Questions tagged [hydrachain]

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3 votes
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Do native contracts affect the integrity of blockchain?

I started reading about HydraChain and came across their concept of native contracts. This means that nodes can bypass the EVM and run contracts locally. I don't understand the point in having this ...
galahad's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why do I get serialization errors in calling events?

I have put some events in my contracts like this event TokenTransfer(address indexed sender,address indexed receiver,uint32 indexed num_tokens); event ExceptionEvent(uint16 indexed retcode,address ...
codestruggle's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Attaching an address for a contract to call another contract

I am writing code where I want to call other contracts within my current contract. Bank.sol contract Bank { address owner; mapping (address => uint) balances; function init() ...
codestruggle's user avatar