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How to fix "MetaMask no longer injects web3" & "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toWei')" errors when using Drizzle for building a Dapp?

I'm trying to build a decentralized app for a lottery smart contract, deployed on a local ganache ethereum network, but in this case I'm using Drizzle tool from Truffle Suite. This is the smart ...
0x55b1E06FF's user avatar
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MetaMask (Web3) Inflates Transaction/Mint Price to Ridiculous Amount

I am writing a dApp/UI for my ERC721 smart contract and facing a recurring issue. My contract has been deployed to the Rinkeby test network and the contract has been verified on Etherscan, allowing me ...
Nils Garland's user avatar
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Infinite loop using react Drizzle component

This might be the best place to ask this. I'm having an infinite loop issue when fetching my NFT's json URI. My main issue was being able to display my NFT's name on the screen but now i'm getting an ...
piña's user avatar
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How to send multiple function arguments to solidity smart contract from react.js using Drizzle?

I am trying to call a function of solidity contract that takes in multiple arguments(8 arguments). This is my contract function. function generatePet( uint256 _petPrice, ...
sultan's user avatar
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MetaMask: ALERT: Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code

I'm working with ganache, drizzle and Vue on a decentralized app. I have a simple contract IPFSStore which contains the following function: function changeStatus(address owner, string memory ...
user13532746's user avatar
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how to implement connect button alongwith drizzle library for ethereum dapp?

I'm trying to create an ethereum dapp which uses drizzle library. I need to implement a connect button logic in which clicking on connect button will provide options like Metamask, WalletConnect, ...
Kombo's user avatar
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Display the user object array in react app using drizzle

I have been trying to do a simple use case where we return all the user details please find my code myComponent.js <div className="section"> <h2>JurStatus</h2> ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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Send from Drizzle useCacheSend hook sends trasactions twice

I'm following the old documentation about hooks and I'm getting a problem at sending transactions: every transaction is sent twice, why? The next is the current core: <form onSubmit={...
SalahAdDin's user avatar
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Which Ethereum library is the one to use nowadays? Contract events on mobile must work

I used drizzle in our dApp and contract events work fine on Desktop browsers with MetaMask. However, on mobile (tested with Rinkeby deployment on MetaMask and Status on Android) the contract events ...
benjaminaaron's user avatar
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How can I inject a custom web3 provider into the drizzle app when using Nightwatch e2e tests?

I have setup a basic e2e test with a Drizzle VueJS app. It appears that when the tests run drizzle uses the fallback option for connecting to the blockchain using web sockets (ws:// I ...
Darren Jensen's user avatar
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Drizzle problem: how to connect to infura direct when user has Metamask, but isn't connected?

I understand how to connect direct to infura if the user has no wallet at all (for displaying blockchain data when users don't have a wallet) the problem is that I don’t know how to connect to infura ...
Andrew Stanger's user avatar
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Drizzle cacheSend outputs "cacheSend is not a function" error, but the tx works when using send

I'm using Drizzle and react-hooks in my new open source project, but cacheSend outputs always "cacheSend is not a function" This line of code with send works as expected const stackId = contract....
Lorenzo Zaccagnini's user avatar
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Out of gas error even for simple one string set

I have been struggling with this exception and am literally stuck in development: "Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: out of gas" I removed all the code and just ...
srinivas's user avatar
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Truffle Object Keeps Changing to Undefined When I Try To Play With Data With React

The question is in the title. I have a React Component that displays the appropriate data when I do it in a very specific way, but breaks when I try to play with the data. state = { dataKey: "1",...
user3321729's user avatar
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What are the differences between Drizzle and the Truffle React box?

Truffle has many "boxes", two of which are: truffle unbox react And: truffle unbox drizzle They both seem to be focused on frontend development. Other than Drizzle being based on a Redux store, ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Retrieve drizzleContext from within componentDidMount [closed]

How do i get drizzleContext from inside the componentDidMount function? I am currently getting it from render using the following code which seems to be working fine: render() { return ( &...
Karim's user avatar
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input field is not getting displayed by using ContractForm

<DrizzleProvider options={drizzleOptions}> <LoadingContainer> <div> <h1>Welcome Doctor</h1> ...
Rajashree Parhi's user avatar
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Any idea how to add new contracts into drizzle react app using the address?

