I'm an beginner in solidity, and with a teamate we have a project for an NFT contract.
I have a contract with 5000 NFT limite (cards, and 20 specific card form a familily, each family and cards are unique). All this NFT card are unique by their number of index.
The goal of the game its to assemble a familily of card (example : card number 1 to 25 form the famili RED) for win a prize.
So, in the start of the game, we need to distrib this card randomly. In my function "claimCard", a "random number" is calculate, and the number's index of the cards is attribute to the owner address.
I Have :
function claimCard(uint _cardIndex) public payable returns(uint){
_cardIndex = 5000;
cardIndexToAddress[uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, msg.sender, randNonce))) % _cardIndex] = msg.sender;
return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, msg.sender, randNonce))) % _cardIndex;
Problem : in case with the "random number" is a card that already owned, how can I manage my function for re start and find a new random number for a card not already owned ?
I can take a loop (if address card is != 0x0, loop) but this solution can cost a big amount of gas 50% of card claim => 2loop 33% of card claim => 3loop 10% of card claim => 10loop 4% of card claim => 25loop 1% of card claim => 100loop
I can create an array with 5000 index, like arrayCard(1, 2, 3... 5000) and with a random number modulo lengh.array, take the number and remove the element in the array, so the array become with 5000 element - 1... But the cost of an array of 5000 element its too expensive...
Have u got some issue for me ? :) Thanx you and have a nice day !