Questions tagged [message]

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0 votes
1 answer

Sending request message to a specific wallet address

I want to send an information message or request (eg, request for approval , or request for funds) from my contract to a specific ETH wallet address. How can I do this ?
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5 answers

contacting an address possible?

this might sound stupid for some, maybe even hilarious, have a laugh but please be kind when replying: the question: is there a way to contact or send a message to an ETH-address? my issue: I only ...
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1 answer

python web3 account sign_message with nonce

I want to sign message for login dapp, The message is like "Welcome !" and have Nonce. How can I using sign_message function with nonce? In the Metamask show like below.
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1 answer

Retrieving the original message from an ETH transaction

When someone is simply sending ETH from one address to another, and assuming that person does not include a custom message in the transaction, then what exactly is the message that is sent on the ...
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0 answers

Revoking a signed message on gnosis chain

Is there a way to revoke a signed message like this one:
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1 answer

Best way to record document hash and address (mapping vs transaction input data)

First of all, sorry if the question is too open, is not a coding problem but a design decision. I'm doing a bit of research about storing a proof of a document existence (a hash of the document) in ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the data structure that represents message in Ethereum?

In ethereum whitepaper there are separate sections for Transaction and Message contents. While I am able to find in an implementation a file called "transaction.go" which contains (more or ...
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0 answers

Ethereum signature as XML

I am seeking to express an EIP 191 0x45 message signature according to the XML Signature Syntax. I assume this curve is the correct one: For a signature over ...
0 votes
2 answers

If not "Not-Before" is in the future, does it make the message invalid? EIP-4361

The current "Sign-In with Ethereum" EIP provides the following description of the Not-Before field, which is quite ambiguous: not-before (optional) is the ISO 8601 datetime string that, if ...
1 vote
2 answers

I need an API that gets "input data"field from the blockchain

See image for the field I'm trying to get the data from, I can decode it myself, but I can't download the entire blockchain so how do I access the "input data" field? Would an API be the way ...
1 vote
1 answer

Sign message usage

I saw a lot of videos about smart contract and Dapps and also i developed some simple Dapps but still i don't know how and when i should use sign message which contains my message (what i need to put ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I get message from an Ethereum transaction?

I send a message from contract to an EOA by this Solidity code: function sendByte(address EOA, bytes memory byteData) external{"0x416c6972657a61204b69616b6f6a6f757269"); ...
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0 answers

Ethereum old private messages site

I know this may be a long shot but I am looking for an old (was functional 1 - 2 years ago) messaging site on the ethereum network. Sob story begins I wrote my now ex a love message on this website ...
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1 answer

Solidity triggered event that shows a message to everyone who is currently in the site

Just a small question regarding how solidity event works. Let's say I have a function buyCandy(). At the end of the function I attached event: emit LogBuyCandy(msg.sender); event LogBuyCandy(address ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I execute another users transaction if I have their typedData and signature from the signedTypeData?

I have typedData from a user and their signature: const signature = await signedTypeData(typedData.domain, typedData.types, typedData.value); Can someone explain to me why I cannot execute their ...
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0 answers

How to encrypt a message with multiple public keys for multiple recipients

Is it possible to encrypt a message using multiple Ethereum public keys for multiple recipients of a message, e.g. using , so that each ...
1 vote
1 answer

Signing messages using ETH wallet - etherscan says that the Message Signature Hash is too short

I've got a problem with verifying ETH messages using (and the messages are signed using MyEtherWallet). The signed message JSON looks like this: { "address": "...
4 votes
2 answers

Create signed message without JSON RPC node in PHP

I am trying to recreate effect of web3's eth.accounts.sign in PHP and I struggle to find good resources how to do it properly. I have seen this (found it thanks to this thread) and based on what I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Messaging application using NFT tech?

2 part question. What are some blockchain-based messaging apps? What are their benefits? Could an NFT based messaging app be built? If so what unique properties would it have?
1 vote
0 answers

Signature request message readable and not readable

I noticed when metamask pops up with a signature request, some dapp shows message in gibberish hex format which is unreadable to human and another dapp displays it in nicely formatted sentences which ...
2 votes
1 answer

Exchange messages between two clients of Dapp without spending gas?

Let's say that I want to build a Dapp such that users can exchange messages between each other. I guess you can consider it a chat Dapp. Is there any way for the two users to find the "address" of ...
26 votes
6 answers

How do you sign an verify a message in javascript proving you own an Ethereum address?

Is there a js library or even just pure js where I can sign and verify I own an Ethereum address?
13 votes
2 answers

Why does an empty message still invoke the code of the contract?

An empty message still invokes the code of the contract and is the mechanism that allows Solidity to implement a feature of a fallback function per contract. But when is empty, why does ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can a contract create a transaction that may trigger a change of state on ethereum network?

I am looking at the slides of this link. As I see there the author differentiates between a message and a transaction. As can be depicted in this slide Furthermore, looking at the four cases of ...
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0 answers

Why can't we sign a message using a public key and get the private key?

I have just learnt how signing of messages works in ethereum. You take a message, then sign it using a private key to get a signed message. And using the message and the signed message you can get the ...
0 votes
1 answer

What are "t" and "v" in web3.utils.soliditySha3()?

