Questions tagged [difficulty]

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25 votes
1 answer

What is the "difficulty bomb" and what is the goal of it?

The difficulty bomb is related to the switch to proof of stake. How does it work exactly and why is it going to help to switch to proof of stake?
mKoeppelmann's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

What is the exact "longest chain" rule implemented in the Ethereum "Homestead" protocol?

This paper from 2016 claims (in section 3.3.2, speaking about the actual Ethereum implementation as opposed to the specification) that: although uncle blocks that are included in a block receive a ...
Jeff Coleman's user avatar
  • 22.1k
16 votes
2 answers

How does the Ethereum Homestead difficulty adjustment algorithm work?

From From EIP 2, the Homestead difficulty adjustment algorithm is: block_diff = parent_diff + parent_diff // 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99) + int(2**...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
  • 40.3k
29 votes
4 answers

How do I decrease the difficulty on a private testnet?

I've created a private test network. On the genesis.json file, I've changed the difficulty to 1. Yet, mining a block still takes hours on my CPU. I suspect that is due to some configuration related to ...
MaiaVictor's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

How is the Mining Difficulty calculated on Ethereum?

Having read various pieces of documentation, it's still not completely clear to me what dictates the difficulty rise, and how Ethereum difficulty levels differ to Bitcoin. In the past week ...
Ben Vickers's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

When will the difficulty bomb make mining impossible?

I know the answer must be out there in the code already, but I couldn't figure out where exactly. Could someone do the maths for me: With block 200k the difficulty bomb started increasing the ...
q9f's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Why are there no leading zeroes in ethereum block hash?

The block hash has to be below certain difficulty, right? In bitcoin this means, that there are many leading zeroes in hash value, eg. for bitcoin block #402329 hash is ...
Matias's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why am I getting less than 5 Ether per block?

Was something changed recently? I've been getting less and less ether per block - is this tied to difficulty level? I thought difficulty would affect the rate of mining a block, not the number of ...
q9f's user avatar
  • 32.9k
17 votes
2 answers

How to make Ethereum mining difficulty static for a private chain?

I have implemented private chain in ethereum but its difficulty level increases by time as a result the mining process slows down. Is it possible to make the difficulty static or disable it in testnet....
Abhishek Ranjan's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What is Terminal Total Difficulty (TTD)?

I know there are difficulty and totalDifficulty like mentioned in geth's json-rpc API. difficulty: QUANTITY - integer of the difficulty for this block. totalDifficulty: QUANTITY - integer of the total ...
Ivan Aracki's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does the difficulty value represent in a Geth genesis block config?

If you want to start a private net with Geth, then you need to create a Genesis Block. You specify the attributes of this block through a config file. One of these configurations is 'difficulty'. An ...
Bastien's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What happens if the block time changes to 5 seconds?

Related to this and this. The difficulty adjustment algorithm is: block_diff = parent_diff + parent_diff // 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99) + int(...
galahad's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Ethereum's definition of difficulty and hash rate

I'm trying to make sense of geth's hashrate and Ethereum's difficulty setting. I'm running a private test net and set the difficulty to a fixed value (to big.NewInt(250)) as described by https://...
Pold's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ethereum Difficulty History? Percentages not a chart

Is there any website that shows the Ethereum difficulty with percentage increase instead of just a chart ? I'm looking for something similar to : in the ...
jpmi1's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Are there any drawbacks for making difficulty static on a private chain?

I have made difficulty static in my private block chain, so I can have static response time. Are there any drawbacks of doing this?
Ajay's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to calculate ethash in python?

I am trying to use ethash(hash(blockHeader),nonce) < TARGET to prove that the block was mined with at least a minimum difficulty. Is the formula above correct? When I try to use ehtereum.pow....
SimonSchuler's user avatar