I have a react app which creates new contracts. lets say A creates B. I have the addresses of the newly created contracts of B. How do i add the newly created contracts of B using its address to ...
Sundeep Kumar's user avatar
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How can I add new contracts generated from a factory to my drizzle-react app?

I have a Factory contract which creates new contracts. How do I get the new contract into my drizzle-react web app? I am using to send the transaction to create a new contract but I don't know how ...
isomotic's user avatar
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How can I specify a date picker in one of the fields in my ContractForm React component?

I'm using the ContractForm React component available in the drizzle-react-component library. It's super nice and easy to setup and use, but I am dealing with a date in one of the fields (which is ...
Masiar's user avatar
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How does drizzle know when contract state has updated and reflect that state in the store (when a value has been `cacheCall`ed)?

Basically could someone provide a more technical explanation of this? It says that it watches(subscribes to) for block headers and when comes in it "through the transactions looking to see if any of ...
JasoonS's user avatar
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Windows: command "npm install drizzle" give me an ERR!

npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use mz or fs-extra^3.0 with Promise Support npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ `tar.gz module has been deprecated and your application is ...
Riccardo Perelli's user avatar
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Truffle vs. Embark [closed]

Say a programmer developer a web front-end using Truffle/Drizzle. The developer moved on and a new developer, who only knows JavaScript comes along to manage and extend the Dapp. Someone told me that ...
Eric Falkenstein's user avatar
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Issue with the "npm install drizzle" command on Windows [closed]

I want to install Drizzle. Running "npm install drizzle" only displays errors and the installation has failed. I have been able to install drizzle-react and drizzle-react-components without an issue ...
Riccardo Perelli's user avatar
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Drizzle Installation: pauses at fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule [email protected]

I am following this tutorial Everything is working smoothly until I have to npm install drizzle. I then run into the ...
Denny Liang's user avatar
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Drizzle - accessing array items from a getter

In my contract I have a getter function that returns a full array of addresses: function getDeployedCampaigns() public view returns(address[] memory) { return deployedCampaigns; } Using drizzle ...
Arson's user avatar
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Contract [Contract's name] not found on network ID: 5777

I am using truffle with drizzle. In the contract folder I provide a file that includes two contracts A that is a factory contract and B that is created through one of A's functions After compiling ...
Arson's user avatar
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How to pass array parameter. Drizzle

Is there have a way to pass array parameter from the drizzle to my contract ? I want to pass an array of uint[] i have read a lot about getData() function and encodeABI but how to use it in Drizzle ?
Puwaned Yamwised's user avatar
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Error occurs when I attempt to run `npm install drizzle` (Truffle product)

I am having an issue using Drizzle. When I run the command npm install drizzle I get the following error: How can I fix this?
Julian Martinez's user avatar
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Account & Block Polling not happening properly for the DApp in Trust Wallet Browser

my DApp works fine in desktop/laptop using metamask which polls the accounts and blocks (1500ms and 3000ms respectively), as set in the drizzle options. But the same DApp when I open in trust wallet ...
Kombo's user avatar
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How to use cacheSend of drizzle library when the method needs two parameters

Should it be like the example below(2,2 as two different parametres) Ex: const stackId = drizzle.contracts.SimpleStorage.methods.set.cacheSend(2,2, {from: '0x3f...'})
Lundrim Azemi's user avatar
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how to inject web3 in drizzle based DApp from Trust Wallet web3 provider?

