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13 votes
4 answers

Confused by internal transactions

Let's say contract A has function F. If someone uses a regular account to call A::F a transaction is laid down on the blockchain. That transaction is easily found on EtherScan for example. If a ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Web3js - Internal Transaction Data (Event Logs): Token Transfers, Contract Creations, & Internal ETH Transfers

I'm currently recording transaction data via Web3js, while directly connected to a local Geth full archive node via IPC, and I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to record internal ...
keennay's user avatar
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How to track for certain all addresses affected by a transaction?

So I am asking this question because I recently learnt about what is called "Internal Transactions". I was actually reading the answer here and from this I understand that a transaction ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar