Questions tagged [architecture]

Questions about Ethereum's architecture. Check tags such as dapp-development, contract-design, and design-patterns if they may fit better.

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0 votes
1 answer

Comparison of NEAR and Celestia Data Aavailability Approaches? [closed]

Recently NEAR has come up with a Data Availiabity approach which they claim to be far more superior to a lot of existing techniques. Celestia DA leverages 2D Erasure Coding based Data Availability ...
4 votes
2 answers

What is the timestamp of a confirmed transaction based on?

Specifically, if we look at any transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, is the TimeStamp based on when the transaction is generated (like when you click generate transaction on MEW), or is it based on ...
0 votes
0 answers

NFT based webapp - Best architecture approach to render data to the front more agile

I am building a book marketplace where each different book launch a limited series of N copies. Therefore for each book I create an ERC-721 contract with a totalSupply = N. In each ERC-721 contract I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Retrieving address of contract owner and making call to all smart contract methods

guys need some help related to enforcing security more on the lines of authentication in my smart contract. So I have a smart contract that has an owner as the deployers address. This owner will be ...
0 votes
0 answers

Maximum amount of state vars, smart contract storage limit and scalable architecture in Solidity

While architecting a smart contract system, which is expected to grow to a large size and be highly scalable, the question arose to use a central module with storage and functionality set in one place ...
1 vote
0 answers

Secure Wallet Architecture Ideas

I have been tasked with developing a wallet that can store Cryptocurrency and NFTs. I understand that cryptos and nfts are not actually stored in the wallet, but the private keys that are used to ...
14 votes
2 answers

Why are contracts limited to only the previous 256 block hashes?

Why are contracts limited to only the previous 256 block hashes using the BLOCKHASH opcode (and corresponding functions in Solidity and Serpent)? Why does another contract, such as this, need to be ...
1 vote
1 answer

Contract code size exceeds 24576 bytes even after splitting in multiple contracts and importing them, How to fix this error? [duplicate]

I had a single contract that was exceeding the 24576 bytes, so after some reading on how to fight contract size, etc I have divided the contract into multiple contracts to import. Here below is the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Architectural issues of using smart contracts [closed]

As part of my master's thesis MVP, I am developing a project on the implementation of an accounting system for electronic document management using smart contracts. Now there is a question of ...
29 votes
2 answers

What is the merit of creating new smart contract languages like Solidity instead of using other languages?

What is the pros and cons of creating new languages like Solidity for smart contracts instead of using other computer languages like Golang or Python?
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a "Desktop Dapp"?

The most of "decentralized applications" are a "web" application as follows : Front End (usually JavaScript) => Smart Contract (usually Solidity) => Blockchain (usually Ethereum) Is this the ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is the difference between NFTs and a smart contract?

I am exploring a new domain and wanted to understand the difference between ERC721, ERC20, and a smart contract? ERC721 is "a standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens," but ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is a good design for making an NFT marketplace ecosystem or architecture?

My question is short: How an Ethereum smart contract, my backend and clients should be connected to each other to do something in a net? For example, what things should be authoritative by a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Smart Contract Architecture for Wide Ecosystem

I am building my first complex project involving a wide variety of applications. This ecosystem involves multiple contracts, from minting various NFT collections, to a fungible token, community ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can a smart contract be triggered from an API get request?

I am working on a basic dApp architecture and I need one of the smart contracts to be triggered by the user which will pass a consumer API key (private and needs to stay private) to an Oracle that ...
58 votes
3 answers

What are the pros and cons of Ethereum balances vs. UTXOs?

Ethereum has a simpler model by not having UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) like Bitcoin. What does Ethereum "give up" by not having UTXOs, and what does it gain?
0 votes
1 answer

Is the bytecode that was generated by the compiler will be interepreted by EVM into a machine code?

I am relatively new to Ethereum. After the compiler generate the bytecode, the EVM will interpret this code and convert it to machine code that will run on my CPU or it will transfer this machine code ...
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Architecture of Dapp

I was building a semi Dapp, don't have the balls to call it a Dapp. Basically it's a market place that connects service providers with service seekers. It will have a smart contract that handles ...
2 votes
2 answers

How many iterations can I make per a loop inside Solidity's view (or pure) function?

Lets say that I have a view function that has a loop and that I must use this loop. This loop is calling another view function to verify some data per index key. The view function is free to execute ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why setting balanceOf instead of just using public variable in ERC20 tokens?

Good day, ERC20 specify the following 2 functions as its most important ones: function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance){} function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) ...
52 votes
2 answers

What is nonce in Ethereum? How does it prevent double spending?

recently I got fascinated by blockchain, and started learning Ethereum. I came across the concept of the nonce in Ethereum. After researching I found out that nonce is used for two purposes. a. To ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the tech stack behind the Prysm client?

What are Prysm's major components? What databases did Prysm consider and decide on? Are there elements in Prysm's architecture that are particularly differentiated from the other beacon chain ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is an SSZ partial?

What is an SSZ partial? What are its benefits and are there any existing similar concepts that would help in understanding it? Some references:
2 votes
1 answer

What is the tech stack behind the Lighthouse client?

What are Lighthouse's major components? What databases did it consider and decide on? Are there elements in its architecture that are particularly differentiated from how other beacon chain clients ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the tech stack behind the Teku client?

