Questions tagged [failed-transaction]

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22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to get the error message from a failed transaction with web3?

My smart contract has the following piece of code: # check if the election has begun. begin and end time must be in the future and in unix timestamp assert block.timestamp < self.elections[...
Eduardo Furtado's user avatar
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Having to cancel and resent requests b/c of client-side timeouts

Curious how often people are running into this issue? Aka either you never end up receiving a response OR, you have keep sending requests over and over to the node which is expensive and time-...
A. Gupta's user avatar
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function call failed to execute with swapExactETHForTokens on pancakeswap

My friends, I am trying to create a function to swap WBNB vs tokens On pancakeswap. I can swap token vs token, But when I try to swap WBNB vs token, I'm stuck and get the error in the end of this post....
david's user avatar
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Alchemy API: How to get transaction history including failed and pending transactions for a specific wallet address?

In React I'm building a transaction history screen to list succeeded, failed and pending Polygon transactions. Using alchemy_getAssetTransfers I can retrieve the transaction history for a specific ...
Operator's user avatar
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Is there a difference between success and failure of `receipt data` and failure of `trace data`?

In the case of partial failure of ethereum, Is there a difference between success and failure of receipt data and failure of trace data? I found cases where even partial failures are logged as ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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Uniswap V3 transaction on Optimism reverted with "err32" error

I was attempting to interact with a Uniswap V3 pool contract on the Optimism network, but encountered a transaction failure with an 'err32' error. The transaction reverted with the warning: Warning! ...
Easting's user avatar
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"How can I recover funds in Remix after a failed Flash Loan process on Ethereum?"

While executing the contract, the transaction failed on Remix.eth. I would like to know how I can retrieve the Ethereum I deposited for the transaction. I am new to flash loans. Please help. Hash - ...
JamesNFT's user avatar
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Why is it reverted/cancelled?

Executions usually reverted (it transact, deduct fee but fail). version = 2 provider = "https://mainnet....
Drone's user avatar
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getting error when trying to add liquidity

So I tried to add liquidity in Rocketswap for the Basechain, in the contract I used the router adress of Rocketswap. But I get this error, I have a feeling it has to do with the Transfer_from function....
ocean's user avatar
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bug in the contract/I cant deploy but I dont see it it fails when I want to deploy it its not a gas problem

/** *Submitted for verification at on 2023-04-24 */ /* Your Name Token is a cryptocurrency inspired by the popular anime movie "Your Name", which has gained the admiration ...
ocean's user avatar
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BlockCypher transaction failed status fetch

At this moment we are developing mobile app and using BlockCypher. Each completed transaction got 3 states: success/failed/pending. We using link:
Sergey Udalov's user avatar
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Transaction failed on even transaction index solidity, double function call with one form submit

I try to push data into two struct with single call on front end app, it turns out the data that i push on even index of transaction failed on second struct Struct struct MakananPart1{ uint ...
hafiz98m's user avatar
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Transaction has been reverted by the EVM - No Reason Error - UniswapV3

There are a lot of failed transactions on Uniswap Router V3 like that one: It fail without error, ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Was charged on a failed ERC20 swap via 0x exchange

0.15 ether gone to miners. Possible to get a refund from 0x? It was a smart contract failure.
Ghost Izbudushego's user avatar
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Transaction mined but execution failed

I was trying to deploy my smart contract to BSC testnet using Remix IDE,although it compiles successfully but when I try to deploy it I get this error message. "false Transaction mined but the ...
vu cuong's user avatar
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This transaction will likely fail - Gnosis Safe and StrongBlock claiming

Situation: Using Gnosis Safe with When we try to claim rewards from all nodes we get the following error in Gnosis safe: We have tried adjusting the gas limit/fee/priority fee etc ...
Daniel's user avatar
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ETH Transaction‏ failed - paid Value, Transaction Fee and Gas Price - why?

I've made the following Transaction‏ yesterday: I understand why I paid the fee and gas price, but why didn't ...
user89183's user avatar
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Transaction failed, funds never returned to sender

I made a transaction two days ago through metamask to a wallet in an exchanger. The transaction failed due to out of gas but I neither received my funds back to my wallet nor to my wallet in the ...
Ezequiel Meriggi's user avatar
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ETH contract FAILED "reverted" - what is the ETA? How long does it take for a contract "reverted" to return to place of origin? Thank you for help
Alexandre Martin's user avatar
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Swap usdt to etherium error

i am new to this site and i am glad i found it, hopefully someone can help me. So this morning i tries to swap some usdt to etherium, but i didnt go through, i got to error messages and four different ...
zorroinvesting's user avatar
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TX failed - Bad instruction - Funds not back

I sent some $link amount but TX failed due to Bad instruction error. Tx is Have read that failed transactions ...
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Unable to test a smart contract on ropsten test network

I launch and verify an ERC20 based smart contract on a ropsten test network which allows user to interact with the contract (send eth to it and the contract automatically send token in returns as in ...
Laxs's user avatar
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