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ethers.js - How to confirm if transaction has been mined successfully or not?

I have a script which calls a smart contract method swapExactinputSingle(amtIn). I want to make sure that once this particular method call is successful, then only the code lines to print updated ...
Tarun Khare's user avatar
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How to get transactions from a wallet address?

Is there a way to get all the transactions from a wallet address using ethers.js or Or are there any third-party libraries that have this functionality? I'm looking for something along the ...
Adrian D.'s user avatar
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Wait for incoming ethereum transactions and credit them after n confirmations

I'm trying to create a website where users can deposit ethereum. For my server I'm using node.js and express.js. I looked into web3.js but the docs are unclear to me and I don't know which functions ...
gggggggggg's user avatar
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How to deal with 'transaction replaced" error? Is there a way to force a non-replaceable tx sending?

I'm having a bit of a headache trying to understand how to fix the 'transaction replaced' error when using ethers-js. I use await tx.wait(). I even use sleep for at least 10 seconds between ...
Eugene1111's user avatar