User storage user = users[msg.sender];

I have a "User" struct:

    struct User {
    Deposit[] deposits;
    uint256 checkpoint;
    address referrer;
    uint256[3] levels;
    uint256 bonus;
    uint256 totalBonus;

And a "users" mapping:

    mapping (address => User) internal users;

The function the original line only asks for:

function intense(address referrer, uint8 plan) public payable {

So I understand what a mapping is and what the Struct is (I'm a beginner) I'm just very confused about the first line: If I understand well, "users[msg.sender]" refers to the item in the "users" mapping with the key value "msg.sender". However, I don't remember creating this. If I am creating this, I don't understand how I created it when the "users" mapping only includes the "User" struct and I haven't given all the information the user struct needs. Plus, I don't know what the new "user" is.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Edit: Can't seem to add the function in "code" in comments, so here it is:

    function invest(address referrer, uint8 plan) public payable {
    require(msg.value >= INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT);
    require(plan < 6, "Invalid plan");

    uint256 fee = msg.value.mul(PROJECT_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER);
    emit FeePayed(msg.sender, fee);

    User storage user = users[msg.sender];

    if (user.referrer == address(0)) {
        if (users[referrer].deposits.length > 0 && referrer != msg.sender) {
            user.referrer = referrer;
  • Can you share the complete function?
    – mzaidi
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 16:25
  • Here's the function's beginning, I don't think the rest is necessary: ``` function invest(address referrer, uint8 plan) public payable { require(msg.value >= INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT); require(plan < 6, "Invalid plan"); uint256 fee = msg.value.mul(PROJECT_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); commissionWallet.transfer(fee); emit FeePayed(msg.sender, fee); User storage user = users[msg.sender]; ``` if (user.referrer == address(0)) { if (users[referrer].deposits.length > 0 && referrer != msg.sender) { user.referrer = referrer; }
    – kron0s
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 16:49

1 Answer 1

User storage user = users[msg.sender];

This line check the mapping users and gets the User object corresponding to the address msg.sender. It then assigns this User object to a variable named user. It does not create a new object, it simply fetch an already existing User object and assign it to a variable.

As you mentioned, it implies that a User object was previously created and assigned to msg.sender address in the users mapping.

  • Well, the problem is, the code never creates a User object before. The Struct exists but no User has been pushed and no function to create one has been used. That's my problem here: I don't think there's anything in the users mapping at the [msg.sender] key value. Edit:
    – kron0s
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 18:21
  • Well then you have to create User objects and assign them in the users mapping!
    – Undead8
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 22:42
  • No Undead8 I don't have to. The code works without needing to have anything already assigned to the users mapping so you'd be wrong here.
    – kron0s
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 9:56
  • User objects must be created somewhere in your code or the struct would return null. If not, then we are in presence of a self-aware machine that may soon take-over the world.
    – Undead8
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 12:47
  • I just want to clarify that yes the mapping may return something, but it will be null and will have no use at all. If you want it to return a User, you have to create that User beforehand.
    – Undead8
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 12:53

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