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Most Ethereum Wallets are unable to properly estimate the gas for this transaction - is it a recurring bug?

These are two defi transactions that are doing a loan rollover on mainnet: borrowing money from Aave to pay off a loan and open a new loan. When i simulate them in tenderly it looks like they run out ...
admazzola's user avatar
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Tokenized margin positions

Is there a protocol in DeFi that tokenizes long & short positions? So you're able to buy a token that represents all variables from N position.
dNyrM's user avatar
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My createTokenPair function isnt working when I call it from my frontend please help

Hello, I`ve forked Uniswap V2 perfectly fine on the backend and now I want to connect it to my frontend. I have built a basic webpage and I am now doing the frontend. When calling the createPair ...
CheeseMcBurger's user avatar
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Classical bit-fiddling tricks that don't work in the EVM

Many classical bit-fiddling/bit-hacking tricks work very well on the EVM and allow one to save a significant amount of gas when programming in Yul/Solidity (for a reference to the classics, see Sean ...
Netanel's user avatar
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how is the EXP opcode priced? and when to use it?

In the EVM, the MUL opcode costs 5 gas and is used to perform multiplication. For example, the arithmetic behind computing 20 * 30 = 600 should cost 5 gas. The EXP opcode is used to perform ...
Netanel's user avatar
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How to create a timer to unlock the particular amount of tokens in a contract after a certain period of time?

I want to create a BuyMeACoffee contract where the tippers can withdraw the amount they tipped before 24hours of transactions, but I also want the owner to be able to access (or withdraw) these tokens ...
Megabyte's user avatar
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ERC20 -> ERC20 Swapping liquidity pool

I want to write a system that will exchange any ERC20 for any other ERC20 registered in the system using Uniswap I already wrote a contract for Ether swap in DAI and back with UniswapRouterV2 My ...
Aliaksandr Burak's user avatar