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UUPS upgradeable contract call fails with delegatecall error when calling newly added functions

I created an upgradeable contract adhering to the UUPS standard following this guide here. I then added some new functions, deployed the upgrade using the upgrades plugin upgrades.prepareUpgrade() ...
Inn0vative1's user avatar
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strange revert on proxy pattern delegate call [closed]

I've worked with upgradeable contracts before using zeppelin's upgradeable contract pattern. However, I found out that if I try to fetch the implementation contract address through a contract call, I ...
casualprogrammer's user avatar
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Am I locked to one solc version for upgradeable smart contracts?

I want to use delegatecall to make my contracts upgradeable. Is it true that variable layout may break if I change the solc version and therefore I should use the same Solidity version for all future ...
porton's user avatar
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How do you pause a Proxy-Logic pattern?

Suppose we have a Proxy contract that forwards to call to a Logic contract by using delegatecall. If we pause the Proxy, users will still be able to directly interact with the Logic contract. While ...
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