I am going through some code and I have seen: const message = Web3.utils.soliditySha3( {t: 'address', v: recipient.address}, {t: 'uint256', v: recipient.totalAllocation.toString()} )....
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0 answers

How are transactions classified that cause a smart contract to send ether to an EOA?

Let's say I send a transaction to smart contract which functions cause Ether to be send to another EOA. The Ether that the EOA receives must obliviously stem from a transaction. How would that ...
0 votes
1 answer

Have contract creator address be the only address that can execute a function in contract

I have three contracts all interacting with each other. Contract "Receive Ether" can receive ether from one of two "Send Ether" contracts Contract "Send Ether First" should only be accessible by ...
6 votes
1 answer

how get a revert message [duplicate]

I have this example contract. contract Example{ function foo(){ revert("hello world!!!"); } } When execute the foo function, this revert the tx, how get the revert message? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting Metamask Error Message into web3.js DApp after user rejects transaction

I'm building a simple HTML/JavaScript front-end to interact with a Smart Contract using web3.js and MetaMask. I have a function to call one of the methods in order to send a contribution to the Smart ...
1 vote
3 answers

How do I make a smart contract send a message to a user along with a transaction?

Smart contracts can obviously send transactions through the Ethereum network but can they also send a simple message along with the transaction? Usaully you would put the message into hex code in the ...
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2 answers

How the "data" field of transaction is saved in the Ethereum blockchain? [closed]

as I imagine there are 2 options: in pseudo language: 1) block.add(; block.calculate_hash_for_blockchain(); 2) block.add(some_hash_function(; block.calculate_hash_for_blockchain(); ...
3 votes
2 answers

What are some good alternatives to Whisper for blockchain messaging?

I have been experimenting with Ethereum and I achieved good results with Whisper in a private network. The main problem though is that it is pretty slow even when nodes are running in the same ...
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0 answers

How to enable mail server (mailserver) when starting a whisper node by using "geth"?

As title, I can't find any flag about enabling the "mailserver" when starting whisper node. However, I found a Diagnostic Tool called "wnode":
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any way to send a call message, requesting a transaction?

Example: The human owner of ERC20 wallet (X) owes the human owner of ERC20 wallet (Y) an amount of (T) ERC20. Is there any function that the owner of Wallet (Y) can send a request message to the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Whisper: How to send a message from one node to another that is located on different host?

geth version: 1.8.15-unstable Python: 3.5 OS: osx/linux I have followed this answer. On the answer's approach, I observe that each node can only send message to itself and other nodes don't filter/...
1 vote
1 answer

Execution environment variables Iw and Ie

According to the yellow paper, one of the Execution Environment variables is: Iw, the permission to make modifications to the state. I can't find further information about it, for example how it'...
1 vote
2 answers

Is data stored in string form in smart contracts publicly readable?

As a beginner, I wrote the contract below for learning purposes, aiming to create a "Safe Messaging System": pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract SafeMessage { string message; string password; string ...
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1 answer

Do contract messages consume gas

In all sources it's stated that transactions cost gas. Since the distinction between a transaction and a message (some name it an internal transaction) is not so clear it couldn't be sure if messages ...
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0 answers

How to trace the ethereum in a contract if messages are not written in the blockchain

The messages initiated by contracts are not stored in the blockchain, unlike transactions. If that's the case how can do we see where an ethereum in a contract or a wallet came from if it's from a ...
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3 answers

Sending Ether or messages to addresses that dont exist

I am reading the Ethereum white paper and needed clarity on the snippet below: Transfer the transaction value from the sender's account to the receiving account. If the receiving account does not ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to get a message from web3.shh using Python

Good afternoon. I'm trying to implement the "Status" at the moment. I use the library Web3.shh. I sent the message and gives the answer "True", but I can not receive all the messages on the other ...
2 votes
0 answers

Gas cost of a Message Call

I was trying to calculate the cost of a message call (CALL, DELEGATECALL, CALLCODE) following the yellow paper but I've not been able to fully understand it. It seems that Ccallgas is an isolated ...
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1 answer

Can Contract Accounts send Messages to EOAs?

I often hear the following statement: Contract Accounts cannot send Messages to EOAs. They can only: 1. send Messages to other Contract Accounts 2. send Ether to EOAs ... see, e.g., here: Are ...
4 votes
1 answer

How whisper messages being routed in Ethereum Network?

Does the Whisper messages are broadcasted to all Ethereum nodes? or is there any internal routing, if yes how?
3 votes
3 answers

Does a token-transfer always have a value of zero?

Usually a token-transfer has a (ETH) value of zero and the amount is encoded in the input-data payload. Some projects even distinguish between normal and other transfers by checking for zero: https://...
1 vote
0 answers

How does whisper work in Ethereum?

I am trying to build a Dapp and I need to send messages between any two users. The messages would be used to reach a sort of private agreement between them. The agreement then could be published on ...
108 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between 'msg.sender' and 'tx.origin'?

If either are used in the body of a Solidity function that may change the state of a contract (write call), what's the primary difference and/or benefit of using one over the other. For example: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do you spend gas to sign a message and send it to another client?

Let's say that I want to send the hash of a key to an entity and I want the entity to be sure that the hash could have come only from me. It is possible to create a message with the hash of the key ...
3 votes
1 answer

Gas Requirement for Ethereum Message Signing

Is Gas required to sign a message using ethereum?