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Smart contract unpredictable gas for seemingly simple method

I'm having an issue where a method that seems straightforward is showing a huge amount of gas requirements. I tried to run it from the verified polygonscan UI and metamask tells me it can't estimate ...
mcw's user avatar
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I don't know why my contract have a problem. Gas estimation and Gas exceeds Problem [closed]

pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <=0.5.6; contract Indian { mapping (address => uint16) myGame; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } ...
InChl Song's user avatar
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Execution erorr: Invalid opcode on estimateGas | Possible unhandled promise rejection

pragma solidity ^0.5.0; I get invalid opcode error when trying to estimate gas needed for my transaction from react-native using the following line of code: const gasAmount = await contract.methods ...
user63058's user avatar
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Error in Ethereum Wallet:"Couldn't estimate gas, resorting to default parameters. Transaction is likely cheaper than the estimate"

I am using ethereum wallet for deploying contracts in my private blockchain. But whenever I try to send a transaction in my ethereum wallet it shows an error that says, "Couldn't estimate gas, ...
Monica Mohandas's user avatar
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Maximum gas consumption of calling a contract method

I want to evaluate the maximum gas consumption (minimum safe gas limit that will not fail) that calling a specific contract method would consume given that I have the contract source code / byte code. ...
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