Questions tagged [mobile-wallet]

The tag has no usage guidance.

14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

Native mobile Dapp - Sign transactions with user wallet

I'm starting a new project that involves a mobile Dapp and I have a question regarding signing transactions. Every mobile Dapp post that I read about offered two solutions: Use a Dapp browser, such ...
rGonzalez's user avatar
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Use testnet chain config when starting node

I'm following the instructions for creating an Android mobile client from here. I have successfully started a node but I'm not sure which chain I'm connected to. My guess is its mainnet instead of ...
user9403's user avatar
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View: Root Error: Invalid character in NaN / View: Root TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'o.negative')

I've created one react web application which is simply pass token between two users using metamask wallet. The problem I'm facing is, It's perfectly working fine in web page but getting errors from ...
Akshar Prajapati's user avatar
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How to get list of all NFT using only Swift code

i'm already connect my iOS all with Wallet using SmartWalletConnect and got wallet address How can i get list of all NFT using ? Or how can i get list of NFT ...
Blake Lee's user avatar
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Wallet system on Mobile Dapps

I want to develop a mobile decentralized application with flutter but I have a few questions in my mind. Well, I want to store data on the blockchain through smart contracts. So, I have to connect a ...
kaanfkennedy's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't connect metamask mobile to DApp

This code works fine on desktops but not at all on mobile. All relevant modules imported and variables defined if(window.ethereum) { web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum) ...
notACat's user avatar
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Metamask alternative for native mobile applications

I am trying to find out if there is a solution like Metamask for native mobile application. I want a metamask like solution for mobile applications where there are these options Connect to ethereum/...
Asad Hayat's user avatar
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Which Ethereum library is the one to use nowadays? Contract events on mobile must work

I used drizzle in our dApp and contract events work fine on Desktop browsers with MetaMask. However, on mobile (tested with Rinkeby deployment on MetaMask and Status on Android) the contract events ...
benjaminaaron's user avatar
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Automate faucet Ether request to access Ethereum Testnet from a mobile DApp

I want to develop a mobile DApp to interact with a smart contract deployed in a testnet (free of charges). The mobile DApp is designated for public users. The DApp needs first to setup a local wallet ...
Noureddine's user avatar
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How to recieve notification of incoming transaction in metamask mobile in real time

I have a erc-20 token in the ropsten testnet and i am using my metamask for admin my token, and i just want to recieve a notification via sms, to take screenshot, whatsapp or another way frendly user, ...
César Meza Sarmiento's user avatar
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How to create custom ERC20 wallet into my app , to send and receive my tokens?

We have an app for rewards and would like to have a functionality for users to exchange or transfer there tokens to each other. Is there a way i can add that into my app?
Vaibhav's user avatar
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What libraries/frameworks/software/services can be used to create mobile (Android/iOS) app to work with ERC20 token?

I want to create mobile client that can work with standard functions of ERC20 token (transfer, balanceOf etc.) in specified smart contract. Ideally mobile client should work with smart contract ...
Viktor's user avatar
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How to Implement User Account Switching in a Mobile DApp without Hardcod Wallet Private Keys?

I'm currently developing a mobile decentralized application (DApp) and I've had to hardcode the private key of the wallet to sign transactions. However, I'm facing a challenge when it comes to ...
kaustubh sharma's user avatar
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ERC20 pricing with parameters

I have created an ERC-20 token called FBC in Ethereum however I am supposed to trigger the price of the FBC with my parameter service produced from the broadge soccer data. For instance, when ...
Onur Gumus's user avatar