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developing a contract that distributes tokens

I am developing a contract that distributes tokens and has already implemented the main functionality. The contract accepts tokens from the owner and distributes them by 1KK to each address from the ...
Lll Cilician's user avatar
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Compiler version incompatibility nightmare

I'm new to Solidity and Truffle. I'm trying to compile my Solidity code within Truffle to create an ERC-20 token. I have @truffle/hdwallet-provider and @openzeppelin/contracts as my dependencies. Now,...
Kevvv's user avatar
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Unable to run truffle compile

I want to run truffle compile on my AWS Ubuntu 18.4 server. I'm able to compile the same contracts on my local with no compilation errors but when I tried to run truffle compile on AWS ubuntu server ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Undeclared identifier when compiling with truffle compile

I have this contract and can't figure out where's the problem. Any ideas? (I'm a noob in solidity, just started a few days ago). HelloWorld.sol file: mapping (address => uint) balances; function ...
Paolo Guerra's user avatar