What are Teku's major components? What databases did it consider and decide on? Are there architectural elements and market goals that are particularly differentiated from how other beacon chain ...
0 votes
1 answer

Smart contract architecture [closed]

I want to write the smart contract architecture for a new smart contract on Ethereum ERC20, how can I do that, and what does it mean smart contract architecture.
5 votes
1 answer

How State variable are stored and updated?

The Smart contract and the state variables are stored in the blockchain, let us say during deployment of a smart contract the state variable and smart contracts are stored in the block 1, and in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Data availability in Ethereum/Hyperledger-fabric (Blockchain)

I have a use-case like there is an admin who creates application and invites several user to use that application. Now, i need to audit trail over the activities done by the user. Users no need to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Flow of Transactions and following State Changes (in respect to the blockchain)

Something rather basic I am not getting - Say I lay a transaction aimed to change the state of a smart contract, which in turn will interact with other contracts etc. until it reaches a halt. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Transaction, block and mining

I'm looking for a detailed explanation (video would be the best) how and when transaction is being mined on Ethereum network (in theory), since the moment it's created with web3.eth.sendTransaction(). ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to update react component state with Drizzle

I'm using react and drizzle and want to update the classes state based on data returned from a call to a contract. I'm using the standard pattern from the drizzle box and here (
8 votes
6 answers

What would happen if EVM didn't exist in Ethereum?

It's not clear to me the importance of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and why it is used. So it is natural to ask what would happen if EVM didn't exist? or Ethereum didn't use it.
1 vote
0 answers

Deploy many instances of configured base contracts or track multiple agreements on one contract?

I am playing around with solidity, truffle, and node and i was wondering if I am trying to make a game that allows players to browse a list of games and join the ones they want. Would it be best to ...
3 votes
3 answers

EVM - How is it connected to the Blockchain? [duplicate]

I have a few problems understanding the software architecture of the Blockchain. For me Blockchain is the database where all transactions, receipts, balances, etc are stored. But how is the connection ...
5 votes
1 answer

Modify Struct on Upgradeable Smart Contracts

I have reviewed some techniques around Upgradeable smart contracts from starting point(Elena Dimitrova's Eternal Storage) to zeppelinOS's Unstructured Storage pattern. As I understood from posts that ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do the ethereum components work together

hy i have been reading about the ethereum project and its components, i understand that there are 3 major components (EVM, swarm, whisper) Swarm is a peer to peer data sharing network in which files ...
1 vote
0 answers

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance - Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack (EEAS)

I read through the just released EEA Stack and Specification accessible at It is a great first step in the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Wouldn't a 64bit-based EVM be more efficient on the Ethereum Ecosystem?

As the Ethereum Rationale design says: 32 byte word size - the alternative is 4 or 8 byte words, as in most other architectures, or unlimited, as in Bitcoin. 4 or 8 byte words are too restrictive ...
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Push Transfer of minted tokens

How can I create a single function which on its own, will reward an address with minted tokens if a certain time condition is met? Every time I try, I can only get it to work if I create two functions ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why did Ethereum design Ethash instead of using an existing memory-hard hash function?

Ethereum uses the Ethash hash function for proof-of-work. It was designed specifically for this purpose by Vitalik based on previous work by Thaddeus Dryja. The main rule they teach you in a crypto ...
2 votes
1 answer

Duplicating data on server and contract

If I'm building a dapp, is it worthwhile to store information that is in the contract on a server for speed purposes, and only using the contract to track ownership of tokens. I.e. for something ...
2 votes
3 answers

Doesn't having a centralised front end pose a huge security risk to an Ethereum app?

My understanding is that the typical architecture for an Ethereum app is to have a smart contract acting as a backend to a centralized, stateless front end which runs on a single server. Doesn't this ...
1 vote
2 answers

Are Speed Bumps safe to delay contract action?

In the Ethereum Wiki it is stated that you can delay a smart contract's action in this defined way : struct RequestedWithdrawal { uint amount; uint time; } mapping (address => uint) private ...
5 votes
1 answer

codeHash variable value

It is stated in the Ethereum yellow paper: codeHash: The hash of the EVM code of this account—this is the code that gets executed should this address receive a message call; it is immutable ...
2 votes
0 answers

Limitation on amount of data that can be sent on Geth

We are creating a small private network with the purpose of sharing data. We thought that the main concern about writing large amounts of data in Ethereum would be the gas cost, which is not a problem ...
4 votes
3 answers

SafeMath safe add function assertions against overflows

Looking at the following safeAdd function, which is common in many smart contracts out there, it seems that only a and c are compared. But can't it be that b will be the uint that will cause an ...
5 votes
2 answers

State of knowledge / research directions academic paper

The SoK paper by Bonneau et al provides a good overview of the state of knowledge (as of 2015) and research directions for Bitcoin. Is there anything similar for Ethereum?
1 vote
0 answers

What (distributed) mechanism for broadcasting transactions and messages does Ethereum's P2P implement? [duplicate]

What (distributed) mechanism for broadcasting transactions and messages does Ethereum's P2P implement? I know that each node on the Ethereum network is only connected to a (small) subset of the other ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a layered architecture diagram for Ethereum?

I wonder if there is a layered architecture diagram for Ethereum that shows from the lowest level to the highest level like the one of Java ( It could ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why other blockchain would be better for monetary purposes than Ethereum? [closed]

I have seen a comment multiple times that other blockchains would be better for storing value in monetary purposes than Ethereum. Why is that said? UTXO? Volatility? The comment has been brought up ...