Linked Questions

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I initiated a swap on blockchain, but intead of going to receive adress it created a contract without abi or functions in it [duplicate]

I initiated a swap on bsc blockchain, but instead of funds going to receive adress it created a contract without abi or functions in it. Is it possible to receive the funds back? I own the created ...
Jeepeedk's user avatar
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Made a erc-20 usdt transaction to myself by mistake [duplicate]

So i made this transfer, it was confirmed, but etherscan somehow shows that's it is "out" but never "in", and my balance is down for the sent amount. Anything i can do?
7588's user avatar
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Missing transaction [duplicate]

MISSING TRANSACTION I have no idea what went wrong here but I had tried to send two tokens to my coinbase wallet from my crypto. Com defi wallet . And it never arrived . I also messed up and sent a ...
FrozenFury's user avatar
56 votes
3 answers

How to reduce the chances of your Ethereum wallet getting hacked?

Summary The hack that occurred on May 12 2016 to steal 7,218 ethers from Patrick only affects miners where: Incoming RPC connections from the Internet on TCP port 8545 are forwarded to the machine ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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18 votes
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Are pending transactions "dropped" and "reinstated"?

I tried a simple transfer of ether between two accounts using geth, but set quite a low gas price (2 gwei). After two hours the transaction was still showing in geth under eth.pendingTransactions - I ...
nick101's user avatar
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7 votes
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Transaction nonce management

Since transactions require a nonce that is one more than the previously mined transaction for a given address, what happens if someone sent a transaction with a low gas price that was refused by ...
bozzle's user avatar
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Can I "cancel" a token transfer transaction by sending ether?

The OMG transaction is listed here on etherscan. I initiated it around 7:30 AM this morning, even though the timestamp on that page always seems to restart everytime I refresh the page. I found a ...
halexh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is it possible to refund or cancel a contract based wallet transaction?

Is it possible to refund/cancel transactions? I have sent Ether to a merchant and the funds are away from my wallet, but the merchant said I used a wrong wallet... (I sent from my contract wallet ...
Jonas's user avatar
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3 votes
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Doubts regarding transactions broadcasting and concept of tx pool

This is going to be a long and some questions may sound dumb. But let's go ahead with this. As per my understanding, once we send a transaction to blockchain, it goes to transaction pool with other ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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Sent ETH from Lykke with smart contract to Account still not credited? What to do? [closed]

Is my ETH lost if the receiving exchange company does not recognize smart contracts? is there a way to reverse transaction or recover the ETH sent?
eddy's user avatar
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2 answers

Cancel a transaction that has not been pushed via Mist

I submitted a transaction via Mist with the fee slider at the leftmost position. Nothing happened for a day now, so I suspect that the displayed gas price has been to small, although Mist told me that ...
seyfe's user avatar
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Recover Ethereum holding sent to wrong address due to entry error

I attempted to transfer my Etererum holdings from Bitcoin to an address and entered a wrong digit in the address. Coinbase shows transaction complete. How can I recover?
Sam Wildman's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

In ethereum, what happen if someone controls a large majority of mining power?

If someone manages more than 50% of the mining power, this situation necessarily compromises the integrity of the past blocks and newly generating blocks?
maoooricio's user avatar
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Sent to PRIVATE address in etherwallet instead of ACCOUNT address [closed]

I have sent ether to my PRIVATE ADDRESS instead of ACCOUNT ADDRESS in myetherwallet - What do I do? Please HELP!!!
Freedom's user avatar
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Speeding up transaction failed, and I may have locked my account up

I completed a sale on OpenSea and initially set the gas fee too low. I attempted to speed up the Atomic Match transaction, however I received a 'Transaction Failed' message and now am unable to speed ...
J M's user avatar
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