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Questions tagged [ethereumj]

For questions regarding the installation or use of EthereumJ, a Java library that implements the Ethereum protocol.

55 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Transfer tokens among multiple accounts in single function

I want the user to transfer tokens to an wallet instead of smart contract. function getTokens () public { require (token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount)); require (token....
gggg's user avatar
  • 41
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1 answer

how to connect to a private ethereum testnet with blockcypher

our project uses blockcypher to create eth wallet which can transfer eth now.Blockcypher supports ETH main network and its own testnet. Is there any way to connect the blockcypher node to a custom ...
vaj oja's user avatar
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0 votes
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EthereumJ connect to private node

I need to connect to private ethereum node with using ethereumj without ethereum.conf file. I need configure connect from code using Spring Framework.
Igor  Bukin's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How and when should I use a Ethereum smart contract in document verification process?

First, a student applies for a certificate in his/her University . The University creates his degree certificate . Now , how do I write a smart contract in Solidity so that anyone in blockchain can ...
manivarma indukuri's user avatar
-4 votes
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How can I use a reentrancy attack to permanently freeze funds?

If possible, can you please send me the code with as much details as possible? I would like to understand more about it but didn't find useful content on the internet. Thanks in advance
Joe B's user avatar
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