crypto_questions's user avatar
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How to specify node as a mining node or non mining node in geth

As in private network of ethereum there can be nodes who only do mining and the nodes who didn't do In geth when we create nodes,How to specify nodes that they are mining node or an non ...
kk_00's user avatar
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How to find all Ethereum nodes and list it?

Hi is that possible to find eth nodes and list it with some details? I want to do some metrics and service like ether nodes. they dont have an API.
Kamil's user avatar
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What to enter for NODE_ENDPOINT on explorer

blk-io/blk-explorer: Hi, I'm relatively new to ethereum, and I am having difficulty implementing the block explorer (for my private ethereum ...
Dar K's user avatar
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How to install infura to a server runing ubuntu 16.04

Im setting up an exchange and came to the installation of ethereum using this document The 'geth' command ...
Ogba Victor's user avatar
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Is it possible to tell which node broadcast a transaction?

If I host my own node and send my transactions through this node, can somebody see that my address sends transactions through my pseudo-anonymous node? If yes, can someone set up a watcher that ...
python_crypto_questions's user avatar
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Looking for an Ethereum sniffer

I have been looking for a sniffer similar to Bitcoin P2P Network Sniffer ( which could allow me to connect to Ethereum nodes and listen to blocks and ...
Martín Vigil's user avatar
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Image and file storage in block chain

Is it possible to store a base64 image code as string in block chain? I know we can use IPFS or Swarm as a tool to store an image or a document, but if someone gets to know about the hash anyone can ...
Madhusudhan HM's user avatar
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How to gather all addresses of nodes in a private network?

I am currently learning core-development in go-ethereum. I am a little weak with networking, RPC and connections. I am trying to write a function in my own consensus mechanism that gathers all ...
Yanzal's user avatar
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How can I (efficiently) programatically see if I am on an ETH or ETC chain?

if i have 2 nodes, one ETH and one ETC, and I am writing a program to use these nodes, how can i determine which node I am using at any given time? the best i can come up with is to check a known ...
i_am_not_ethereum's user avatar
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how do I know which node picks up my transaction? in general, how is a node assigned to broadcast a specific transaction?

How do I know what node is broadcasting my transaction to the network? how can i get more information about this node? for example, how do i know if the node is a geth or parity node? does it matter?
i_am_not_ethereum's user avatar
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What possibly could go wrong if I leave my private blockchain node 30303 port open to public? [duplicate]

I have the following setup: All the nodes inside my cluster are talking to each other via 30303 port. When I want to talk to them, I'm using a Geth light client via HTTP JSON RPC port 8545. Only the ...
Zulhilmi Zainudin's user avatar
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Techniques to count nodes [duplicate]

What are the different techniques to count nodes in ethereum? has a count of nodes, how can we verify if that is true ? Are there any other techniques to do similar counting. Can you ...
Yashwanth's user avatar
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Detecting nodes by an identity in Ethereum network?

According to this answer: ( the following can be definition of a node: "A node is a computer that has a copy of the blockchain (or at least a part ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Two Ethereum Node (connected to private net) on Single PC: Node data write error .Synchronisation failed [duplicate]

Is it possible to create 2 geth instance on single PC? Both are connected the private blockchain? When I connect a node to the private blockchain,it must sync with the blockchain by downloading all ...
Pt.AR's user avatar
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No etherbase set and no accounts found as default

I am getting: "No etherbase set and no accounts found as default" when trying to sync my node using: geth --testnet --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --cache=1024 --rpcport 8545 --rpcaddr 127....
Juan's user avatar
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Parity speed limitations

I have a question about the node limitation for mainnet. I want to send a lot of transactions at the same time (let's say 1k), on the ropsten network it queues every tx and send batches of 64 every 10 ...
emiliomarin's user avatar
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How can nodes fail

I am writing plans to support a parity blockchain cluster and need to determine guidelines for the DevOps team. What are the ways in which nodes can fail and back practice for handling these?
0xsegfault's user avatar
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"RPC error, your account is locked" when I try to deploy the last version of parity-bridge

I have already success to deploy the last version of parity-bridge (last month), but today i have pull the last version of parity-bridge. I have that on my terminal : env RUST_LOG=info parity-bridge-...
yohan's user avatar
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What is best deployment practice for block-chain nodes?

