Here I have a smart contract with one method batch that accepts array of users to push into users state variable.

contract UserFactory {
  struct User {
    string name;
    uint age;

  User[] users;

  function batch(User[] _users) public {
    // logic to add _users to users array

Here on the JavaScript side I'm using web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter to create bytes type for some design purpose. But the problem is I have no idea how to encode User[] with encodeParameter. There is a solution to create a type like tuple(string,uint256)[] and pass [['John', 26], ['Doe', 99]] but again for design purpose I have to use the {name: "John", age: 26} so my alternative solution wont help.

// Trying to somehow create with array of users like [{name: "John", age: 26}, {name: "Doe", age: 99}]
const payload = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter(
    User: {
      name: "string",
      age: "uint256",
    name: "John",
    age: 26,

// This one working fine
const alternativePayload = const payload = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter(
  [['John', 26], ['Doe', 99]]
  • encodeParameter is a low level function it doesn't seem to be user friendly. I'd suggest to write a wrapper function accept an input like the description and create the tuple parameter for encodeParameter.
    – Ismael
    Apr 18, 2021 at 15:53


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