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What does SAFE stand for in the RAI ecosystem?

The SAFEEngine is analogous to Vat.sol in DAI. What does SAFE stand for?
Patrick Collins's user avatar
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Must DAOs be paid with native asset? What flexibility is there in this structure?

This is more of a 'meta' question than anything else. I was wondering if someone could create a DAO (crowdfund/ICO type contract), that redeems the tokens from the crowdsale in exchange for something ...
librehash's user avatar
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Distribution coefficient

I'm building a dapp and I need some help with creating the formula for a "distribution coefficient/index" (my math is rusted). The idea behind it is: There's a total balance. Let's call it &...
dNyrM's user avatar
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Converting to/from per-second and annualized interest rates with BigNumber.js

In the MakerDao contracts, there are conversions between annualized percentage rates and per-second percentage rates. For example, their Stability Fees documentation gives this example: If the ...
rosendin's user avatar
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MakerDao defaulting to high gas limit

I'm trying to pay back about 50 DAI and unlock 0.78 ETH but it keeps defaulting to 4 million gas limit (I usually see that amount as 300,000)...for a total of 0.82 ETH....I get the gas fees are high ...
Omar's user avatar
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MakerDAO MKR Withdrawal. Continuous Approval Voting

When I want to vote on some proposals, I need to lock some MKR tokens. Does it mean that I withdraw my MKR tokens, then the result of voting may change even after it has finished? Does Continuous ...
Кирилл Волков's user avatar
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MakerDAO Liquidation Mechanism

Could you please explain, what happens when the collateral price goes down(but doesn't hit the liquidation ratio) and the user neither doesn't deposit extra collateral nor doesn't possess enough dai ...
Hakob Arshakyan's user avatar
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Is there some possibility to listen MakerDAO's LogNote events?

I wonder is there some possibility to listen MakerDAO's LogNote events, like we able to do with standard events. What I managed to research: I saw that LogNote was listed as an event from contract ...
Svitlana Moiseyenko's user avatar
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Why do MakerDAO auction keepers overpay for ETH?

Looking at a recent closed auction (, I see that the auction keeper overpaid for too little ETH. Why?
Camandre's user avatar
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How to calculate current DAI Savings Rate

I have read the documentation on the topic but still don't get how I can calculate the current DAI Savings Rate myself. The current dsr value is stored in the pot contract. At time of this writing it ...
Chris's user avatar
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address recovery from signature

Sorry for the long question, I tried to keep it as standalone as possible. For my master thesis I'm analyzing historical data coming from price oracles contract events. In particular, the MakerDAO ...
St3p's user avatar
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Borrow Maker DAI or Exchange

Why would one borrow Dai instead of buying from exchange ? if i have $150 worth ether i can borrow $100 worth Dai. With 8% stability fee basically at 8% interest rate. On the other hand i can just ...
Shilpan Shukla's user avatar
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How to withdraw DAI from DSR (Oasis Saving Dapp / MakerDao) using the contract only, not the Dapp frontend?

I am currently testing the Oasis Saving Dapp by MakerDao ( After converting some DAI to DSR, users can earn savings and whenever they want, withdraw their funds (convert back ...
felixhelix's user avatar
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How does Ethereum's Makerdao Dai stablecoin differ from EOS's Equilibrium EOSDT stable coin?

What are the main differences from Ethereum's makerdao dai stablecoin to EOS's equilibrium EOSDT stablecoin? And are there other stablecoins like these two that are decentralized and issued via a ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Is there a unicode currency symbol for DAI?

USD uses the symbol $. Ether has Ξ. Is there an agreed-upon Unicode currency symbol for DAI? And in your answer, please don't point me to an image of the symbol. I'm asking specifically if there's a ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
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why several Draw event logs when there is actually one?

I'm looking into the event logs of makerdao's CDP operation, and I'm confused why there are several event logs for 1 cdp operation, like this tx:
DiveInto's user avatar
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Getting a loan on my Ethereum using the MakerDAO to get DAI. What are the risks and safe zone collateral needed? [closed]

I have 10 Ethereum and I read one can take a loan against it and use it as collateral using the MakerDAO service to get DAI tokens. I've never done this and want to make sure I'm doing it correctly. ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar