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8 votes
3 answers

What is the networkid and chain id of truffle cli?

I am using truffle console to deploy contracts and using Nodejs/web3js to interact with it. I wanted to use ethereumjs-tx for signing transactions, here is the reference link. I am not sure how can I ...
Parishilan Rayamajhi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

RangeError: private key length is invalid (In New ETH Transaction pragmatically)

Followed this Ans Ans1 and Ans2 but no solution got. const web3 = new Web3(''); const account1 = '...
Vishal Dalve's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Web3.js 1.0 sendSignedTransaction returns error: Invalid RLP

Running parity private PoA chain, using latest parity client + nodejs + web3.js 1.0 When I try to sign a transaction and then send it following web3.js 1.0 documentation (sendTransaction and ...
simoh92's user avatar
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