Questions tagged [failed-transaction]

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5 answers

insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost

i've codded a script using js to trigger a buy on uniswap. the way i achieved this is through importing uniswaps smart contracts using this line of code: const router = new ethers.Contract(addresses....
Aaron Klich's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is gas fee paid for this transaction that was dropped?

This is transaction that was supposed to fund a smart contract but because of a low gas fee that I set, it resulted in an error Gas fees were around 10-15 usd, but still it wasn't enough. I can't ...
michika's user avatar
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How to get the error message from a failed transaction with web3?

My smart contract has the following piece of code: # check if the election has begun. begin and end time must be in the future and in unix timestamp assert block.timestamp < self.elections[...
Eduardo Furtado's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why are gas fees taken for failed smart contract interactions?

When claiming an NFT (smart contract interaction), the gas fees would have been $50-$80, so I went to Advanced options in MetaMask, and turned down my willingness to pay for gas to around 25,000 units ...
user610620's user avatar
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"Dropped & Replaced" tx - what should I do?

I requested a USDT withdrawal from Bilaxy exchange to my Binance USDT (ERC20) account. However, on etherscan, the transaction shows as "Dropped & Replaced". Do you guys think I shhould I ...
Eamorr's user avatar
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Having to cancel and resent requests b/c of client-side timeouts

Curious how often people are running into this issue? Aka either you never end up receiving a response OR, you have keep sending requests over and over to the node which is expensive and time-...
A. Gupta's user avatar
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function call failed to execute with swapExactETHForTokens on pancakeswap

My friends, I am trying to create a function to swap WBNB vs tokens On pancakeswap. I can swap token vs token, But when I try to swap WBNB vs token, I'm stuck and get the error in the end of this post....
david's user avatar
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How to force push a failing transaction using Web3.js?

I am trying to use Web3.js to push a transaction that is failing. From what I understand, Web3.js seems to perform a pre-flight of the transaction and throw an exception. Therefore the transaction ...
raugfer's user avatar
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Ropsten "exceeds block gas limit"

I am on GETH, 1.9.23 and I have had a smart contract running for more than 3 months now. Suddenly, all transaction failed with "exceeds block gas limit". I checked the Ropsten Testnet and ...
s k's user avatar
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Where does contract’s call failure behavior is definied in the yellow paper?

If a contract’s call succeeds then 0x1 is pushed on the stack and 0x0 otherwise. Where is this behavior defined in the yellow paper ? Also, are there cases were sending ether isn’t reverted in ...
user2284570's user avatar
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What should gas prices be for sending out tokens?

I constantly get failed transactions when sending out tokens like USDT using metamask. I have my gwei set at 10 and the gas limit at 21000. I even tried gas limit set to 51000 and it still fails. ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Where can one get token fee calculations instead of it keep eating up my ETH for gas for guessing the gas limit?

This is kind of ridiculous, every time I try to send out tokens to another address from metamask, it fails. I doubled my GAS limit from 20K to 70K and it still fails. Where can one even find the ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Alchemy API: How to get transaction history including failed and pending transactions for a specific wallet address?

In React I'm building a transaction history screen to list succeeded, failed and pending Polygon transactions. Using alchemy_getAssetTransfers I can retrieve the transaction history for a specific ...
Operator's user avatar
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Is there a difference between success and failure of `receipt data` and failure of `trace data`?

In the case of partial failure of ethereum, Is there a difference between success and failure of receipt data and failure of trace data? I found cases where even partial failures are logged as ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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2 answers

ERC20 Token transfer keeps failing

I am trying to transfer USDC from my metamask wallet to binance but my transaction has now failed 5 times. Please help me out my funds are stuck.
Maverick's user avatar
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Failed transaction

Hi I’m trying to withdraw funds from a contract but keep getting a failed transaction. This is the message. Can anyone throw some light on it? Transaction has been reverted by the EVM: { "type&...
Simon's user avatar
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Requiring a bytes32 mapping to be empty, why does my transaction fail?

I have a contract here: contract source code It's a simple one that allows users to create new key:value mappings with bytes32 variables, as well as update the value of a key given that: the key is ...
oi_geeza's user avatar
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Ether scan failed "too little funds', Contract-reverted, Value Cancelled

I tried purchasing tokens on uni swap and the status failed due to 'too little received'. Looking at the ethers can it shows reverted and funds cancelled. I never received any funds back. Is there ...
Ryan Bingham's user avatar
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Are failed ether transfers tx also written to the block?

When sending eth, EOA->EOA case, Is there a record in the block if the transfer fails? I wonder if it is possible to check the case with block, receipt, and trace data..!
Minwoo's user avatar
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Transaction failing without reason

This transaction failed without reason, I don't think it ran out of gas, ...
Johan's user avatar
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Why are my internal txns failing in my transaction?

I've deployed the chainlink alarm job to an oracle on bsc testnet. I'm attempting to transfer tokens from one address to another at a set time in my smart contract, and the transaction appears to be ...
Cambro's user avatar
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Have gas fees the same usage on Polygon/Matic as Ethereum?

I've noticed that recently, Polygon blockchain becomes too slow at specific hours of the day. My transactions getting queued for several hours and then only some of them being sent to the blockchain (...
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is transaction reverting with custom smart contract?

