Questions tagged [ether]

Ether (ETH) is the main internal crypto-fuel of Ethereum and is used to pay transaction fees.

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Is it possible to allow a third-party relayer to spend ETH on your behalf?

With the ERC-20 standard, it is possible to approve a third-party relayer to spend the tokens on your behalf. This can be done by calling the approve function and providing a high allowance value, ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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historical Ethereum trading volume data at a minute interval

I want to access historical Ethereum trading volume and price data at a minute interval for the last six months, I found daily intervals but could not find for minute interval, any suggestion to find ...
Mocak's user avatar
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Transaction failed-CALL_EXCEPTION

I deployed smart contract to testnet and i got error can someone help me debug this Code: pragma solidity ^0.8.20; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import "@...
Xardesso's user avatar
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1 answer

Smart contract error Error: transaction failed

I deployed smart contract to testnet and i got error can someone help me debug this Code pragma solidity ^0.8.20; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import "@...
Xardesso's user avatar
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Code validation

Hi i want to deploy my first smart contract to the Eth mainnet and this require a lot of money and i am very scared can someone want to help me and validate this code for any errors becouse i cant run ...
Xardesso's user avatar
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How to calculate the weighted average price on binance?

can somebody please answer the question below? What is the weighted average trade price of the ETH/USDT SPOT trading pair on the platform on January 1st, 2023, in UTC time, considering the ...
Haider Mansoor's user avatar
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Purposely failing Low-Level Call

Does this code below have a vulnerability?""); //update state burn Address is a trusted contract, which ...
Pramoxlol's user avatar
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UniswapV2 swapExactTokensForTokens Question

I have question does UniswapV2 swapExactTokensForTokens function charge fees ? And if yes does expected amount input should be like this Expected price after fee subtraction?
Xardesso's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Prices on Dexes

Hi I have code that fetches price from uniswap v2 ratio0ToPrice = (amount0In, amount1Out) => { if (Number(amount1Out) === 0) { return "Infinity"; } return 1 / (Number(amount0In)...
Xardesso's user avatar
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I send my Etc from coinbase to my eth address by accident

I accidentally sent my Ethereum classic to Ethereum address a while ago. I tried everything to recover. Nobody was able to help me or try explaining to me if it’s possible I recently seen something ...
Ali Safieddine's user avatar
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1 answer

Swap, usdt to usdc, eth to usdt, eth to usdc etc

Can someone explain how to swap, usdt to usdc, eth to usdt, eth to usdc etc. Without any third-party (uniswap, 1inch etc). In language java/kotlin. For mobile wallet an application
Insan's user avatar
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Send Value Raw Transaction fails with insufficient funds for gas

const amount = web3.utils.toWei("0.0000001", "ether"); var gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice(); var gasLimit = 21000; var nonce = await web3.eth....
lsj's user avatar
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How to calculate ETH percentage supply in profit?

I'm trying to calculate the ETH percentage supply in profit. Definition is: The percentage of circulating supply in profit, i.e. the percentage of existing coins whose price at the time they last ...
Leo Nguyen's user avatar
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Geth still stucking at synchronizing

I trying to run my eth mainnet node using Geth and prysm but synchronizing process still stucking. Error: INFO [12-05|02:29:14.015] Syncing: state download in progress synced=0.36% state=961....
Xardesso's user avatar
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What will happened to my WETH TOKEN if the receiver or the network didn't support WETH TOKEN

I send WRAPPED ETH to a wallet/network which is COINS PH WALLET that has supported ETH ADDRESS, i thought WETH and ETH are the same? Now my problem is how can i possible retrieve my TOKEN?
Omar's user avatar
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Creating a token for my personal dapp use only

I want to store the money in a smart contract from my user as long the user wants and pay back the user once he asks i will not charge for this service if I store ether in it and the value of Ethereum ...
Nishant Dhamija's user avatar
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Consolidate multiple Ethereum accounts

I have multiple Ethereum accounts with pretty small amount of Ether, like equivalent of $20…$50 Is it possible to consolidate all wallets and/or transfer the all coins to a single wallet in Ethereum ...
Xytrax's user avatar
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What is the importance of `message Hash` generated from signing using private key

when we are signing a message using our private key what's the use case of the message hash ? Take the example from the eth_accounts module from python. >>> msg = "I♥SF" >>>...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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Decoding Chainlink Function Response in Solidity Contract and Handling Nested JSON Objects

I'm dealing with a problem regarding the decoding of data obtained from a Chainlink function in my Solidity code. Specifically, I'm using a Chainlink custom function that sends an HTTP GET request to ...
Blaž Perić's user avatar
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How to change response from oracle?

I need to test my contract, and to test I need to change data that I recieve from ChainLink Oracle (I get Ethereum price from it). So how can I change price on ETH local for tests using Ganache-Cli or ...
0 x's user avatar
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Error : Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useContext') in frontend

import contracts from '../RPSLS.sol/RPSLSFinal.json' import { ChangeEvent, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useNavigate, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import { ...
Indul's user avatar
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1 answer

Which function to use for swapping eth against token on uniswap?

I use the following code to create the swap_transaction: swap_transaction = router_contract.functions.swapETHForExactTokens( 0, [weth_address ,token_address], account_address, int(time.time())...
Bice65's user avatar
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1 answer

What methods are there to send value to a wallet via internal transactions?

I'm familiar with direct transfer via contract and self-destruct method, which can be seen in this screenshot: Are there any other methods of replenishing the wallet like these, so that it would be ...
user127822's user avatar
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Is sending USDT to Ethereum main network address Possible?

