Questions tagged [build-from-source]

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1 answer

./hidapi/hidapi/hidapi.h: No such file or directory

I cloned go-ethereum, and used go mod vender. When make, it's failed! and the error info is: # vendor/ fatal error: ./hidapi/hidapi/...
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0 answers

Using Forge, how can I output the contract content in the output metadata?

I want to get the source code sent to the compiler when using forge build. The output files currently have only the urls and not the content: "sources": { "contracts/MyContract....
1 vote
1 answer

Error at build on Dockerfile image build in hardhat project

I have my hardhat project that builds and run fine using yarn. But when I try to execute "yarn build" from a Dockerfile during the image build process I have the following error: => ERROR ...
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1 answer

I accidentally sent my KINDER (BNB token) to the KINDER token contract address. Can I get them back? (I believe I have the source code too)

I was trying to send some of my KINDER tokens to another wallet I own and somehow I sent it to the KINDER token contract address. I have since reached out to an admin in the KINDER telegram group. He ...
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1 answer

Is there a way to obfuscate an address in a source file?

Is there a way to obfuscate an address in a source file of a smart contract? And if so, how?
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2 answers

How to deploy truffle project on web server?

I've developed a DApp using truffle suite and now I want to deploy this dapp online so that everyone will be able to access it over the internet. I've used Rinkeby-Testnet for smart contract ...
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How to run a chainlink Node on Mac using chainlink source code

I had followed these setups Install Go 1.14, and add your GOPATH's bin directory to your PATH Example Path for macOS export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH & export GOPATH=/Users/$USER/go Install NodeJS ...
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1 answer

In the case the Zerofunctionselector bug, how to know which function NAME has a 0 selector?

Normally, If a smart contract is not affected by the Zerofunctionselector bug, then at the end of the code which makes jump to the target function lies a 0xfe opcode (which result in the smart ...
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1 answer

Compiling cpp-ethereum (aleth) sources as a part of my cpp project

I want to use cpp-ethereum aleth smart contracts sources in my altcoin project. My sources can compile with cmake or autotools system. I tried two ways to compile cpp-ethereum with my sources: Using ...
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2 answers

How to make full smart contract token?

I want to make my smart contract, but I have some questions. for example my new coin name is : Ghost and it's based on Eth. how much ETH should I have in my wallet to create this smart contract? ...
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0 answers

Why am I getting the error "Expected pragma, import directive or contract/interface/library definition?

I have "pragma solidity ^0.5.9" at the start of the file yet I still get this error. Listing.sol:1:1: ParserError: Expected pragma, import directive or contract/interface/library definition. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solc: Build from source code failed. Error: ‘mod’ is not a member of ‘z3’

I tried to build solidity compiler (solc) from source code, which was cloned from Solidity Git Repository. I followed the instructions in Solidity Documentation, but I ran into an error when execute: ...
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1 answer

Unable to build parity from source on macOS

Just did a fresh clone from github and: cargo build --release --features final gives me a link error: = note: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_je_malloc_usable_size", ...
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0 answers

Deinstall geth builded from source completely together with the blockchain and every piece of data [duplicate]

I use Lubuntu 17.10. I have followed the steps in the tutorial to build geth from source. (here) I have abandoned the idea of mining ether with my crappy hardware. How can I deinstall the big fat ...
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1 answer

How to compile solidity release version

I've followed instruction to build solidity. But when it finished, i've got develop version: Version: 0.4.16-develop.2017.8.31+commit.d7661dd9.mod.Linux.g++ I've tried to run make with argument ...
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0 answers

Having trouble installing cpp-ethereum from homebrew

Been trying to install cpp-ethereum for development, but I keep running into issues with homebrew. Was hoping one of you had encountered something similar. ==> cmake -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE=-...
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1 answer

error building solidity compiler with `brew upgrade`. build from source?

This is the error message I got after recently running brew upgrade: The command which solc, still outputs: /usr/local/bin/solc Is this a problem? Maybe I should uninstall and reinstall my ...
1 vote
2 answers

specify and run *particular* version of geth (goethe) on my machine, with more than one source

At the moment I'm playing around with- or rather "conducting some experiments"- with JPM's quorum. On my machine I have multiple versions of geth (i.e. goethe) installed. I'm fairly confident that ...