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Questions tagged [multisignature]

multisignature is a process of requiring multiple parties to unlock funds, decrypt information or sign transactions

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7 votes
3 answers

What are some reliable multisig wallet solutions for Ethereum?

so I partnered up with 4 people that we work on a project. It is not that we dont have some basic level of trust with each other but we would like to have some added reassurance when it comes to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Managing ERC20 tokens with a multisignature address

Say I have the following: Address A belongs to me and holds 10 ERC20 tokens, but does not hold any ETH Address B belongs to somebody else and I need to send 10 ERC20 tokens there from address A ...
0 votes
3 answers

Problem with Safe wallet on Optimism - cannot withdraw funds due to unsupported base contract

We are struggling to withdraw funds from our Safe on Optimism. A couple months ago, we sent funds on Optimism to our Safe multisig address - which was only set up on Mainnet at the time. Realizing our ...
3 votes
1 answer

Multi sig solutions for validator withdrawal key

Validators for ETH2.0 have a pair of keys: 1 for validation (hot wallet) and another one for withdrawal (cold wallet). It looks like the tx data for depositing the stake requires both public keys for ...
1 vote
1 answer

Chain ID of Remix Javascript VM

I am attempting to test out a simplemultisig contract ( but it requires the chain id. I have been testing using ganache but wanted to switch to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to show multisig wallet transactions on metamask?

I am trying to implement multisig wallet, where one contract address is set as a wallet with multiple owners. I want to show multisig transactions on MetaMask. Is it possible to do that? My contract ...
1 vote
1 answer

Parameters for Multisig Smart Contract

I was referring to multisig smart contract posted at below URL: However, I am getting confused with some of the parameters to be ...
0 votes
2 answers

Error panic code 0x32 when testing with Hardhat **Solved**

When I try to test this contract with Hardhat I get the next error related to the "Approve Transaction with the 3 accounts" test. But I have no idea why this error is triggered. Error: VM ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a confirmation to a multisig transaction in Safe with a Ledger device?

I have a 3 owners multisig that has 2 confirmations as threshhold I have already one confirmation done programatically, by proposing a transaction using the apiKit.proposeTransaction method. I see ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to sign a message with Gnosis safe?

I need to sign the message to claim tokens in and I am trying to have a text of my message following the intruction below: If you have entered your ETH address manually, you will ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multi-Signature Wallets

In a 2-of-3 multisig wallet , what if 2 persons team up to extract all the fund themselves and thereby betraying the 3rd person, Is there any way to avoid such situations for this specific multi-sig? ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I use the OZ Ownable contract with a multisig wallet if I want some functions to require varying voting thresholds?

Some functions like the mint() will require unanimous approval from contract owners, while others will only require simple majority of contract owners. I want to use Safe Wallet or some other ...
0 votes
1 answer

Gnosis Safe propose MultiSig transaction with contract interaction programmatically

Is there a way of proposing multisig transactions in Gnosis programmatically (with Safe Transaction Service API or Safe Core SDK or anything else) that can interact with external contract (by calling ...
0 votes
2 answers

Nested multisig - how to sign tx with child multisig?

I'm trying to create a nested multisig safe. Parent Safe: 2/2 owner 1: EOA owner 2: child multisig I've set up a child safe and a parent safe and added the child safe address as owner to the parent ...
0 votes
0 answers

Sending USDC from Safe Multisig by interacting directly with Smart Contracts

I need to transfer ERC20 assets from Safe multisig wallet to another address by interacting directly with the contracts. I understand that I need to call execTransaction on GnosisSafeProxy contract. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can someone explain what signerSize( ) is?