I copied my Metamask Ethereum main network Ethereum wallet address to someone who said "Supported Wallets: ERC-20 Compatible. E.g. Metamask," for payment. I want to know if the transaction ...
Cisco jr's user avatar
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2 answers

Sending fix amount of ETH without manually input value in remix

I tried writing a contract so that we can send eth without inputting value manually in this field in remix. So, we just need to click the sendEth button below ( no need to input anything) The ...
tony's user avatar
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What's difference between filter for hashes and filter for full transactions?

I'am trying to understand the main difference between a filter for hashes and a filter for full transactions. Can anyone explain me this please?
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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I need help from Expert Dev for POS bot [duplicate]

I recently received a code and deployed it. it sent 0.2 eth which is succesful and is visible in the contract transaction. I hoped to generate some passive income with with this POS Bot. The problem ...
TXN crypto's user avatar
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Running a local eth network

I trying to run a local eth network because the online faucets are too slow for us But I am struggling to find a good docker-compose example online to do so There are a few but all of them dont run ...
Sam Elamin's user avatar
2 votes
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How to assign and send ether value together with deployment of contract using Foundry

This is the simple function, how do I deploy the contract and send ether along with it? function setUp() public { test = new testContract( Owner; ); }
anonauditor's user avatar
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Does the boosted staking feature of Coinbase One apply to Ethereum?

Coinbase sells the Coinbase One service which costs $30 / month. This provides 'boosted' staking which "reduc[es] the commission that Coinbase takes from the relevant protocol payout." The &...
Brian Schack's user avatar
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how can i decode this transactions and see what it contain?

I'm interested in decoding the information within this transaction, which can be found at the following link: ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Can someone help me embed this crypto calculator on my website?

I am trying to copy this calculator - - into my website and it does not show on my site. Please help me.
regularcryptotrader45's user avatar
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Please help me with my project [duplicate]

I have been given the final year project of fake brand detection using blockchain. I am a complete beginner in anything related to blockchain or ethereum. Can anyone help me any way where to start. I ...
Rivaa Vadher UCOE- 3892 's user avatar
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can eth_call() make this?

I have a contract and inside the contract there is a non-payable function that can call externally. this function do some analysis,and calls other payable function than can make real transaction using ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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My fund was stuck at ParaSpace, multi signer A&B initiated the code on@safe, but C said they were doing sth else, can someone help me?

It was a long story, i mistakenly sent 12eth to Para. but somehow para side set up this
wonderX's user avatar
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How to fix invalid BigNumber string error in Solidity?

this is a simple contract. where I want to develop a function, optimizer, upon calling it will transfer an amount of eth to an address. but when I deploy it on the testnet, connect my Metamask and try ...
stofu's user avatar
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Deterministic address calculation?

proxy contract contract ERC20ProxyDelegator { constructor(ERC20Votes _token, address _delegate) { _token.approve(msg.sender, type(uint256).max); _token.delegate(_delegate); } } ...
kumar's user avatar
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How can i validate bulk orders on nft marketplace contract?

I have a nft marketplace contract. To list nfts i am getting the order details and a signature base on order details. And list the nft on FE. When some user want to buy it i simple sent signature and ...
Furkan Sezal's user avatar
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Good extensions for both Foundry & Hardhat

Hello i'am looking for good vscode extension for both foundry & hardhat. Thank you for your feedback !
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Issue creating pair on IUniswapV2Factory (sepolia)

I have the following interfaces in my contract file: interface IUniswapV2Factory { function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair); } interface ...
Timmy12321's user avatar
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3 answers

Despite calculation I get contract creation code storage out of gas

My smart contract is deployed on Once deployed I get contract creation code storage out of gas error ...
pigfox's user avatar
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How can I fix execution reverted: ERC721: approval to current owner?

My contract is returning me this error: execution reverted: ERC721: approval to current owner How can I fix this? //SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "hardhat/...
Mohamed Dhaanish's user avatar
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Is there any way to change hardhat running environment (hre) provider when running script?

I'm running multiple hardhat nodes in different ports like:, ...:8546, ... My scripts is something like this and I use it in a nestjs project import * as hre from 'hardhat'; async ...
CT95's user avatar
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my transaction shows as reverted but i didn't recieved my money yet

So I transfered some Binance-Peg Ethereum Token (ETH) over the bnb network (bsc20) (with my ledger wallet/app), but the status of the transaction shows 'reverted' There are some articles saying that '...
Soran Rajabi's user avatar
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Creating a local variable in an if statement?

I'm looking at a function that creates a local variable in an if statement. If someone called that function and the condition to the if statement was not triggered, that local variable wouldn't exist, ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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How do I hide or mask the sending address when sending tokens or eth

I am trying to build a crypto payment gateway. But when users initiate a withdrawal to credit their customers, the transaction can be tracked up to the point that shows the system address where the ...
Starbody's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is Transaction Value showing 0 ETH on Etherscan?

I'm not sure why the transaction value on Etherscan is showing as 0 ETH when the transaction was confirmed. According to the recipient, they haven't received anything in their wallet either and I'm ...
Dan's user avatar
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Avalanche Consensus and how better it is than Ethereum?

Which consensus mechanism do Avalanche currently uses and is it better than ethereum and other EVM compatible blockchain and apart from consensus what others benefits does avalanche provides us?
Code Blocker's user avatar
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Transaction involving contract and ETH

I have a problem in Web3. I'm trying to obtain data from an ETH transaction but it involves a contract (Coinbase 10). From what I understand of the transaction, it looks a lot like token transactions (...
Alison Silva's user avatar
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Connecting to a private Blockchain via a Dapp

How can I choose an a node to randomly connect to on the cluster? I can already connect my Dapp to the private node. But what happens in case that node is not available or a different node is more ...
Divyya's user avatar
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