Questions tagged [mix]

Mix is an IDE that allows developers to build and deploy contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

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What is exactly the MIX algorithm

I am attempting to evaluate the exact implementation of the MIX block of the hashing mining. There is much information (may be too much) but could not locate any that describes the detailed ...
Moti's user avatar
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How to change the compiler the mix-ide uses?

I have build the mix-ide from source, is there a way to change the solidity compiler it uses? I have tried to simply replace the solidity folder in the webumbrella directory with a new version but ...
uzeidler's user avatar
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Ethereum node url and port on local

I've geth node running on my local and I need to find out http url and ethereum url to deploy dapp on Mix IDE. Can any one please help and tell where to find these two parameters ?
ProgrammingEnthusiast's user avatar
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How do I connect to Remix in Mist or MetaMask?

If I use either Mist or MetaMask, I get the error message: Unable to connect to http://localhost:8545. Invalid JSON RPC response: "" How can I connect to the Remix localhost?
CBobRobison's user avatar
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Does anyone use Mix anymore?

I'd like to install Mix in order to get experience with a Solidity IDE and its debugger, but all indications I've seen so far are that installation is a real headache. Am I right about that? And ...
Max's user avatar
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Error installing mix in LinuxMint Rosa 17.03

I followed the instructions here: For installing mix on my machine. The last step threw some errors saying I have some unmet ...
radiopassive's user avatar
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In the Mix IDE how do I view tokens belonging to a user

In the Mix IDE is it possible to view the tokens a user currently has in their account for debugging purposes.
Sean Bannister's user avatar
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Mix Missing on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to install Mix-IDE on OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), but failing. I tried using the binaries for Yosemite from the webthree-umbrella release page, but they crash on startup (pretty predictable). ...
pimple's user avatar
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Stopping miners in mix-ide

Is it possible to stop miners in mix-ide and only run them when debugging or running contracts? The default setting makes use of 4 addresses (accounts) out of which one is a miner. The issue is that ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Mix does not show the current contract state

I encouter little problems using mix. I have the following contract-code: contract C { function C() {} struct S { address creator; } mapping(string => S) M; uint x; ...
Ba5t14n's user avatar
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Using Mix IDE on a private testnet?

Is it possible to run/debug contracts in mix-ide on a private test net?
Sebi's user avatar
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Initializing structs in solidity [duplicate]

This question is related to this one. I have a structure struct File { uint256 fileId; uint256 filePrice; } File[] files; and try to initialize it as: File newFile = File(0, ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Runtime Breaking before out of gas error

I'm trying to catch an obscure bug which is causing an out of gas error after x number of runs of a particular function. In mix you can debug a successfully run transaction but how can I break at ...
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Creating add transaction and seal block from mix localhost on button click

When we open mix we have 3 windows. The first shows contract, the second shows the front end and the third shows the blocks and transaction while we create a new block or approve transaction. How can ...
user2607's user avatar
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MIX IDE on MacOS El Capitan. How To Install, step by step please?

So I've been scouring the web trying to find a way to install MIX IDE and start developing dapps. But wherever I look, the steps seem to be outdated or contradict another site's steps. Now I'm very ...
EtherNewb's user avatar
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Parse uint256 parameters to a function call from web3.js

I was trying to invoke some function which takes two uint256 numbers as inputs. Something likes this (solidity code) function doSomething(uint256 input1, uint256 input2) I have ...
Loi.Luu's user avatar
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Mix-ide crashes on OS X El Capitan

I freshly installed the entire Ehtereum toolchain on Mac OS X El Capitan. Everything works fine. However, I cannot launch the Mix IDE. It crashes on launch. Do you have any idea how to resolve this ...
Ralf's user avatar
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Mix: How do I reference user accounts in JS

In Mix I can JS reference contracts with contracts['name']. How do I reference the user accounts?
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Seeing a contract created contract in Mix

When a contract creates another contract on the Mix blockchain, I see the block with the function call but not the contract that was generated, i.e, it doesn't show in the 'Contract Accounts' section. ...
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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DAPP toolchains

So Mix, being the dog it is, ate my homework, yet I really like the offline chain integration of the IDE. How are other people setting up their dev toolchains?
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Workflow for Dapp Development

There is so much information out there that turns around this point that I decided to make a post, can someone please help out? Does that sound correct as a work-flow for medium/large size projects ?:...
EugVal's user avatar
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How to create a new account with ethereumjs in Mix IDE

Can I create a new account in Ethereum (with MIX IDE) by calling a contract method triggered by a button event in the html/js Dapp ?
newBornDeveloper's user avatar
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How to save/reload the fake blockchain in Mix

I'd like to save the state of the fake blockchain and to reload it on Mix startup. Any hints?
Davide C's user avatar
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Mix just wiped my entire project directory! [closed]

Turns out if you try to create a new project using an existing directory, Mix wipes the directory first. It's just lost me my last months DAPP work! I ran into troubles when mix stopped ...
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Can't connect to dynamically created contract in Mix

I have an instance of a Gizmo contract created by a Factory but I can't hook into it from JS. > gizmoInst = web3.eth.contract(gizmoABI).at(gizmoAddr) Error: INVALID_PARAMS: Invalid method ...
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Factory contract failing to create - Mix

I'm trying to implement factory contracts in Mix but can't get the child to create and return an address. I deploy Factory but when I try to call the creator function, contracts['Factory'].contract....
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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Mix: In the sample project, where is the "contracts" JS global defined?