In this contract, I can see that the signerSize is 3. Could someone tell me what that means?
0 votes
1 answer

Sent to Safe Wallet(ETH) address that exists only for Polygon. Failed to retrieve. Searched and talked to CS but failed. Please advise

Made a transaction on ETH chain to Safewallet(Polygon) address. Tried Safewallet intercom support and watched videos. Tried to create the address on Polygon but failed. Please advise. Original botched ...
0 votes
0 answers

Problem with Safe Wallet - Send ETH to a Safe Wallet of Wrong Chain

I created two safe multisig wallet in Ethereum (the 1st is 0xbc9977A62ac5DA7ED48239CD92ca0c7A2FFAd97B, and 2nd is 0xb393D80cAB42233Ba1E2EE1d0cac18e10e20ADD6), and I sent some ETHs to ADD6 multisig ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to generate Data payload for a smart contract transaction programmatically?

Some wallets, like Gnosis Safe multisig, do not have web3.js support or ABI encoder built-in. How one can create a transaction that calls a smart contract function and originates from such wallets?
2 votes
1 answer

Multisig address Vs Contract address

I happened to deposit a new token "POWR" on bittrex exchange and when clicked to generate a new address i got a 0xa217f4c09ff1a27be0724f1efaf0fc5e87ca3031 When i checked the address in Etherscan the i ...
0 votes
1 answer

Safe Contract Without Nonce

Is it possible to modify the Safe contracts by removing the nonce parameter and executing a transaction. I am trying to do this but i am stuck on the signature part .It's giving me signature error . I ...
1 vote
1 answer


I'm using web3j library i want to sign a structured message butmy code return wrong signature (my code work for signTypedData_v3 and return currect signature) but how can i modify my code to can sign ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using Gnosis safe as a multisig owner to ERC20 token contract

I launched a wallet and created a safe on the safe website with 3 owners and 2/3 threshold. Now i have an erc20 token contract which is ownable. I have some functions in erc20 token contract which are ...
1 vote
2 answers

I want to call a contract method using my safe wallet address

I made a safe wallet in my panel safe wallet which is 2/3 signers. I want to use it in my access control for an admin role and use it for calling a transfer method with it only. The problem is when I ...
2 votes
3 answers

Difference between the Gnosis multisig and Gnosis safe?

What differentiate them? I am looing for a confirmation that the Gnosis safe is the latest and recommended wallet from Gnosis for multisignature. Web version for both: Multisig: https://wallet.gnosis....
0 votes
0 answers

What is the best way to get an authentication token for openzeppelin defender

I'm trying to create a proposal using @openzeppelin/defender-admin-client. This is to upgrade a diamond standard contract owned by a multisig. But I keep getting this error message "...
2 votes
0 answers

Split a private key into shares for mpc wallet with tinysig

I'm trying to split a private key into shares using tinysig but am having difficulty. I.e. I'm trying to create an MPC wallet. Ultimately I want to generate a private key, split it into two shares, A ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to secure and recover a multisignature wallet

I am creating an erc-20 token which funds will be managed by some board members using MultiSig wallet/contract. Let's say I have 5 members and 3 out of 5 votes is enough to manage funds. What happpens ...
0 votes
1 answer

Native WalletConnect App not resolving

I recently tried to connect a Safe Wallet through native WalletConnect App to my Dapp but I encounter the same issue that you can try on your own trying to use Uniswap on any testnet. Basically what ...
0 votes
1 answer

Best way to call Gnosis Safe execTransaction from Vyper /

I would like to interface the Gnosis safe execTransaction method in my contract (which is written in Vyper). From what I've understood the execTransaction takes the following arguments (based on a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Verify signature result return 0x

The return signature result from signMessage method obtained is 0x. How do we handle 0x signer result from frontend? const signer = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider).getSigner(); try { ...
0 votes
1 answer

A special private key that can be used to make a TX to a certain wallet ONLY

I want to be able to archive this: a private key or its substitute (P) of a user wallet is stored on a server there're 100s of user wallets there, hence 100s of (P) too server isn't a safe ...
1 vote
2 answers

What are the most widely used open source DAO frameworks?