I have deployed a smart contract to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet (it shouldn't really matter where I deployed it). When sending a transaction to call a function on this contract, the transaction fails, ...
David Callanan's user avatar
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Uniswap Approve Succeeded But No ETH Returned in "Swap"

I attempted to swap some eMax (using the Uniswap Swap feature) for ETH and the Approve went through, in the end I received another token (old version of token before hard fork). It seems to be the ...
eMax swapper's user avatar
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I tried to send eth from Metamask (in balancer) but transfer is looking failed but I loss my eth(90$ around) What I should do?

I tried to send eth from Metamask but transfer is looking failed but I loss my eth(90$ around) What I should do?
Emrah Kaya's user avatar
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ERC20 Contract transfer call failed multiple times, no idea why

I found this token that got airdropped on me a while ago, and I don't want it. It was valued at $18 or so. I decided to sell it, but the exchange had a minimum amount, so I simply bought more so I ...
Expectator's user avatar
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ETH transactions to presale contract keep failing

I'm trying to send some ETH to a presale smart contract on Kovan. Allowance has been set with presale address as a spender - with the exact same amount as the tokens allocated in the presale contract. ...
NOZR's user avatar
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Transaction failed etherscan, coins disappeared?

Okay, I have no idea what just happened, but I think I just lost like 50% of my coins. I sent Link from my ledger to binance, and when I checked an hour later, it said failed both on my ledger app and ...
T_Mark123's user avatar
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ETH Transaction Stuck in FAILED Status

My ETH transaction is stuck. Etherscan is showing PENDING. MetaMask is showing FAILED. I tried to cancel it multiple times using MyEtherWallet but when I click on Generate Transaction, I don't see ...
leftarmer's user avatar
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Uniswap V3 transaction on Optimism reverted with "err32" error

I was attempting to interact with a Uniswap V3 pool contract on the Optimism network, but encountered a transaction failure with an 'err32' error. The transaction reverted with the warning: Warning! ...
Easting's user avatar
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"How can I recover funds in Remix after a failed Flash Loan process on Ethereum?"

While executing the contract, the transaction failed on Remix.eth. I would like to know how I can retrieve the Ethereum I deposited for the transaction. I am new to flash loans. Please help. Hash - ...
JamesNFT's user avatar
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Why is it reverted/cancelled?

Executions usually reverted (it transact, deduct fee but fail). version = 2 provider = "https://mainnet....
Drone's user avatar
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getting error when trying to add liquidity

So I tried to add liquidity in Rocketswap for the Basechain, in the contract I used the router adress of Rocketswap. But I get this error, I have a feeling it has to do with the Transfer_from function....
ocean's user avatar
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bug in the contract/I cant deploy but I dont see it it fails when I want to deploy it its not a gas problem

/** *Submitted for verification at on 2023-04-24 */ /* Your Name Token is a cryptocurrency inspired by the popular anime movie "Your Name", which has gained the admiration ...
ocean's user avatar
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BlockCypher transaction failed status fetch

At this moment we are developing mobile app and using BlockCypher. Each completed transaction got 3 states: success/failed/pending. We using link:
Sergey Udalov's user avatar
0 votes
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How to detect if a transaction failed before Byzantium fork [duplicate]

In short: I'd love to understand how to detect if a transaction failed before the Byzantium fork. Explanation: After the Byzantium fork it's easy to understand if a transaction failed or not, I just ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Transaction failed on even transaction index solidity, double function call with one form submit

I try to push data into two struct with single call on front end app, it turns out the data that i push on even index of transaction failed on second struct Struct struct MakananPart1{ uint ...
hafiz98m's user avatar
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Transaction has been reverted by the EVM - No Reason Error - UniswapV3

There are a lot of failed transactions on Uniswap Router V3 like that one: It fail without error, ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Was charged on a failed ERC20 swap via 0x exchange

0.15 ether gone to miners. Possible to get a refund from 0x? It was a smart contract failure.
Ghost Izbudushego's user avatar
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Transaction mined but execution failed

I was trying to deploy my smart contract to BSC testnet using Remix IDE,although it compiles successfully but when I try to deploy it I get this error message. "false Transaction mined but the ...
vu cuong's user avatar
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This transaction will likely fail - Gnosis Safe and StrongBlock claiming

Situation: Using Gnosis Safe with When we try to claim rewards from all nodes we get the following error in Gnosis safe: We have tried adjusting the gas limit/fee/priority fee etc ...
Daniel's user avatar
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ETH Transaction‏ failed - paid Value, Transaction Fee and Gas Price - why?

I've made the following Transaction‏ yesterday: I understand why I paid the fee and gas price, but why didn't ...
user89183's user avatar
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Transaction failed, funds never returned to sender

I made a transaction two days ago through metamask to a wallet in an exchanger. The transaction failed due to out of gas but I neither received my funds back to my wallet nor to my wallet in the ...
Ezequiel Meriggi's user avatar
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ETH contract FAILED "reverted" - what is the ETA? How long does it take for a contract "reverted" to return to place of origin? Thank you for help
Alexandre Martin's user avatar
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Swap usdt to etherium error

i am new to this site and i am glad i found it, hopefully someone can help me. So this morning i tries to swap some usdt to etherium, but i didnt go through, i got to error messages and four different ...
zorroinvesting's user avatar
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TX failed - Bad instruction - Funds not back

I sent some $link amount but TX failed due to Bad instruction error. Tx is Have read that failed transactions ...
user avatar
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Unable to test a smart contract on ropsten test network

I launch and verify an ERC20 based smart contract on a ropsten test network which allows user to interact with the contract (send eth to it and the contract automatically send token in returns as in ...
Laxs's user avatar
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