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Is there "any" advantage in using "hexadecimals" for calculation instead of using 'big numbers"?

I would like to know if there is "any" advantage, like speed of execution for example by using "Hexadecimals" instead of "big numbers"? If so can you please tell the ...
Pro Girl's user avatar
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while converting number 0.001 to BN.js instance, error: Value must be an integer, hex string, BN or BigNumber instance

I want to transfer 0.001 token and I cannot use web3.utils.toWei(0.001) as the smart contract has 12 decimal instead of 18 decimal. How can I correct it ? var decimals = 12; var amount = web3....
Haren Sarma's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the logics behind Q64.96 number?

Checking the math behind uniswap v3 and I constantly seeing the term: Q64.96 in sqrtRatioX96 I am just wondering if this is a naming convention in smart contract world to describe the format of the ...
Ev3rlasting's user avatar