I am currently researching what are the best open-source on-chain Governance Tools out there (for beginners / intermediates). I was researching something similar in 2016 / 2017 but I remember the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to trigger send transaction from NodeJs server for safe wallet without owner private key and owner get the notification for signing

I want to create a NodeJs server and use the safe sdk wallet to create the safe Instance and initiate the transaction from it, and then send the notification to all owners so that they can sign the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any way to programme the main signer?

I want to create, for example, a safe for 4 users. The transaction must have 3 signatures. One of us is the main investor and has the best knowledge. Is it possible to programme the signature so that ...
0 votes
1 answer

Creating a base multisig with the same address as an eth multisig

Is it possible to create a safe multisig on base that has the same address as a safe multisig deployed on eth mainnet? During a token presale we had a few customers accidentally send their funds to a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Create a digital signature hash via Gnosis/Safe Multisig Wallet

I have a multisig wallet setup at I need to prepare a TX which calls a contract, and one of the parameters of the function I am calling needs a digital signature of the (tightly ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to create a Multisig wallet with only 1 owner confirmation?

I am asking this because of I am looking for a way in case something happens to me, someone else has full authorization. Thanks.
3 votes
0 answers

Multi-sig Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) ERC-4337 transaction with gas abstraction

Having a hard time estimating gas using eth_estimateUserOperationGas for a Safe execTransaction call wrapped in a UserOperation. I have a safe contract deployed with the ethInfinitism ERC4337 Safe ...
11 votes
1 answer

Signing messages as a Gnosis Safe (eip1271 support)

Does Gnosis Safe have a native way to validate it's own eip1271 signatures? I know that Gnosis Safe's can have contract accounts as owners and it will verify those signatures according to eip1271 but ...
1 vote
0 answers

When using the zodiac modulue my transaction simulation works but, when i try executing my transaction on tally it reverts the transaction

i keep trying to use the zodiac govener module on my gnosis safe but no transaction is working at all, ive followed the youtube guide and firstly when i use the transaction encoder i get this error ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to set up Safe transaction service for forked ethereum mainnet testing?

I am forking mainnet so that I can simulate a proposal to a DAO via multisig that I do not own, using hardhat, ethers, and typescript. When I create a transaction, there's no way to set up a Safe ...
5 votes
4 answers

Account Abstraction still requires EOA signatures?

I was under the impression that with account abstraction, I would be able to directly initiate smart contract calls without an EOA. However, after reading through zkSync's Account Abstraction example, ...
1 vote
2 answers

Facing issue with deploying safe contracts on mumbai testnet

I downloaded the safe contract latest release from and i am trying to deploy the contract . I am trying to run npx hardhat --network ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make a multisig wallet where one of the owners can cancel a transaction?

The objective is to create a wallet, that depends on a time-frame (e.g.. 2days) before a transaction gets executed. Before this time frame is reached, one of the owners could cancel the transaction if ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I connect MultiSig solidity Smart contract with the Safe Protocol?

I have created a MultiSig Smart Contract using solidity and I want to use Safe Protocol here so how can I achieve that?
1 vote
1 answer

why does gnosis doesn't accept my input argument for the set up?

I'm setting up a safe and when trying to setting it up I'm adding some inputs that look eligible because i checked them with some other codes that were doing the same thing but I get an error on the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to get exact error from contract instead of GS013 error?

I am getting GS013 error if transaction on deployed contracts fails, which is fired through gnosis multisig. I want to get the exact error instead of gs013 on reverting. Can I use simulateTxAccesor ...
8 votes
4 answers

EIP-4337 account abstraction and losing private keys

The big problem we all know in ethereum is, losing private key for your EOA is dangerous. If somebody steals it, you're done, all your assets are gone. It's said EIP-4337 solves it by separation of ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using Smart Contract Clone Factory or having 1 smart contract storing all information

I am new to the smart contract world. I am tasked with the following situation: Building a multi-sig vault that different clients can use. I see 2 approaches Create 1 smart contract that stores all ...