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how to verify the minimum gas fee for deploying a contract on the mainnet?

how to verify the minimum gas fee for deploying a contract on the mainnet? my contract creation failed in Remix IDE, I choosed estimated gas fee and the process were not successfully finished, is it ...
Morty's user avatar
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Estimating Gas Cost for Smart Contract Deployment Using Foundry

I'm trying to estimate the gas cost for deploying a smart contract using Foundry. Can someone provide guidance on how to do this accurately?
adam mr's user avatar
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cannot estimate gas error when deploying with solidity-create2-deployer

I continuously get the cannot estimate gas error when attempting to deploy a contract using the solidity-create2-deployer contract and I'm clueless as to where the error arises. find my code below ...
web3lisa's user avatar
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Why can't the gas be estimated?

I'm trying to use another contract to give my leasingContracts unique IDs, but I can't call the function as the code crashes, and I don't understand why. This is the contract for IDs: // SPDX-License-...
Stefan Han's user avatar
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Someone can help me with thist issued: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below)

Some one can help me to solve this issue, I'm student and I try to deploy a Smart Contract for a practic, I must Deploy 3 contract, When I Try to deploy the last one it show me an error "Gas ...
Willy Gonzalez's user avatar
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Error while deploying smart contract on mainnet of ethereum

when I deploy a smart contract on Goerli testnet then it will easily be deployed but when I try to deploy the same contract on mainnet then it gives me this particular error even I have ethers in my ...
Afaq Ahsan's user avatar
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I'm trying to call a function from a deployed contract, But I'm getting the following error:

Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? execution reverted: ERC20: insufficient allowance { "...
shamapumbu muzandu's user avatar
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Hardhat estimatedGas error on smart contract deployment

I'm getting the following error when trying to deploy to BSC testnet: Hardhat Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit (error={"name":"...
AMG's user avatar
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Estimate Gas For Smart Contract Always Fails

I have deployed a very simple contract to the Ethereum blockchain to be able to split a payment across two different outputs. pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract MoonTrade { function multiSendETH( ...
mocode10's user avatar
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"Gas estimation failed" on Ropsten using MetaMask!

I'm testing a smart contract using Remix, MetaMask, Ropsten. Yesterday I developed my contract on Ropsten network and everything goes in the right way. Today I was developing the SAME contract code, ...
Louisio95's user avatar
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Constantly getting "Gas estimation failed" error when attempting to deploy ERC20 Token contract on Rinkeby testnet

I have included the code for the contract below. The error I get when attempting to deploy in remix via metamask is: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction ...
John Murphy's user avatar
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Invalid opcode on estimateGas

This is my contract pragma solidity ^0.4.20; contract Test { struct TestStruct { bytes32 name; mapping(uint => address) tesMapping; } TestStruct[] public testStructs; ...
imfabio's user avatar
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Contract deploy estimateGas undefined

When ti try to estimate gas for my contract to deploy, I always get undefined result. This is my code: const toDeploy = contract.deploy({ data: '0x' + bytecode, arguments: [[web3.utils....
imfabio's user avatar
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Contract is sent and gets an address, but eth.getCode returns 0x

I'm trying to deploy a contract on a private blockchain network. My solidity code has a lot of variables used in it. The deployment does give me a contract address, however, when trying to retrieve ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to minimize gas consumption during contract creation

I have trouble deploying a contract to the main network and I believe this is due to high gas consumption. An earlier version of the contract worked on the main network. The current version works in ...
Max Binnewies's user avatar