Can someone help me with a nested struct, I am unable to map the nested struct. I need to get into a struct some user details like name, gender, etc., and the user's home address as well, I tried the following but did not get anywhere:

struct Pdetails {
    string fName;
    string lName
    int256 age;
        enum gender;
struct Addr{
    string line 1;
    string line 2;
    string city;
    string state;
    int256 pincode;

function createUser(address _userAddress, uint256 _userId, string _fName, string _lName, int256 _age, enum _gender, string _line1, string _line2, string _city, string _state, int256 _pincode  ) public {
    User storage user = users[_userAddress];
    //Store the user
    users[_userAddress] = User(
        id: _userId,
        first_name: _fName,
        last_name: _lName,
        age: _age,
        gender : _gender,
        Addr line1: _line1,
        Addr line2: _line2,
        city: _city,
        state: _state,
        pincode: _pincode
        set: true
i tried to map these but i dont think this is the right way to do it

2 Answers 2


You can combine both of the structs into a new struct to store the information of the user. for example:

pragma solidity 0.8.2;

contract PersonalInfo{
    enum gender {MALE, FEMALE}
    struct Pdetails {
        string fName;
        string lName;
        int256 age;
        gender Gender;
    struct Addr{
        string line;
        string city;
        string state;
        int256 pincode;
    struct UserInfo{
        Addr addr;
        Pdetails pdetails;
  • can u help me map these as well? i am trying to get user info of above parameters, i posted my code in answer Commented Apr 18, 2021 at 0:57
  1. As it was mentioned in the first answer, It is easier if you combine your structs into one:
enum Gender{MALE, FEMALE}
    // Returns uint
    // MALE  - 0
    // FEMALE - 1
    struct Pdetails {
        string fName;
        string lName;
        int256 age;
        Gender gender;
    struct Addr{
        string line;
        string city;
        string state;
        int256 pincode;
    struct UserInfo{              
        Pdetails pdetails;
        Addr addr;
  1. Now regarding the mapping, you will have to have an elementary type (int, string, etc...) to be used as key, the value however can have any type:
mapping(key => value) mapName

In this case, I added another global variable called id, and by doing so, you can look for a person by his/her id. Your new combined struct will be this:

struct UserInfo{              
        Pdetails pdetails;
        Addr addr;
        uint id;

Your map will be this:

mapping(uint => UserInfo) idToUserInfo

Now sum it all up:

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

contract Struct {

    enum Gender{MALE, FEMALE}
    // Returns uint
    // MALE  - 0
    // FEMALE - 1
    struct Pdetails {
        string fName;
        string lName;
        int256 age;
        Gender gender;
    struct Addr{
        string line;
        string city;
        string state;
        int256 pincode;
    struct UserInfo{              
        Pdetails pdetails;
        Addr addr;
        uint id;

    mapping(uint => UserInfo) idToUserInfo;

    function get(uint _id) public view returns (UserInfo memory) {
        return idToUserInfo[_id];

    function set(Pdetails memory _pDetails, Addr memory _addr, uint _id) public {
        idToUserInfo[_id] = UserInfo(_pDetails, _addr, _id);


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