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invalid signer or provider (argument="signerOrProvider") from @web3-react/core

hello everyone I'm able to connect walletConnect with @web3-react/core but I don't know how to get the provider here's my code. import { InjectedConnector } from "@web3-react/injected-connector&...
Nabeel 's user avatar
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Enumerate non-enumerated NFTs in web3.js

I want to call the ownerOf() function on all of the NFT's in a contract. If the address matches the website user address I want to add the tokenID to an array so I can eventually display all nft's ...
Jordan T's user avatar
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How to connect trust wallet conection modal in mobile ethersjs?

I have an authorization web3 window but its only opens on desktop but not on mobile apps. How can I solve this problem ? export const getSigner = async () => { let provider; if(window....
Victor's user avatar
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setOpenCreatePost Function Not Triggered Despite Click Event Logging "Textarea clicked"

I'm currently facing an issue in my Next.js application where the setOpenCreatePost function does not seem to be triggered when clicking on a . Although the console correctly logs "Textarea ...
Harsha Kumar's user avatar
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Help with “web3 not defined”

I am cloning a tutorial And when I run the debug console I get the error “web3 is not defined” The code is the exact same, looked all over the internet ...
Jackson T.'s user avatar
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Can I allow a user to sign a contract, and then based on that contract to make a transaction without approval?

For example, let's say we have a sender and a receiver. A is the sender and B is the receiver. For exampple I have a website. Using js, user A signs a contract, and by hitting the donate button on ...
Sandu Bujor's user avatar