Questions tagged [configuration]

Configuration is the process of specifying the settings used for a system or application

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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8 votes
1 answer

hardhat remappings option in configs

I know that solc can take remappings but I'm trying to force hardhat to take in my remappings.txt file each time it is compile. I've looked for a while and can't seem to find anything about that on ...
karma badger's user avatar
3 votes
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Pyethapp port forwarding and configuration help?

I'm trying to setup an ethereum node on my raspberry pi using pyethapp as the client. I was wondering if allowing port forwarded inbound connections would help to make my node more useful to the ...
Carlo Revelli's user avatar
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Generate consensus layer configuration for private post-merge Ethereum network

I want to deploy a private post-merge Ethereum network (i.e. a network that merges right from the genesis). For the execution layer, I created a genesis.json file with the appropriate parameters and I ...
Bastien Faivre's user avatar
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Programmatically configure hardhat network

I'm trying to programmatically configure the hardhat network (instead of specifying it in hardhat.config and using --network nname) before deploying a smart contract. So, something like this: import { ...
Shanzid Shaiham's user avatar
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What is the default cache value of Geth?

According to the help page of Geth, --cache value defines Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (default = 4096 mainnet full node, 128 light mode) (default: 1024) I don't quite get it, is ...
msa's user avatar
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Hardhat config not working

I have defined from gas price gas limit in the config file but it picking up the default one not what I have defined.
Shubham Singh's user avatar
1 vote
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How to check my geth current configuration?

I have a geth node. I wanted to chagne txpool.lifetime to "24h0m0s". So I made the configuration file using --txpool.lifetime="24h0m0s" That file has the configuation like below. [Eth.TxPool] ...
user59993's user avatar
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Config.yml configuration when creating a PoS private GETH blockchain

I'm creating a private blockchain from here: The config.yml have this content: CONFIG_NAME: interop PRESET_BASE: interop # Genesis ...
Magno C's user avatar
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I want to install hardhat but after installing I want to run it by npx hardhat , its not running

PS C:\Users\HP-PC\OneDrive\Desktop\NFT demo> npx hardhat WARNING: You are using a version of Node.js that is not supported, and it may work incorrectly, or not work at all. See
ADITYA PANDEY's user avatar
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How can I get the IPFS key for using the Aragon OSx SDK?

I'm trying to set up the configParams for the SDK and don't know where to find the IPFS key. Do I need a different key depending on the network I'm in?
juliette_chevalier's user avatar
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ParserError: Source "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories

I'm trying to compile a "FundMe.sol" contract: the issue is that when I try to compile it I keep getting the following Compiler Error: Brownie v1.19.2 - Python development framework for ...
waterlilyjack's user avatar
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Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: * Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - Expected a value of t

I get this error when i try to run my script on the rinkeby network: Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - ...
michy David's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

error deploying with hardhat- config issue

I'm having error in my config file: Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: * Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - Expected a value of type string. * ...
OmerS's user avatar
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computer configuration for connecting eth 50 or more nodes

I'd like to rent a server to run eth client ,but I am not sure what the computer configuration should be?In my local pc ,I can only connect less than 10 nodes and failed in sync.If I want to connect ...
DaJin Wei's user avatar
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1 answer

Updating chainspec without resetting (a private Parity blockchain)

I'm running a private Parity blockchain, currently in test mode. There is always a possibility that we'll have to change some initial parameters when the blockchain is live. For example, we might want ...
ulu's user avatar
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Invalid type: sequence, expected a string for key 'rpc.cors'

Trying to run parity using the configuration file node.toml file $ parity --config /data/parity/node.toml Loading config file from /data/parity/node.toml You might have supplied invalid parameters in ...
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
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1 answer

.toml stream did not contain valid UTF-8

While trying to configure parity using the toml file (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language), I stumbled on this error - $ parity --config /data/parity/node.toml Loading config file from /data/parity/node....
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

EthereumJ connect to private node

I need to connect to private ethereum node with using ethereumj without ethereum.conf file. I need configure connect from code using Spring Framework.
Igor  Bukin's user avatar