So I trying out the Mix IDE (1.03), and looking at the .html file from the sample project, there is a "contracts" global. Where is it defined? function get() { var param = document.getElementById('...
Fernando Tiberti's user avatar
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How to run test sample contract in the standard web browser?

I've got the Sample contract within Mix IDE which seems fine within embedded web browser. However when go to the same URL appearing in Mix embedded page using Chrome web-browser (e.g. http://...
kenorb's user avatar
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Running contract CrowdFunder in Mix and function modifier causes - Solidity exception (bad jump)

I'm experimenting with contract CrowdFunder which I found on the net and I'm getting an error Solidity exception ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Trouble Installing/Opening Mix IDE on OS X

I am trying to install and use the Mix IDE. I have downloaded the disk image from the github page ( There appears to be no issue ...
John's user avatar
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Best way to debug Large / Optimized contracts in Mix

I have a contract which is very long. It can't be deployed without compressing it first and so it makes it impossible to properly debug it in mix. As anyone found a workaround than working on ...
user697's user avatar
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Why does my copy of Mix on OSX have an ancient version of Solidity?

I just downloaded the latest version of Mix, and noticed it doesn't support inline assembly. Clicking on Mix -> About Mix, I see it's running version 0.2.2 of Solidity. Why is it running such an old ...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
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How do I access a contract by its address (within Mix)

I am trying to use Mix to test multiple instances of the same contract, therefore I am trying to select a contract by address, but currently without success. Is this a limitation within Mix or my ...
Slender's user avatar
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Mix wont connect to nodes: Error status 0

I managed to configure Morden test network to run, but Mix is unable to discover testnet node, it is giving this error: A "Unable to initiate request to the live network. Please verify your ethereum ...
user1241's user avatar
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How to get Mix UI to show buttons at top of scenario module

Was watching this video and saw at about 8:11 a bunch of UI buttons at the top of the Mix scenario module (right 1/3 of screen) that I don't have in mine. I verified I have the latest, 1.0.2. I am ...
mowliv's user avatar
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How to import solidity libraries in mix?

Working in the MIX environment, I'd like to try using a libraries and contracts defined in different files. However, the main contract always gets an error from MIX, no matter how I define the "...
Walt D's user avatar
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web3.js and require.js - unexpected identifiyer issue

I'm testing the web3 api, but it seems to be an error when I try require('web3'). Require.js indicates that there is an error inside web3.js, but I have the latest release of web3. Maybe I have a ...
Clovis's user avatar
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MIX dapp IDE - how to run your dapp after deployment, error web3 is not defined

I managed to run a personal test chain. I deploy the Sample contract and everything is ok. Transactions included. Now how can I run the dapp? I go to the local package folder inside www I open the ...
Max's user avatar
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constant versus public in solidity functions

Using Mix, if I create a contract in the scenario with address A as a parameter, clicking on getConstant in the html below returns A as I would expected it, and I see a JS flagged transaction. If now ...
euri10's user avatar
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Deploying new contract in transaction MIX IDE

I'm running into an issue whenever i try to create a new transaction with my newly created contract "richoCoin". It seems like its expecting the "Sample.sample()" contract. How do I resolve this?
Kizito's user avatar
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Missing File from Mix IDE Install Package for Windows

I tried to install the Mix IDE but MSVCR120.dll is missing from the install package and it won't run. Any ideas what else I could try?
Donavan Theodor's user avatar
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Is there an advantage in running a local private node?

Reading the excellent write up about Where can I learn how to develop DApps using the solidity programming language I wondered if using Mix with scenarios only versus deploying a contract in a private ...
euri10's user avatar
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AlethZero and Mix problems

I am trying to get started and learn Ethereum development, mainly using the tutorial at However, several features referred to in the tutorial are simply not appearing ...
Michael Braha's user avatar
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Mix IDE Tutorial error: index.html - line 15 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contract' of undefined

I got the following JS error: JavaScript error: index.html - line 15 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contract' of undefined whenever I tried to enter a name and a rating in store ...
Kizito's user avatar
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Is Coin a reserved word?

If I try to compile the following example code in Mix it doesn't work. As soon as I change the name from Coin to Coins it starts working as supposed? Is this a bug or a feature? contract Coin { //...
samurai jack's user avatar
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How to edit starting parameters of the genesis block in mix?

When I click the "import" button it seems to want to import stuff from a file. But what structure etc should the file have? Cannot find any documentation on this. Any pointers gratefully received.
Donavan Theodor's user avatar
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how to build the mix IDE

anyone knows how to build the mix IDE? I found no info on this in the README or elsewhere. When I try to build master via cmake I am getting: ➜ 3rd cmake mix -- The C compiler ...
ligi's user avatar
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Where could I find the program logic of contract in the blockchain of ethereum in Mix?

I am trying the tutorial scenario of Mix ( for the first time and have a question here. After I deployed the rating contract, where could I ...
jyxu2015's user avatar
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Mix doesn't render browser window - "unable to resolve the server's DNS address"

I am trying to do the Mix getRating tutorial from GitHub. After I enter the solidity code and the html code, the Mix status bar indicates that it compiled successfully. However, the browser windows ...
Benedict's user avatar
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Why can't I open Mix?

I've downloaded mix for OS X from here: but every time I try to open it, it stops, and I get the error "mix quit unexpectedly" I've tried ...
zunior's user avatar
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