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Correct default development blockchain port for truffle

How is the truffle port set when one runs truffle unbox react and then truffle develop ? The documentation states that the default port is 9545 (
femibyte's user avatar
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get event logs and debug trace from eth_call

I am looking for a way to execute a transaction locally (using local geth/parity node) for simulation only, before actually submitting it to blockchain. I know that I can use 'eth_call' RPC call and ...
Or Bachar's user avatar
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How to resolve this error in solidity “The constructor should be payable if you send value.”?

In this solidity code the finalizeRequest() is giving a run-time error. Here is the error : Campaign.finalizeRequest(uint256) 0x692...77b3a transact to Campaign.finalizeRequest errored: VM error: ...
fuzious's user avatar
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Calling smart contract functions and submitting transacions in BACK-END in high level

I have read some references to create ethereum transactions by a BACK-END server, all in low level, for example, requiring that I control the nonce by myself. Are there safe ways to avoid this control ...
Suzana Maranhão Moreno's user avatar
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How to make user sign up and login on my decentralized application?(on production it should work without metamask)

Assuming that user who is going to signup is not having any ethereum account so how can I generate a public, private key and address for ethereum and make use of it to make further transactions. Users ...
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how to withdraw the ethereum from the wallet created programmatically

I need to create ethereum wallets in my web project for each user. The scenario is as below: 1.The user creates an account. 2.The project automatically Create an ethereum wallet for each user. 3.The ...
nullox's user avatar
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