What is the best practice for the deployment of block-chain/peers node? Is it best to have all the node in single cloud server or it should be decentralized and co-located on different server at ...
Viral's user avatar
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eth_getTransactionReceipt returns null only sometimes and only on my node, tx is successfully mined in

I'm having this strange problem and it may be related to the way my node is configured. I'm making calls to both infura and my own nodes like so: {'id': 123, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': '...
LampShade's user avatar
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Getting the latest eth_call result from a cluster of nodes

What's the best way to know the block number associated with the result of an eth_call? Assume I have several nodes that i'm running and i'm making calls to all of them (for redundancy). My goal is ...
LampShade's user avatar
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"Elkrem:" Does it install an Ethereum client on a micro-controller?

I have read this article which describes the prototype of Ethkrem, a development board for IOT and Ethereum: . However, it is ...
Questioner's user avatar
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'curl: no URL specified!' Installing Parity on AWS (Ubuntu)

The accepted answer found here does not seem to work for me: I created an EC2 instance of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (HVM) $ bash <(curl https://get.parity....
LampShade's user avatar
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AWS full node requirements and querying transactions

I would like to work with the Ethereum blockchain and be able to get transactions associated with an address. I believe I cannot use the fast sync mode and need to have a fully valditating node? Do ...
Marie90's user avatar
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Unable to Add 3rd Proof-of-Authority Sealer Node

I have a geth POA private blockchain setup and running with 2 sealer nodes. Now I have setup a 3rd node as a sealer, and ran the following command on the both existing sealer nodes clique.propose(&...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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geth node on ubuntu setup question

To run a node on my vps, --rpccorsdomain "" and set maxconnection, can be set at the same time so that only my own website can send rpc call for security, also I use max connection to ...
Louis's user avatar
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Node is showing up as a Peer in Ethstats

I am experimenting which Blockchains in a private environment. I have created two nodes and they are showing up just fine in the ethstats page. One is local on my pc, the other one is also local but ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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How do other nodes handle the accounts of a deleted node?

In Ethereum Blockchain, the accounts created on one node stay with it and are not replicated into other nodes. If that node is deleted and hence is not a part of that network, then what happen to the ...
Akhil Kintali's user avatar
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What are the differences between running a light node and connecting through the metamask server package?

What are the differences and what has to be considered to decide which approach to take? What are the benefits and disadvantages of running a full node, instead of one of those two approaches? By ...
Nic Szerman's user avatar
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Which Ethereum clients support running a full node? [duplicate]

Are there any other Ethereum clients besides for Geth and Parity which support running a full node?
Dovid Gefen's user avatar
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Running a full node of ETH

I need to run a full node of ETH and its bound tokens for an experimental exchange site. How will I do to differentiate ETH from others tokens ? Is there a way to download the ETH blockchain ...
Ligth 's user avatar
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How does geth communicate with other nodes to sync ?

Evening if all ports are closed geth can still sync with other nodes, what channels exactly are used for that ?
Nabil Sham's user avatar
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"being full node" vs."being sync" : Are they the same?

When we try to be sync using Parity or geth, Does it mean that we are trying to be a full node ? And is it correct to say that: being sync = being a full node = keeping the entire blockchain ?
Questioner's user avatar
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How to prepare VPS enviroment for instalation and running of Ambrosus node?

I would like to run Ambrosus development node. On Ambrosus github there are sume instructions, but I do not know how to prepare enviroment, what version of Ubuntu I should use and what tools should I ...
Roman's user avatar
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How does a node handle smart contracts during sync?

I was thinking to set up an Ethereum full node, but have some questions I can’t find the answers to. Does my node have to execute every smart contract that was put in the blockchain over the past ...
OneOfManyNodes's user avatar
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Hard vs Soft Hierarchical Address Derivation

I'm using parity as node/JSONRPC and I'm generating a HD wallet with it. Basically I have one address and, according to the Parity documentation, I can generate a new address with this command: ...
sigmaxf's user avatar
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How does an Ethereum node understand that 51% confirmations have been obtained?

In a private Ethereum setup: How does a node that computed the nonce understand that 51% of the nodes have confirmed the mining? Is there some kind of a counter maintained which shows number of ...
Akhil Kintali's user avatar
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eth.blockNumber does not match any network's current block

I set up a geth full node on Rinkeby with the following command: /usr/bin/geth --syncmode fast --nousb --cache 3072 --trie-cache-gens 1024 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --networkid 4 2>&...
ambertch's user avatar
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Is it possible to get account balances in --syncmode "fast"?

I want to get transaction details and account balance from Ethereum blockchain. The range of date is from genesis block to last mined. Is it possible to get these information from web3.js? Is it ...
Karan's user avatar
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