Linked Questions

18 votes
1 answer

What is state-trie pruning and how does it work?

Several sources mention the idea of state-trie pruning. What is that, and is it currently being implemented on the network? Is this a manual process or can it be done automatically? If Ethereum is ...
high110's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What is the actual blockchain size? [duplicate]

I am trying to find the actual size of the etherum blockchain. I just found older posts that says it is around 21GB. What are the Ethereum disk space needs?
honsa's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What is the utilisation level on the Ethereum blockchain? [duplicate]

How many transactions are currently executed on the Ethereum blockchain and how does this compare to other blockchains?
zanzu's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How big will the Ethereum state grow?

Yesterday Dec 6th 2017 the number of Ethereum accounts grew to 13.4 million. The size of the chaindata of a pruned Ethereum node is now, depending on the mode, somewhere between 25 and 40 GB? As more ...
Kari Ilkkala's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the size of the blockchain in 2017? [duplicate]

I have been running the geth with the --fast option to get the blockchain. So far my computer has been running for nearly two days only this program. The current size of my chaindata folder is 30 GB, ...
William Ross's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the composition of the blockchain database?

From axic's explanation of the structure of the ethereum database, we learned that data is stored in Merkle Patricia tries, usually inside a LevelDB store. It consists of structures such as blocks, ...
MrChico's user avatar
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8 votes
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Blockchain size projections [duplicate]

What are the growth projections for the size of the Ethereum blockchain? Is it too early to start talking about the need for side chains? Will economics naturally pressure DAPPS to either choose the ...
Mary Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Current Disk Space requirements for a pruned parity node? [duplicate]

I want to keep the disk usage to under 30GB, is it possible with --pruned fast ? Or any other config. If its not possible, what is the smallest disk requirements as of recently
Bill's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Ethereum Blockchain Size

I synchnorized Ethereum blockchain in my AWS Ubuntu 16.04 server with 110GB Hard Disk. The command I used is geth --syncmode=fast --cache=1024 According to bitinfocharts, the total size of Ethereum ...
JayB Kim's user avatar
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4 votes
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ethereum ledger size

I don't understand quit well what are the requirements on the disk volume to run a full node of ethereum and what is its expected growth. e.g. for now I have the following volume distribution across ...
Max Li's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Geth takes more than 26 Gb in --fast mode!

I run geth with the arguments below: geth --fast --cache=1024 --datadir ./.ethereum Now the datadir (.ethereum) takes more than 26Gb and the syncing process is continue. Is it OK? Because it looks ...
Valera Dubrava's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How big is the Ethereum blockchain now (May 2016)? And what is it expected to be in the future? [duplicate]

How big is the Ethereum blockchain now (May 2016)? And what size is it expected to be in the future? a) Now b) One month from now c) Two months from now d) One year from now
Vesa's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the size of the Ethereum blockchain for full and light nodes? [duplicate]

What is the size of the Ethereum blockchain for full and light nodes? What is the size of the Ethereum blockchain, and where can I look it up? Furthermore, does the size depend on the particular ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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3 votes
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Block Chain Size? [duplicate]

I was wondering what the block chain size is on everyone's system. I have fully synchronized and find that the chain data folder continues to slowly increase in size, as is to be expected. However,...
John H's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ethereum blockchain size as of March 2017 (geth --fast and others) [duplicate]

What is the size of the Ethereum blockchain as of March 2017? I am just starting with geth --fast -cache=1024, but I would also be interested in other clients or other downloading methods. I know ...
mhham's user avatar
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