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Getting "err: max fee per gas less than block base fee" when estimating gas cost of a transaction

For the last few days, I have some trouble using the eth_estimateGas function from the Quick Node provider. Indeed, after fetching a transaction from the mempool, I want to estimate the gas cost of ...
VeeN's user avatar
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Transaction gas problem

I wanna send transaction and before that i wanna calculate the gas fee and input value as much as : finalAmount = value - gasFee For doing this i get gas price from provider this way: const gasP = ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Ethersjs estimateGas bypassing insufficient funds

I am using ethersjs to call my contract methods. The problem stems from trying to making the Metamask popup despite the account has insufficient funds in the first place. I am trying to do the popup ...
MongChangHsi's user avatar
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Ethers js estimateGas() without needing ETH in account

I am trying to estimate the gas used for a uniswap transaction. I am able to perform this on the Kovan testnet however when I try and run the same script on the mainnet it raises an error, "Error:...
Mvteyv's user avatar
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Calculating Gas of A Uniswap Exchange With Web3js

I am trying to calculate the gas that a contract will use prior to executing it. I realize that it is not possible to get a 100% exact value but I would still like to calculate an estimate. I am new ...
Mvteyv's user avatar
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web3 estimateGas() from fallback function

When I sign and send raw transactions with web3 in javascipt , to call a method from Smart Contract, I always pass the transaction gas variable after getting it with estimateGas function, from Smart ...
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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How to handle estimate gas cost error?

I am programming a button for a transaction which shall only appear if the transaction is possible. Therefore, I am using the following code contract.methods.function(parameters) .estimateGas({...},...
Olympus's user avatar
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Estimate Gas Cost before SendTransaction [duplicate]

How meta estimating gas cost before broadcasting. How can I calculate gas cost for myfunc() in web3js? function myfunc(){ require(msg.sender == owner) ... } await contractInstance.myfunc....
Slim Shady's user avatar