My DApp is using drizzle alongwith DrizzleContext provider which takes care of checking for web3 provider, and is successfully getting web3 provider from MetaMask. The same is not working for trust ...
Kombo's user avatar
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Adding additional info for initial state of Drizzle

How do I add extra content to the initial state of drizzle? I want to keep some local information that is not dependant on the blockchain. Should I keep a seperate redux store for that or is there a ...
Howie's user avatar
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Drizzle CacheCall always returns null

I have set up drizzle to be able to connect to my smart contract from my react-application. After some fiddling, I decided to make this function in my smart contract: /*** test ***/ uint numberFive = ...
Howie's user avatar
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How to integrate Drizzle with react

I have currently set up a truffle project with react, redux and react-router. I just finished writing my first implementation of the smart contract, and now want redux to connect with the smart ...
Howie's user avatar
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Specify an alternative node (IP:Port) for Drizzle, if there is no MetaMask or Web3-enabled browser

Drizzle will automatically use the injected Web3 object. But if there is now Web3 object, Drizzle will try to connect to ws://'. How to configure Drizzle to connect to for ...
Muhammad Altabba's user avatar
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How to initialize empty Drizzle instance and later provide contracts data

Following Drizzle documentation, Drizzle instance can only be created with: const drizzle = new Drizzle(options) Where the options is mandatory. And trying to not pass options will generate an error:...
Muhammad Altabba's user avatar
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drizzle.contracts is empty object after creating new instance of Drizzle

After creating a new istance of Dirzzle and passing the needed options: const drizzle = new Drizzle(options); The object drizzle.contracts is an empty object instead of being an array of the ...
Muhammad Altabba's user avatar
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Call `getPastEvents` with Drizzle raise error: "getPastEvents is not a function"

Calling getPastEvents with Drizzle will cause the exception: TypeError: this.drizzle.contracts.Contract.getPastEvents is not a function How to get all the past events in an array (in-one-shot) ...
Muhammad Altabba's user avatar
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drizzle not updating events properly - duplicate events

I'm facing a peculiar problem while rendering event values in a component using drizzle. When a new event is created and is updated in the events array of drizzle (drizzleState.contracts.MyContract....
Kombo's user avatar
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How to handle events using drizzle?

strange that after much searching, i havent found even one piece of info out there which clearly elaborates on how the events are manipulated in drizzle. From what i understand, the event names (and ...
Kombo's user avatar
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How to get the returned value of a smart contract function when it called by using cacheSend() in drizzle

I just tried to build a simple DApp using truffle, react and drizzle. My question is how to get the returned value of a smart contract function when it called by using cacheSend() in drizzle? As ...
Faisal's user avatar
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using <DrizzleContext.Consumer> re-renders the component infinitely

I'm trying to build a simple dapp using drizzle-react's 'DrizzleContext'. This is how my index.js file looks like: import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Drizzle, ...
Kombo's user avatar
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How to send context from DrizzleContext.Provider to a Class Component / Class Container

I'm using the new Context API supported 'drizzle-react' library in my dapp. Can anyone please clarify how to receive the context sent from DrizzleContext.Provider into a "class" component? Check out ...
Kombo's user avatar
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Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(c)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>

i'm trying to create a drizzle-react app which uses the new DrizzleContext component but running the following error in my 'localhost:3000': > Could not find "store" in either the context or ...
Kombo's user avatar
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dApp Tech Stack

So I'm looking into building a dApp with standard app I functionality like user login/posts/likes/comments etc. Along with harnessing the power of ethereum to support betting and donations. Here is ...
YoungKidWarrior's user avatar
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TruffleContract At() function with Drizzle

I am learning the Drizzle framework after I did a project using TruffleContract abstractions in Javascript (DApp). I have multiple instances of a contract and I am not able to access at the instances ...
0Alic's user avatar
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How to return array from struct using drizzle?

So I have been wondering how to return an array from a struct in drizzle, I can make multiple calls using web3, but it is kinda complex and would like a simpler approach. A simplified contract is ...
GrandFleet's user avatar
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How to update drizzle-box app to handle metamask no longer injecting web3?

I was reading about the latest and greatest metamask changes, and was wondering how I can update one of my dapps based off the truffle drizzle-box to be compatiable with the new metamask changes. For ...
GrandFleet's user avatar
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Starting Ethereum Development [duplicate]

Sorry for vague question but just looking to get some insight. I have just began developing a dapp for the ethereum network and I need some advice on what development frameworks/technologies to use. I ...
Chris Johnston's user avatar